Wow reading by candle light fucking sucks. How did people ever do this? Goddamn power outage

Wow reading by candle light fucking sucks. How did people ever do this? Goddamn power outage.

use two or three at once.
i went out and bought a shit load of those driveway solar lights from a dollar store, just a small led that charges during the day, works far better than a candle in a pinch.

you need multiple candles in high vantage points, and they need to have hardened over years to slowly burn while you ruin your eyes reading by candlelight.

I laugh in her face. That ho deserves that sentence. Not just for being a shitty GF, but for repeatedly telling her BF to do it, and then using it for sympathy from her friends. That's legit sociopathic behaviour. I cannot feel bad for her from any perspective.

>power outage
>has internet

>what is a mobile phone

>virtue signalling that you feel no sympathy for an actual psychopath predator

look out billy trail blazer on deck

I read by candle light once. It really sucks and I think harmful for eyes. The reasons were not many pages to finish and no other think to do without electricity.

Put something like a phone light or flashlight up against a jug/gallon of water. It amplifies the light source to the point that it should fill up the room enough to make reading bearable.

What shithole do you live in?

>Wow reading by candle light fucking sucks. How did people ever do this?

Brown eyed subhuman problem. If you had blue eyes you could read by candlelight easily. Not meming by the way: blue eyes have better low light vision.


Do you really think that up to 20 years in prison is an appropriate punishment for just texting words to someone else? Yes, what she did is fucking terrible. But it's still just words, and it's not even threat-words. In my mind telling somebody "I'm going to kick your ass" is worse than saying "You should kill yourself", and such threatening happens every day in every city in the US.

What about green eyes? Or like bluish grey?

What was the sentence?

why does that chick have ET fingers

2 weeks without access to facebook

Probably also good. Darker eyes = better for sun (note light eyed people always squint on summer days and need sunglasses) Lighter = better for low light.

you need to have candles made for actually giving off light, not the scented decorative crap that everyone has

Yes, talking someone into killing themselves is absolutely worse than making vague empty threats. Context and intent matter. If you don't agree then kill yourself or I'll kick your ass until you do.

Fucking fascists

When it's someone who is psychologically vulnerable being coerced into destructive acts by someone he's intimate with and trusts completely? Is convincing a toddler to drink bleach "just words"?

She took actions that directly led to someone's death. He wanted to back out and she got him to go through with it. If it weren't for her, he would still be alive.

the sentence will be light as shit

If it were my choice she'd get 20 and not a year less. But she won't -- because women are treated like naive children, even if what was done was premeditated, cruel, and lacking any semblance of humanity. Remember that Casey Anthony bitch that drowned her kid and didn't get shit? Replace either of these cunts with a guy and I guarantee he's getting the axe. Fuck the courts.

Telling someone to kill themselves: doesn't matter, unless its family

Earnestly telling someone to kill themselves, unironically and trying to be convincing as possible: this also happens and is acceptable as banter but again not between family, that is a totally different context.

Actually unironically convincing someone to kill themselves and they do it even though they could have lived: If the person was ill mentally, then yes, jail time.

Making someone's life impossible to normally live to try and get them to commit suicide: These people not only deserve jail time but also punitive damages to the highest extent of the law. This is the kind of thing that will get your soul sent to purgatory. If the person is strong enough to endure you, then you deserve their full wroth.

True, you didn't strike the killing blow, but you may as well have if they kill themselves because of your direct actions.

Why is she wearing a pyjama

>just words
>in a literature forum

cus she made her bed and now it's time to lie in it, har har