Did the practice of blotting pizza with a napkin to soak up excess grease have its heyday in the 90's?

Did the practice of blotting pizza with a napkin to soak up excess grease have its heyday in the 90's?

It seems like a stupid 90's thing to me for some reason, does anybody still do this?

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Blotting pizza is for the mentally disabled


based uli

Yeah it's a 90s relic that came along at the same time as the "fat in any amount is bad for you so you should a pound of pasta instead" meme.

I never in my life actually seen anybody do this.

Yeah but why wouldn't you want to shave calories off a piece of pizza? Not like dabbing it with a napkin is difficult or time consuming.

because its gay

Some people just going like the sloshy feeling of grease soaked food when chewing.

I don't do this or know anyone who does this, but I don't understand why people here act like it's a crime against nature or something.

Because it tastes better without it and it's only saving ~50 calories.

If you ever saw somebody do it in person you would recoil in visceral disgust. It doesn't seem like a big deal until you see it done. It's an abomination.

I've only witnessed it twice, thankfully.

Retarded. People were railing on fat in the 70's. By the 90's atkins was already shilling low carb everywhere.

My jr. high and high school sold these shitty little individual pepperoni pan pizzas at the snack bar. They always had a pool of dark orange grease on them and when you picked them up the oil would run off the pizza and get all over your tray/table/face/clothes so kids would try to blot all the excess oil off the pizza with napkins before eating it.


I live in Virginia and my fellow statesmen apparently hate doing it (>) but it’s the only sort of millennial dabbing I do.

it's completely acceptable to do this. Do you guys just slurp up the puddle of oil that's sitting on top of your pizza?

Remember some parts of America are behind the times due to cultural stagnation. In historic times it was because news literally took a long time to reach such places due to using ponies or foot traffic or whatever. As communications technology advanced along with transport, the differences became a matter of regional identity and the rejection of progress and new information became a matter of pride.

You physically cannot convince a rustic that, for instance, the 90s were atkins, or that sriracha is not "new", or that black acetate framed glasses are not in fact mainstream today, to the point of being somewhat passé, as opposed to being provocatively cutting-edge cool hipster fashion statement frames. They are still getting over the fact that smart phones exist.

Honest to god, I always dip my food in the left over frying grease. Fat max out the taste. Why waste it. It's just like adding olive oil onto stuff. Just with less olives.

Blotting pizza with a napkin makes me think of when fat people order a diet soda with their fast food

I'm not an american so the hey-day for pizza blotting is around the last month or so when people have posted about it on Veeky Forums

The new thing is to soak up the pizza grease with your face to avoid the waste of trees.

The fat slobs are the ones that don't give a fuck about the extra fat. Pizza is comfort food for them.

I dab my pizzas if the cheese and meat have made it look like a sloppy mess.
But generally it's just best to not eat pizza at all.

The only Pizza I have really ever blotted was Casey's Pizza back in the early 2000's. Don't know what they changed or why some fucks slobbered over it so much but I swear to God they just wanted to suck the grease off it like a dick. It is better now, but shit you could pick up a slice back in the day and a pool of grease the size of the slice would drip off of it and it would still be so damn greasy in your mouth your shitter turned into a slip-n-slide the next day.

Some places, especially "Authentic New York Pizza" joints think having standing puddles of grease is a sign of "authenticity" and "good cooking" it is really just a mass indigestion storm.

You wouldn't eat fried chicken that was dripping so much oil that the batter was literally soggy with it would you?

I don't do it to eat a diet, I do it so the pizza is less gross on my lips to eat.

That was the decade where "fat bad" ruled. Just eat your fucking pizza. It's not healthy in the first place, don't pretend like you're not hardening your arteries by soaking up just a bit of grease.

Pizza napkin-ing is gay. You're better off folding the Pizza slice in half and squeezing the grease onto your plate.

You forgot to call them flyovers, urbancuck

People really should be amnesiaed every decade or so because nobody ever remembers shit correctly

Atkins was some meme compared to the war against fat in anything. Everything had a lazy "fat free" edition to it in the 90s

I also live in Virginia and I dab my pizza if the grease is pooling on top of it.

Not only that, but I work at a restaurant that serves a lot of pizza and I often dab customers pizzas without them asking me to before I bring it out to the table.

Enjoy your liquid cheese fat, pleb

people really do this?
i mean, if it's a cheap delivery pizza so greasy it swims i usually just lift one and and let the ridiculous amounts of fat drain off, too.
But dapping it for a few grams of fat reduction? People will go to great lengths to avoid exercise.

>is overweight
>removes calories from food
>actually loses weight because of his pizza blotting
what does that say about the rest of us, some who can't even accept that eating more calories than we need results in weight gain?

Maybe dont put fucking truckloads of crap on your pizza? Once again this proves the superiority of the neapolitan pizza.

I do it if the pizza is particularly bad.
Pretty much any pepperoni pizza from a big chain is just going to give me a stomach ache if I don't