Were his actions justified, Veeky Forums?

Were his actions justified, Veeky Forums?

No he was just a jealous cuck


>tfw you fell for Milton's dumb fanfiction

Whether justified or not, his disobedience towards Allah and his obedience to his own rationality, was what doomed him.

hell ya

my boi Satan did nothing wrong
God is obv. the bad guy in the story

True, true. So I find you here complaining, Iblis.

This might be the most difficult question ever asked on this board.

Literally a god-tier protagonist whose plight has been unmatched in literature yet for 400+ years

Yes. God knew everything that was gonna happen and did nothing, so his actions were justified

Do what, curtail his free will? Then he would be a controlling God.

angels don't have free will, heretic

He did nothing wrong, just like Griffith.


>[boilerplate apologetics.tl:dr]

Only in the permanent choice of either following God or themselves.

>muh free will

Heaven forbid God should be controlling

Yeah that's what he'll tell you, but you shouldn't believe him.
He is Satan after all.

Satan's actions, like those of Eve and Adam, were necessary, but unjustified. They served God's purposes in bringing Adam and Eve toward a free, meaningful existence where their faith in and love for God and each other is striven for and earned, rather than a null state, even if that existence is painful and short.
If you want to read some academic opinions on Paradise Lost, Northrop Frye's "The Return of Eden" is an excellent resource, and, even though I disagree with almost everything he has to say, Stanley Fish's "Surprised by Sin" is pretty much required reading as a secondary source.

I love the idea of Paradise Lost (and the most famous lone within it) but I'm having a bit of a hard time reading the actual poem. What should I do?

But what if Satan said he was sorry?

Stop being a brainlet and get an annotated copy to understand Miltons 2deep4u allusions

Just read through it like prose you dummkopf

Oh I have the Penguin Classics Cloth cover edition. It has a page before the start of the next book explaining what's going on in the poem but I feel like a pleb if I only read that. I can understand the poem for the most part but the conclusions I come to are sometimes a bit different from what that beginning page says.

I've only read the poem.half awake and hey lagged so that's probably why I'm having a hard time haha