
Oh boy! /ourguy/ is back!


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He posted that two days ago, do you sincerely believe it hasn't been posted here yet? Cretin.

/ourguy/ is back

Fuck off Cliff stop shilling your shitty channel



Hi Cliff, good to see you again. Why do you still live in the illiterate shithole that is Los Angeles, though?

fuck off cliff we got a new youtuber now

>implying this is even the best bogart


Varg pls go


watching this 45 year old, skinnyfat goblin makes me embarrassed to read books. i sincerely hope that there comes a moment where he recognizes his incompetence, falsity and insignificance and breaks down into hysterical tears

Where do you find these pics of ontologicool?

it's all over the internet

>another man makes you embarrassed to read the books that you are interested in

this post doesn't read as well as you'd hoped.

shut the fuck up cliff


*noises of disgust*

Dark Passage best desu


Cliff Sargent is an amazing book reviewer. He introduces a lot of people to new books. He has a lot of personality, so he's fun and not dry to watch on camera. It helps that he's so good looking too. Yes, I know I'm being a massive shill for Cliff Sargent right now, but it's because he actually deserves it. His video production is very good too. I honestly don't get why so many people on this channel hate him, he's obviously the best booktuber around. There's no other book reviewers out there which even stuck in my memory or grabbed my attention, and I know I've seen a few. Cliff is The Needle Drop of literature.

Not to mention his selection of books is top tier. He reviews books which are almost tailored to my taste.

does this guy also do commie videos? He looks familiar?


What's so funny? The fact that you have to desperately laugh and decry things to make yourself superior?

Cliff is Mike Cernovich with AIDS, and a pretentious horrible cunt.

no, this

I have nothing against booktubers in theory, though the analysis of written media via a visual medium immediately makes me suspect that the analyzer isn't capable of fully appreciating the material. Cliff, though, is everything bad about booktubers concentrated into a single guy. He's entirely obsessed with his own style but completely devoid of substance. Absolutely every one of his videos that I've watched (which is several, and more than anyone should) has entirely surface-level analysis, followed by him rambling on about how much he likes the book or how he was introduced to the book or what the book means to him, something that belongs on his tumblr blog but that does not inform the text in the slightest. It's a portrait of a thirty-something guy still living off his parents' credit cards, who reads with as much comprehension as a person of normal intelligence does as a freshman in high school, yet he thinks his thoughts should be listened to by others.

better than like ontologicool like look how like unprepared this like video is, like, lowercase titles and ironic 240p like

>who reads with as much comprehension as a person of normal intelligence does as a freshman in high school

It makes me wonder how - if at all - he takes notes as he reads. You'd think he'd incorporate a few notes and further exposition on his thoughts regarding them into his videos to bolster the substance a bit, but he seems to want to skirt by on "style" alone.

It's odd.

I'm still a lit noob and I love this guy. Am I hopeless? What would be a "good" example of a booktuber, if any?

>Am I hopeless?

na you're just new and he's probably shown you a few books that you wouldn't have known about otherwise. forget Veeky Forums shitposting and enjoy your reading.

don't try to copy the brooding pseud thing that he does irl. you'll look like such a fuckin idiot to other guys that actually read and know their shit. but it might get you laid by doofy girls who don't know any better, so there's always that.

Our guy is the Black Ponderer.

He's a navel-gazing trust fund baby who wastes half his videos talking about wine, noir films, and the granny he's currently fucking. His "reviews" are little more than Wikipedia summaries and serve no purpose other than masturbatory self-indulgence.

He usually pulls titles from Veeky Forums threads. It's literal pandering.

Fuck off messi

His review of Day of the Locust was twenty minutes long. Not once did he mention Homer, who is arguably the most important character in the entire novel. Not ONE GODDAMN TIME. He's the third-most prominent character in the book, and Cliff didn't even acknowledge his existence as a character.

I've seen a few videos where I'm all but convinced he didn't actually read the book and just pulled from SparkNotes and Wikipedia.


my man

he didn't mention Otto in his Recognitions review either