How do you expect to become a good writer if you can't even leave your house, you recluse...

How do you expect to become a good writer if you can't even leave your house, you recluse? You're devoid of any life experiences that people can relate to or find interesting.

I leave my house everyday, what the hell are you talking about?

The fact that you think I want to be a writer tells me despite your constant attempts at the analysis of my psyche you still come up wrong.

Nice, you all are in the dark.

He's not talking to you, Jim. I think he's talking to Henry, but hasn't worked out Henry isn't coming out because he's dead. Let's see how it plays out though, because he might be talking to himself, if it's Richard.

i am the dark

>no one on Veeky Forums will ever guess your name
feels bad

Shut up, Miguel, we checked your immigration papers.

>wanting people to relate to your books
That's just asking for it to get popular and acquire fans. That's terrifying.

>they will never guess your name
Hint: YUH!

Read biographies and history books. Read & gather character axioms from writers like Chekhov or Irwin Shaw.

Try getting into genre fiction first, because there are many clutches you can use which will ensure that you can still float - but try to break out of the genre through aiming at greater characters, prose, and insightful narrative twists - building around the cliches and tropes. Use archetypes first.

Harvest confessions from people online, since we now have so much of them.

Stop lying, Miguel, or we're calling INS about your "philosophy" course.

tell that to this guy

u got me

the future is happening online

bro im not dead

>the future is happening
that's called "the present", dear heart

Dude, Henry, don't fuck up the insurance claim. You know Jim would rat your ass out even if it will cover six months' rent.

the present is just your brain dealing with input lag

What's so interesting about being among people. It's just never ending rat race. You have to have very tough skin to get by. Of course it's much easier somewhere closer to Imperial Circle (see: Soros's The Alchemy of Finance, Reading the Mind of the Market), not just being somewhere in the peripheries.

then it would be "the past", love muffin

my point exactly
the present doesn't "exist"
there is only past and future
the "present" is the given name for the separation of strata
double articulation
Dieu est un Homard

whatever you say, hunnybunch. i'm sure those nasty grammarians won't point out your tense use. :3

taxonomy and reality
the pores of your skin - vagina

The internet.

look at you, with your sixth grade spelling level. you prove them wrong, sweet cheeks.

Even if I went out a lot my writing still sucks dick Lol.

I've worked interesting jobs, been homeless, and travelled across the continent solo multiple times, as well as normal boring overseas travels.

I have no interest in writing, I just like to read.


then what use are you to us?

This is nonsense. There's no reason "life experience" makes a better writer. You can go everywhere and do everything and still write boring, uninteresting things. Whereas you have geniuses such as Leopardi and Dickinson who were recluses.

now hold on there pal, what about the people who just spend all day in their rooms? could they find a book chronicling just that interesting?

>He's been indoctrinated by the jew
Nobody wants to read the writing of a guy who was too socially awkward and insecure to leave his house. It ends up being uninspired and completely detached from reality. You can't really understand literature at all if you don't understand people. It's really not that hard to be a likable person and have friends. You should try it. People are generally a lot more friendly and welcoming than you give them credit for.

>Nobody wants to read the writing of a guy who was too socially awkward and insecure to leave his house.
Why do you think that? You're just using a silly and simplistic judgment, I've read numerous novels of people who don't leave their rooms, they're fascinating. Beckett among them. Its about the quality of the writing. Stories about people talking and shit are often very boring, I'd rather the internal psychology and the paranoia of isolation. You can understand yourself by staying indoors, and yourself is a person. Your opinion is banal and boring.

These days there are so many recluses that they will find stuff written by other recluses relatable and interesting

>who is Borges

>Your opinion is banal and boring
How ironic.
Also, you completely missed my point. There's a difference between choosing to not go out because you don't see the value in it and would rather pursue worthwhile ventures such as studying, and not going out because you're socially autistic and don't know how to communicate with or be around people. The authors you look up to that were "recluses," were not the kind of people that you seem to want to look up to. They all had a solid understanding of people and the world. But please, write the next grand masterpiece about a guy who understands nothing about the world and is so unnatural that even the lowest tier readers will become aware of the fact that it was written by an autist who never left the boiler in his basement.

>suggests a random anonymous guy is autistic and uninteresting, yet claims that knowing people is key to literature
You have a clearly inflated sense of self importance. There are many reclusive writers, which have been listed, such as Leopardi and Dickinson. This is just a reality you can accept or not accept. You are also putting tons of things into my mouth and thinking I'm someone I'm completely not. Your posts are banal and boring for sure.

Meant to write that you have no idea if the reclusive guy on Veeky Forums is socially autistic or holds no value in socializing, your assumptions are stupid. You're also assuming those great reclusive writers weren't socially anxious, they actually were. Leopardi for example was anxious about his looks. You think Dickinson wasn't socially autistic?

>he completely missed the point of my post yet again
How does he keep doing it?
Dickinson was part of an aristocratic family and was actually very social and outgoing for the first half of her life. She simply disliked being around people for too long. She also went mostly unpublished in her lifetime and would have starved to death if she did not have a rich family to provide for her, so that's not a very good example.

But please, be the 100th poster in our critique threads that think they have exceptionally interesting writing because they're a recluse. I'll let you know now that it's all insanely detached from reality and annoying to read. Being a reclusive aristocrat was interesting in the 19th century, but being an autistic recluse in the 21st century is not.

How about not going out as a tactic in a much grander strategy that you must achieve? What if going out is a liability at some points? What makes you think that, if someone were to go out, they'd seek out people? I can think of plenty of artists who would seek out nature instead. What if, due to extenuating circumstance, interacting with people would be entirely disingenuous and more likely to be annoying? What if you're making objectively the best decision by keeping your own company? You're not considering a lot of things here lad.

This whole thread failed with OP making an argument based on a strawman.


What if you stopped overthinking everything and just attempted to live life as well as possible? If you have to ask a thousand questions before you even attempt to experience something you'll never truly experience it.

You didn't address any of my points so its almost like you said nothing.

Man this image has never been more relevant for this board.

did he actually say that? did enlightenment french dudes sit around in salons doing shitpost tier convos? cuz that shit is all romanticized now, but that quote really makes u wonder what kind of shit was really going on

Nah, he didn't say that. People have changed very little though, so it still would have been accurate still back then.

Thats manga