I'm new to Veeky Forums, so what's the general opinion of this board on the man himself ?

I'm new to Veeky Forums, so what's the general opinion of this board on the man himself ?

kill him, then kill yourself


stop shilling yourself faggot, your channel is shit

But why?

love him.

Veeky Forums destroyed his life

I know he used to have this drink review with his father that is now private.
Do you know by any chance why did he do that, and what is this 'hurt' it has caused ?


all e-celebs are terrible human beings, but the people who actually enjoy e-celeb bullshit are even worse
eat shit

Its meh

helloooooo food reviewer

but he lurks /pol/ and other boards

Is there any way to get a copy of that video? I need it for science and things.

no. it's been completely scrubbed from the internet. like... impressively so. it no longer exists... ANYWHERE despite all the attention it once received.

There are some screenshots around but nothing more. It was just a drink review with is dad

>It was just a drink review with is dad
Did they jack off in it or something?

No idea. I haven't seen it myself.

/pol/ *

There's a guy obsessed with him that used to stalk the poor giu back in 2016.

mods need to stop banining me for reviewbrah posting
he IS food related you obese piece of shit

Reviewbrah is chill. He just sits in his little corner of the internet, content to do his thing, doesn't engage in any youtube drama, minds his own business. More youtube people should be like him.

He's a grade A lolcow. All this "don't bully reviewbrah" shit is just a meme. People are fucking with him by pretending to be his friends.

I feel sorry for him really cause /pol/ kinda fucked him.

>Own a youtube channel.
>Suddenly /pol/ claims you are Theirguy.
>No evidence exists to prove this.
>No evidence exists to disprove it, unfortunately. Memed into reasonable doubt existing.
>Reasonable doubt equals risk.
>Gets everything demonetized because advertisers can't tell if /pol/ is just fucking around. You never said a /pol/ thing ever but you look like a duck so the confirmation bias is you probably quack like one. End of story.

You guys wield a terrifying power, you know that? You can just use 'the Big Lie' to tar somebody as the alt-right and advertisers will screeeeeeee! and scurry away like the blood test from the Thing. They are so easy to spook and risk averse to anything being REMOTELY right of center this means they are easy to troll too.