Pronunciation of foreign food

When you order at a restaurant do you try to pronounce the dish with the proper intonations (and look like a wanker) or do you just say it with your regular accent like a normal person?

I use the naturalized English pronunciation. Gyro is yee-rou, etc.

Like a regular person, unless we are talking about ethnic food and you know for a fact that your pronunciation is adequate.
fyi: most foreigners pronounce "giros" wrong. that's because in Greece when we try to translate a local word to english we just replace every greek character with the corresponding latin character without giving a fuck about the pronunciation, so "γυρος" is translated as "giros", letter by letter. The actual pronunciation is something like "yeeros"

I strive to be the biggest wanker possible at any given time hence I use the correct pronunciation

I just call it doner kebab

yeah, and you probably call constantinople istanbul


>one cross ont please waiter

I try to pronounce things correctly, or make an educated guess based off other shit I know about the language.

If I don't, I point.

What I don't do is pronounce it based on how it's spelled, and the conventions of the English language, unless I know that's how it should be pronounced.

For example, I say pie-ey-a, not pay-ella for paella.

One time I saw "Chong Qing Chicken" on a menu.

Knowing China used to be spelled Qina, because the Chinese pronounce Q as Ch, I thought the dish's name was Chong Ching Chicken.

I pointed at the menu instead of saying it.

Learned later it's pronounced "Cheung King Chicken."

Yea and i call your bum my dick socket

I pronounce however the fuck, then finish my sentence with "...or however it's called"

snitiko edesma?

Spitiko edesma. It means "homemade treat".

I often ask how to pronounce foreign dish names if I can't figure them out, no one has ever had a problem with it. I have no shame in my ignorance because I'm willing to learn and we're all ignorant as fuck in some way.

As an aware, educated male I generally study the phonetics of the language of the countries food I wish to try and practise to the point I will sound native when ordering. I've noticed I get better service than other white jackasses ballyhooing around.

t. phd in linguistics

Like any red-blooded American, I point and yell "with cheese."

It depends on what feels more natural. There are some things that sound worse in the local accent than a butchering of native pronunciation does. Croissant, for example. Most of the Spanish stuff here is pronounced natively, but some isn't, like a city named
>Casa (pronounced correctly, though it was probably said more like kay-suh at one point)
>Grande (pronounced grand instead of grahn-day).
So we end up with a weird accepted hybrid pronunciation for a city name.
No one would ever pronounce Volkswagen like a German would.

I try the best I can with names out of respect, locations nearly as much, but food is a rough approximation.

If offended, they usually aren't worth dealing with.

>"homemade treat"
I can assure you pic-related is anything but that kek

>not being familiar with the pronunciation of major languages through paying basic attention to the news

>not knowing the reading of hanzi, having to rely on their gracious attempts to come up with something you won't fuck up

what's the weather like down there under the cloud cover


These two are the right answers. I do both, I try to figure out correct pronunciation beforehand, or I ask.
The most awkward experience I've had which turned out well in the end was the first time I went to a Vietnamese restaurant where most of the people didn't know English at all. I trepidatiously fumbled my way through ordering, and felt like I made an ass out of myself, but the owner came over and complimented me on my pronunciation, which really surprised me. I thought I had butchered most of it.

>dis white boy no order food yet
>we hully you up quick quick white boy

I really want to take the folks that produced the modern romanization of chinese and shove their collective dicks in a meat grinder.

Depends on the person I'm buying it from. If they're of the same ethnicity of the food I'm ordering, I try to pronounce it correctly for their sake. If it's some white college kid trying to earn some money but he really doesn't give a damn, I just pronounce it as it's spelled. My goal is to make it less confusing for them so there's less chance of my order getting fucked up.