I'm as poor as it gets, please give me cheap yet delicious food suggestions

I'm as poor as it gets, please give me cheap yet delicious food suggestions

Ramen with other seasoning aside from the flavor packs if you want to avoid sodium

The answer is basically the same every time, I don't know why people keep doing this.

Oatmeal. If you wanna keep it healthy. Add some raisins, they store well and add a nice sweetness.

Rummage restaurant dumpsters

A bullet

Potatoes and oil.

Ignore people who tell you ramen, it's a meme. Buy packages of the cheapest spaghetti you can find, in bulk if possible. HEB (in TX) sells their brand for a dollar. Each package makes 4 large servings. That's 25 cents per fucking huge plate of noodles.

24oz cans of tomato sauce are like 88 cents. A same-size jar of that shit from Bertolli is like $3, and all it has is a little bit of roasted garlic added.

Buy cheap ground beef, if you're buying beef at all. Fat isn't really bad for you, and the extra expense of buying lean is ridiculous.

Buy whole chickens and learn how to dress them yourself.

USE SPICES. Powdered garlic and powdered onion are cheap and go a long way to making something palatable. Same for coriander (use w/ lemon for amazing rice), fennel, cayenne, cumin, pure MSG, etc.

Buy dry pinto beans. A 3lb bag of beans costs about $3 where I am. Learn how to wash, sort, and bake them in the oven. Cube a cheap brick of salt pork for savoriness and beans will feed you for weeks, and they are a complete protein when combined with rice or corn.

Eggs. They are the perfect food. Scramble, over-hard, boiled, whatever. Add a dab of Crystal (~75 cents a bottle) and breakfast is poppin. Great source of protein too.

Bulk produce, especially carrots. It's the best food in the store and they need it sold and it's fucking cheap. I like cucumbers with lime juice and salt.

Make your own bread. 4 cups flour, 2 cups water, couple spoons of salt, a spoon of dry yeast. Roll that shit up, let it rest a couple hours. Unstick from glass bowl, roll again, rest another 2 hours. Preheat a dutch oven (or stock pot), place glass bowl inside the metal pot, in the oven. Bake at 350 for about 45-50 minutes. Let it cool completely under a rag before cutting. Way better and healthier than store bread.

Why do you fuckers come here and post the same exact garbage thread without even bothering to scroll down the first page? That is why you're poor, you fucking piece of human trash.

good post thanks for contributing, im glad you worked really hard to answer OP's question you ultimate fucking waste of telecommunications bandwidth just ignore him if you aren't going to be helpful you sperg you autist you human trash fire

>as poor as it gets
Yeah, no.

This is good advice but wtf is
>Crystal (~75 cents a bottle)

Mods can we PLEASE have a sticky for this shit?

Roadkill is cheap and easy to get if you live near a highway

Walmart online says it's like $1.50 but locally here in Texas it was half that. It's made just outside NOLA and is like an upscale Tabasco.

Oh, interesting. Never seen that here in the northeast.

It's pretty good. Would recommend a good Mexican hot sauce like Cholula or El Yucateco but OP said he's flat broke so sub-$1 it is.

>A bullet
Less than 50 cents and solves your nutritional problem for eternity. Definitely the most cost effective option.

I'll add delis.
My best friend worked at a kike deli back in the 90s. They made fresh bagels every day. Whatever they didn't sell went into the dumpster by 9 pm. I got all the free bagels I wanted.

4 bucks in Hawai'i



salt pork
pork shoulder
chicken legs

combine ingredients in various ways

I feel like someone ought to make a big image with recommendations for these threads, like the ones /k/ made for the "I nade a chape gern" threads.

I forgot lard. And sugar, if you're fancy like that.