You can have one of these sides. Just one

You can have one of these sides. Just one.

The entree is roast chicken.

>no mashed potatoes

since it's chicken the mac and cheese.

Wedges or beans, depending if I've eaten enough vegetables recently.

>eating vegetables
do europeans really do this?

Gotta go with the wedges, salt those bitches up and dip them in ketchup


If it was fried chicken maybe the Mac and cheese.

>not salting your ketchup


>dump more salt on them after they were already salted by the cook, then dunk them in salty tomato paste

This is why you Americans are so unhealthy.

Mac and cheese looks pretty good. Not dry and crumbly but looks like it has a good cheese sauce to pasta ratio. I'm going mac and cheese, baby.

>salty tomato paste
Nope, it's not very salty at all. It is loaded with sugar though.

Why do places serve green beans? They aren't nearly as nutritious as other greens or other beans, and their taste is unremarkable. I eat tons of fruits and veggies every day but I haven't had a green bean in like 5 years.

Green beans are good with some salt though

Those all look pretty sad, but the potato wedges look least sad.

>A serving of ketchup can have up to 10% daily recommended sodium
Yes it is. You are right about the sugar.

And how much salt is that? Half a gram?
You people need to stop worrying so much about sodium. It's only bad for you if you have a preexisting condition. Healthy young people just get thirsty and piss it out later.

They're cheap filler.

Definitely green beans and potatoes

>And how much salt is that? Half a gram?
I doubt it's anywhere near that much. It doesn't taste salty in the slightest.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to defend the diet of most Americans, but complaining about salt in ketchup is pretty far off the mark.

>>You people need to stop worrying so much about sodium. It's only bad for you if you have a preexisting condition.


I'm not paying 5 dollars a pound for potatoes. The green beans look terrible. Why would you eat there?

>You can have one of these sides. Just one.
I don't want any of the above, those all look awful.
>>overcooked canned green beans
>>unseasoned potato wedges that probably lost their crispness an hour ago
>>soggy mac and cheese

gotta have them green beans

mac and cheese always goes nicely with roast chicken