What do i have to read to become properly "cultured'?

what do i have to read to become properly "cultured'?

nothing, or, everything.

Diogenes or Dante boi

The Greeks.

culture was a mistake, read for pleasure you man

this also serves to answer the question.

fuck off, faggot

U should first find out whether you do in fact have the capacity to read. I would start with Theodore Gisel book The Wocket in My Pocket. Then branch off from thereo

everything. but stop at 1900


"Cultured" is not a word given like a boy scout patch to be worn on one's breast as plumage. It is the mark of hours, days, weeks, years - spent - in toil, in contemplation, in relaxations of the proper sorts, and social gatherings of eager minds with boisterous, earnest hearts. Think that you can read a word or two, flip a page or three, see a film or five, or six, or seven, and BAM - eight, nine, ten, eleven - you're out on center stage, a sommelier's grace in-hand, erudition dripping from your tongue, and lap-it up they will - eat it up, the sniveling greedy gobblers, after all, they might as well be toddlers - to you - that is, a cultured man, who feeds the world out of his hand, and grateful, they should be, for know they not that he - that you, spent a whole minute, or two, to stop, to think, to make this thread, and read a few replies before you went to bed, and then awoke, started eating, before recalling what you'd done just before sleeping. Ah, yes! CULTURE! And what a treat! I'll become a gentleman scholar - but after I eat.

Stop being a pretentious faggot like the vast majority posters of this board and read what you find good. At the end, reading won't necessarily make you better or worse.

I'll start off by saying that there is no inherent value to reading. You shouldn't read just for the sake of having read something, you should read because it is useful; whether that usefulness is because you learn, or because you enjoy it, it does not matter.

But if you want to fall into the error that I, and millions of other fell into. Here is your reading list.

Rushing through Philosophy:

Basic knowledge of world religions
>The BIble
>The Qur'an
>The Bhagavad Gita
>Buddhism for Dummies
>Mere Christianity
>The Orthodox Study Bible

Basic history
>The Histories by Herodotus
>The Pelopenesian war by Thucydides
>The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
>The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
>Hitler's War
>A Napoleon Biography
>European Diplomatic History by Raymond Sontag (it's pure history kino)

[insert a bunch of art books] The only book I can specifically recommend is 'Drawing from the Right side of the Brain', but I can't think of any other nameworthy books on this subject.

>Don Quixote
>For Whom the Bell Tolls
>The Old Man and the Sea
>All's Quiet on the western Front
>A Tale of Two Cities
>The Scarlet Letter
>Animal Farm
>Brave New World
>Crime and Punishment
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Pilgrim's Progress
>Paradise Lost
>The Divine Comedy
>Atlas Shrugged
>Moby Dick
>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>The Complete Works of Shakespeare
>Uncle Tom's Cabin
>War and Peace
>Essays, by Montaigne
>The Gulag Archipelago

[insert science books]

Now read a bunch of poetry by these fags:
>William Blake
>Robert Frost

And finally, politics:
>The Wealth of Nations
>Das Kapital
>Manifesto for-, by Gottfried Feder
>Two Treatises of Government, by John Locke
>The Social Contract, by Rousseau
>Mein Kampf
>Revolt Against the Modern World
>Social Credit, by C.H. Douglass
>Mao's Red Book
>The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
>Reflections of Violence, by Sorel
>The Road to Serfdom
>Economics in One Lesson
>The U.S. Constitution, Articles of Confederation, and Declaration of Independence
>The Federalist Papers
>Selected Supreme Court Rulings

I've probably missed a lot of people, and didn't list these in a very accurate order. But if you actually read all of these you'll essentially be an intellectual god, compared to the average person.


Reddit is that way

I hope you die

You need a pipe and the ability to sneer at everything regardless of whether you know anything about the topic.

I'm sorry but the content of this post as far as recommendations go was complete garbage.

Cultured? What the fuck are you talking about?
I swear, the recent influx of normalfags and /pol/tards is driving me insane.

Do you have any recommendations? I was trying to make sure it wasn't biased towards any belief system, so that automatically gets the list a lot of criticism. But I know the list itself is shitty, so I'm curious if there's anything I missed, or anything that seems unnecessary.

And I wish your luck on your safe return that way.

>t. going into senior year

Get out.

I would expect no less from Veeky Forums.

Looking right back at you