Book covers that are better than the book


I haven't read 2666, but I know it's about murders and such. Can someone explain to me why the cover has all these satyrs and magicians?


Are these books bad? I was going to order both after seeing them memed so hard

You either didn't read it or didn't get it.

I thought 2666 was amazing.
I imagine it as referential to what our minds project onto complete and abject vacuousness or just the bizarre nature of the whole thing.

Also how sinister and horrifying and yet in some way artistic/explicit/intentional.


This book got so retarded near the end.

Great cover, but the book itself is even better

I loved Laurus. Unironically my favorite book


dont care for the cover but Laurus was GREAT

I'm not too sure, it might be because there is a part about a painter and his art. But there might be some deeper meaning, or it just looks fucking cool. And by the way the book is damn good, OP is either taking the piss or dumb.

I'm halfway through it and love it a lot, but nevertheless stopped for now because of some major life events, but I feel it's okay since the publishers almost printed it as a set of different books.

The next part is the overlong part about the murders. I can't wait, >:)


BolaƱo had written it over a long period of time and was trying to fisnish it before he died, he knw he had little time, and he intended it to be published in parts so it would make money over time for his family, so you can definitely tackle it in parts. Enjoy it.

it's not set in 2666
>lush medieval fantasy cover
it's not fantasy or sci-fi
>book cover
it's an audiobook

take it back you wannabe ruskie


Surely this lurid, technicolour cover communicates the unorthodox journey of a foreigner through Japan's cultural underbelly? A confounding world of ultraconservatism on the one hand and mindblowing, open weirdness on the other?

No, it's just about this dumb Belgian dude who can't take hints and goes to Japan with his Jap girlfriend. Congrats to the cover artist. Wouldn't have bought it if not for the cover. And the fact that it was the clearance sale of a store going out of business. Provides some entertaining cultural insights, but nothing a chantard didn't already know.

>uses the right title


You had me looking to buy that book with the first paragraph.

The Pale King
>Hur durr the IRS is boring

>Muh fragmented Cold War New York

The Bible
>Muh Crucifixion


These covers look tacky as fuck.

Were you, perhaps, expecting classic leatherbound tomes in this thread?

Oh you've read it, have you?

yeah it was pretty good but I ordered the short condensed version of it in a smugglers bible at the Kodak hotel apartment.


they did release a 3 volume edition.

>i couldn't get past the crimes, waaaaaahhhh
Fucking plebs all over my board

This is the original cover, with the original ending with time traveling and aliens, you must have not read it.

There's an abridged version? And you read it? You should probably get the whole thing and read that. I can't imagine which parts they'd cut out, it's all so interconnected.