Why do philosophers love to talk a lot...

Why do philosophers love to talk a lot, talk fancy and complex but say in the end the most obvious shit without no substance?

That's the 7th statement for you

I agree. I like philosophy, I read lots of philosophy. (I basically keep falling for the meme, yeah).

But every time I'm led to believe it's ridiculous how they say basic, obvious and extra simple things in such complex ways. Why don't they write poems and stories instead? After all, every philosopher likes art and literature. Why do they keep talking shit? I think it's a good question desu.

I don't know, user. Why do brainlets love to say that philosophy has no substance?

I know what you mean. Take a look at this shit.

>Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.

People quote this like it's the most profound thing ever, but it's not. If you can't speak about something, you're going to be silent anyway. This is something a child can figure out.

Not every philosopher, or book of philosophy, does that.

Besides, even when they do "talk fancy and complex", I think the ability to genuinely appreciate simplicity is the heart of a good deal of "fancy" philosophy. At times the only way to appreciate something right in front of you is by working towards it through a more complex path which reveals its universality, relationship to other concepts, etc.


>obscuring simple concepts under a layer of pretentiouness is good

>having no idea about Tractatus and taking sentences out of context.

You surely exposed yourself as a pseudo-plebbie extraordinaire, my m8y. You are truly 'clueless'-pilled. I take it you find School of Life a valuable source of info.


>I can't value the ideas by myself therefore I feel good over obscuring them so the boogeyman (the layman) can't understand them because that makes me feel superior to him, even while his work is more fundamental to society than my literary mental masturbations.

some people feel the need to use fancy language to appear sophisticated. the day i find a philosopher that gets to the point without beating around the bush and has something new to say will be a day i celebrate.

so basically mental porn for pseuds.

>What I said vs. What you read

>At times the only way to appreciate something right in front of you is by working towards it through a more complex path which reveals its universality
>the only way
>to appreciate
>is working towards
>a more complex path

aka: I'm afraid the layman will understand, that will make me just another layman, I need to obscure shit so I can get those snob creed points among my pseud reddit circlejerk.


definitely agreeing with that user. trying to wrap simple things into complex sentences can only mean two things:

>you need to think about it further since you're not yet able to break it down to the basics. it's an unfinished thought and not ready to be written down.

>you want to artificially make yourself sound obscure so that people have to think really hard about the actual content of what you just said, making it seem deeper than it is. similar to art that is nothing than what you look at but leaves people wonder about it's deeper meaning for decades.

What full length philosophical writings have you read?

I hate this horrible and stupid thread.

work out your insecurity complex and resentment out yourself, bud.

nice contribution. it really added to the discussion.

Do not hold the pretense, that there is an actual 'discussion' going on here. It's one butthurt guy shitposting about 'muh obscurantism' because he wants philosophy to be a neat little, easily digestible sugar pill, pushing his feelings of resentment without any actual content of merit or coherent argument.
And people with a bit of sense calling him out and having a laugh.

t. snob

Topkek, you are so fucking guarded. It's kind of cute.

i didn't say there was one, but your comment surely didn't help with etablishing one.

what's wrong with wanting things neat and easy? isn't the point to always find the clearest and most minimalistic way to reach the goal you aim for? what good is it to try to create long and obscure ways just for the sake of it? that energy could be spent wiser.

People will pay more for bigger books than smaller books.