"I think "gamer girls" are the pinnacle of the downfall of western civilization...

"I think "gamer girls" are the pinnacle of the downfall of western civilization. The fact that they even exist is proof that society has declined. Women are worth nothing more than breeding and imitating what men can do, and that is why men must control them. We are the superior gender and you stupid fucking roasties need to accept that.

Face it females. You were DESIGNED for my cock. The thought that you stupid cocksocks actually believe that you have "emotions" or "empathy" makes me fucking laugh. You were made to have my CHILDREN. There is an opening in your body to accept my SPERM. That is all you are. Just a fucking womb inside a meat puppet.

Do women have any skill at video games? No. No they don't. There has never been a woman in the history of the world that has ever truly been better than a man at video games. It's why fighting games have to accept so many trannies into their rosters just so that they can say they have (((diversity))). Because women are so fucking weak they can't even have an actual woman be good at video games.

I haven't even read this thread yet, but I'm sure there are some disgusting lowlife 3DPD trash whores who can't wait to tell everyone about their vagina. "Muh vagina" this. "Muh vagina" that. If I see another post saying "As a woman" or "I'm a girl btw", I will flip my shit. None of you whores actually play real video games that require any challenge. All you do is play the Sims and masturbate over Zelda games. THERE ARE NO "GIRL GAMERS". Look at Twitch. Do any of those whores seem like they actually care about the game? NO. They're just doing it for the fucking MONEY. A girl's best friend is fucking MONEY and only that. She just wants to look good in front of a fucking camera. So keep your mucus infested roast beef vaginas away from /v/, you fucking whores. YOU ARE RUINING /v/."

Just saw this on /v/, what kind of ideology is this? Which philosopher's body of work would align with this mentality?

>Not only falling for bait but reposting it

A thread died for this spoonful of feces.

he's not wrong


If you play at video games for the only purpoise of winning and showing that youre better than everyone else, youre nothing else than an immature kid !

Besides, what is twitch ?

>Just saw this on /v/, what kind of ideology is this? Which philosopher's body of work would align with this mentality?
Schopenhauer with 100 lbs more to his frame, half the brain power and none of the insight

Kekistan doesn't even exist...

>be a girl btw
>actually enjoy Zelda and Nintendo, not as an affectation but sincerely
>expected to pretend not to because of stupid stereotypes

I know OP is bait but this actually is legitimately annoying

It should not be important that girls plays reals vg or not , the important thing is having fun (not with zestiria, for exemple)

It stupid to complains like this, there is indeed some women who play vg for showing their power level or something like that, but there is some who play vg just because they like them, be it zelda, ff or some fighting games.

What is your bra size, milady?

There are also men who play to show their power level or get friends and none of you think that is bad. Also, why do men think a girl doing something to meet men is inherently bad? It strikes me as a rather odd notion....Bluntly, humans like to fuck each other. We do many activities to find people to fuck. Little boys need to grow up.

I think that playing vg should be for your fun first, but playing games for putting someone in your bed, be it male or female is strange to me...

I don't know a single girl who plays video games alone.

It's really not, people do all sorts of social activities to find someone to fuck them

I would say Schopenhauer, but my weak memory of him says he also considered male vanity and craving to be a sign of weakness (correct me if I'm wrong), and oh boy does this post says a lot about the person writing it. I don't think any philosopher would fully align with that drivel, at least not in the same terms.

My wife does customized 3D Modelling for all kinds of 3D printing jobs, games, marketing, etc. and it's a heavily male-centered field. It so happens that she actually prefers when dealing with clients or colleagues online (which is most of the time), to be treated as and assumed as just another guy, and she doesn't mind phrases like "hey man", "can you do this a little taller bro?", etc. She uses a neutral picture for profiles and in spite of her name being there people simply go with the "guy-ish" terms. She says this is better because that means she is fully included in the scene and she doesn't care about putting her pussy on the table. Take that as you will, but I think that online there is no reason for anyone to have a gender, and we might as well call everyone else dudes out of historical motives.

What is sad is that once a girl say she's playing vg, she's automatically placed in the catégory like : girls only play to sims or pokemon, or even zelda, its annoying !

Because guys, especially thirsty vidya guys, get unbearable to be around when they're competing for the attention of a woman. It does warp the dynamic when a woman enters the mix and it's not an inherently sexist complaint (although it usually veers in that direction).

I do...

shit thred

but nobody that plays videogames should reproduce, regardless of gender

Since this is Veeky Forums I'll give you a serious response and say that gender actually is relevant to many conversations. It is absurd to think that women have access to an entire realm of truth that men do not and vice versa, but our experience of the world is meditated by gender and sex. That is also true of our interactions with others in both personal and professional life.

Stupid argument.

Shit like this makes me embarrassed to play video games.

Not an argument

reminder that nobody cares about your feeling and that
-men love to overestimate their performance in bed
-men love to be praised by any woman
-men love to underestimate the lust of women
-men love to underestimate the boredom of women
-there is nothing more boring to a woman than to be fucked over and over by only one man
-men love to think that women love men like women love children
-women are in heat all year long
-women see no reward for faithfulness
-women see the reward for sleeping around
-women see no reward for their virginity
-women do not desire to have only one provider for sex
-women do not desire to stay virgin
-women do not know how to stay virgin
-women do not desire to be prude
-women despise nonguly asexual men
-women fear of being asexual

-the only gift a man possesses by his sheer existence is to be left alone if he wants it, but ofc very few men want this since very few men kill their infatuation with their spook of ''society'' and women.

Don't be,it's some stupid arguments , play vg if you want to, not because some people don't understand them !

Is this MGTOWposting

So, why should people who play vg should not reproduce ? Please tell me

Oh don't get me wrong, I do realize gender matters. How would you even ignore that at face value? What I say is, it shouldn't matter *universally*, as in for every case (like during hobbies for example). Our world is shaped by sex when we face the other, but online? We only face ourselves and projections from a digital media, that might or might not even correspond to an "other", and I establish this distinction on the grounds that the OP quote refers to a largely digital only environment.