Why do people gets triggered if you even mention something that resembles right wing and conservative thoughs?

why do people gets triggered if you even mention something that resembles right wing and conservative thoughs?

because it brings to light that their solipsism is a falsity.

i like smart right-wingers, it's just that most of them are stupid like you probably are.

because x-wingers are stupid

The successive levels in the Phenomenology of Spirit's Learning to have Independent Thoughts are always optional, and most people cash out and quit once they reach something that allows them a comfortable Dopamine-Release-At-Will button, i.e., a position from which to shout at people who are on levels lower than themselves. At each level, the urge to quit attempting to attain the next, higher level is exponentially larger, like trophic levels in an ecosystem.

The upshot is that you will always have many more people whose lives revolve around locating deviations from the status quo and pounding them into submission, or setting up effigies of the status quo's designated opposition for the daily Five MInutes' Hate, than you will people who critically evaluate the status quo and any deviants or opponents on their own merits. You will always have a majority of people who worship the Same because it is the Same. When you're talking to them, you're only superficially talking to their ideological content at a superficial level. What you are really talking to is a demi-conscious herd animal who is really saying "I'm the BEST at following the herd! Nobody's got more herd badges than me!"

In a generation or so, the children and grandchildren of braindead pseudo-neo-liberals will be equally stuffy, obnoxious pseudo-neo-paleocons, and like the current (dying) batch of pseudo-liberals, 99.9% of their thought will be about ritualistic status quo worship rather than any content. And in order to have any real discussion you'll have to go find people who are liberal and leftist despite the difficulties it raises for them, because only people who are willing to stand out and face those difficulties out of principle are worth talking to.

Because there is an annoying infestation of lefty/pol/ here on lit anymore.

Nobody reacts that way to Right Wing policies or philosophies, people don't like to hear you whine about strawman Liberals or "cultural Marxists".

Because it is more natural to lean towards progressive ideas. Conservative ideals support a norm/stasis within culture which coincides with an inherent attack on our progress as a species.


a culture becomes conservative when it is under thread, and progressive when it has room to try its hand at utopianism

>progress as a species


You are using a career Democrat as representative of an average person's relationship to Right Wing politics?

>we should support the destruction of society traditional values in the name of some BS
>being pedo is ok, is natural
>slipery slope

Conservative: Climate change is not real, the climate is actually cooling so there is no reason to stop drilling.
Liberal: there is climate research that shows that the planet is warming up.
Conservative: Triggered! Ha!

Conservatives see someone getting triggered as a sign that they are right, not a a sign that people see them as stupid. They are not into facts and logic, it's all about rethoric for them and how you look. This is why Ben Shapiro, Lauren southern, and Milo are seen as a great intelectuals because, just like Kent Hovind before them, they seem confident with what they say even if it false.


This, I just naturally assume they're retarded and not say anything back.

Veeky Forums gets trigged by JP

Well that's not very intelligent.

Because politics is a team sport. No one cares who is actually right or wrong because you're just supposed to pick a side and root for them no matter what. Veeky Forums, and the vast majority of the internet, have for years been home to very left-wing ways of thinking and the tectonic shift towards the right is upsetting the relative harmony we had here for a long time.

If you want to avoid it, try discussing literature and not mentioning politics.

>Ben Shapiro
I doubt anyone here can actually argue against him

your opinion of intelligence isn't relevant.

Because they are told its an appropiate response


I seriously hope the Democracts stick to their current leadership strategy.

Because those sorts of views are incorrect and useless

It's hard to argue against someone who is using straw man all the time.

Growing up in a rural community and going to a Methodist church weekly until I finished high school made me understand exactly how anti-intellectual and cultlike "traditional values" are.

But given that you didn't grow up in a rural community and have never attended church, how would you know that?

>we should support much traditional values because they are values that are traditional.

If the phrase "well actually" was a Jew, had autism, and couldn't get laid, it would be Ben Shapiro.

>let's destroy our civilization in the name of progressive ideals made by marxists

There's more ways than ever now that Facebook and the internet are a thing. Look at some conservative/country/redneck pages for 10 minutes and you'll know everything you need to know about those communities. The tropes you see in satire aren't very far off from the reality, aside from the dehumanizing aspects.

Ben is a bit of a worm but he has a wife. And he was celibate by choice up until he got married. He wasn't an incel pretending to choose celibacy to save face, he was an actual traditionalist about it.

cuz they got too much nigger blood in em and they buy into the idea that impulsivity exists.

Are you a child? What does it matter if the ideas are marxists? Thanks to the transformation of the status quo throughout the years we have minimum wages, stopped child labor, Medicare, regulation that protects the water that you drink, etc.

a lot of those ideas were republican BTW.

>regulation that protects water
mmm, good ol' lead

>stopped child labor

Marxists generally can't stand idpol either. It hinders class consciousness and divides the working class; it's an entirely neoliberal concept.

>implying child labor hasn't just moved to the communist countries

This desu.

>minimal wages
shit idea that makes employeers give ridiculous amount of requisites for first time jobs.
do you remember you need years of experience for first time jobs?

>child labor
which actually makes the teenagers not get any job experience until they're mid twenties for entry level jobs.

literally pay for fat people surgeries.

>protects the water
which is unrelated to being a progressive.

Got more?

>class isn't an aspect of identity politics
>muh privilege

because this is a /leftypol/ colony

What is the party that refuses to use taxes to help poor communities?

The dems because welfare doesn't help the poor, the market does. Learn basic economics.

I understand that you're retarded, Mr. Greentext, but try to at least gain a decent understanding of political concepts before shitposting.

I attend a university in which it seems as though every single student will scream if they hear anything that doesn't align with their views. I also have a habit of playing devil's advocate...

what is the party that misuses the taxes they take? you think the poor communities are better served by the democrats? what a joke.
i bet you've never been to illinois.

>implying China, India, Mexico and Blangladesh are communist.
>Implying capitalism isn't not the driving force for maximizing gains without care for human life in other countries.

a lot of conversations are made on the wrong foundations, people often apply ad hominem and ad verecundiam falacies, thats why some conservatives and liberals fucking canĀ“t stand each other arguments. For example, generalisations are pretty offensive to both.
Learn this: people are very little interested in the real value of affirmations (no matter if conservative or liberal) people are interested in mantain their inner equilibrium, if you have a mental ecosystem based upon conservative concepts you would not easily trade that for another foundations, even less if the other offends you. And that apply to both sides of the discussion, humans are very lame interchanging information.

>look at me, i have my back against the wall and am shifting term definitions to suit my needs!

Identity politics, also called identitarian politics,[1] refers to political positions based on the interests and perspectives of social groups with which people identify. Identity politics includes the ways in which people's politics may be shaped by aspects of their identity through loosely correlated social organizations. Examples include social organizations based on age, social class or caste, culture, dialect, disability, education, ethnicity, language, nationality, sex, gender identity, generation, occupation, profession, race, religion, sexual orientation, settlement, urban and rural habitation, and veteran status. Not all members of any given group are involved in identity politics.

>implying comunism doesn't bring nothing else than starvation and gulags
the free market bitch, read sowell.

Do you know how bad Reagan's far-right economics fucked the working poor? The republicans destroyed trade unions and blue collar workers so bad that things have still never recovered.

and yet mexicans and cubans kill themselves to move to USA.


In that case everything is identity politics. You know exactly what I meant.

Also, backed into a corner? You haven't even made any points other than replying with green text, moron.

reagan's fuckin dead. there have been several democrat presidents and ample time to remedy those problems if their policies amounted to jack shit.
they're both susceptible to absolute corruption, wasteful spending, and lies. Democrats just wear the mask of the poor because it's easier to stab the poor in the back after you take their guns and education away from them.

why must you see everything in black and white?

Not as much now.

It's almost like being in a society with better natural resources and trade opportunities is, by default, better than living in a place that lacks these.

Yes, the Democrats did next to nothing to fix it, but to think that the Republicans have actually made things better is laughable to someone who had to live through the consequences of both Reagan and Bush.

did you knew that sweden will become a thirld world country in twenty years.

wow, nice one, lefties.

>marxists can't stand identity politics, it hinders class consciousness
>class is an aspect of identity politics
>nuh uh, you're retarded
>here's an applicable definition identity politics
>uh, well, you know what i meant!

yes, i know what you meant, and what you meant was wrong. dipshit.

A statement I often see on the the anglosphere of the Internet is "Europeans are liberals". Is that a meaningful statement? As if american politics is a framework to judge principal ideas. The problem with people like Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson is that they see everything trough such a lens. For an outsider it is really just confusing, often irritating.

i wish mexicans would use the effort they use to leave or work in destitution would be used to revolt against their shitty country, instead of used to revolt against ours.
i never said anything about repubs being any better, except for the fact that they don't use minorities and poor to justify their policies.

Okay fine, if you want me to be specific, Marxists do not like identity politics that do not focus on the socio-economic structure of society and prefer to focus on solutions rather than tell people to check their privilege or call them bigots.

>i never said anything about repubs being any better, except for the fact that they don't use minorities and poor to justify their policies.
Oh okay, sorry for misunderstanding then. I can agree with that.

>shit idea that makes employeers give ridiculous amount of requisites for first time jobs. do you remember you need years of experience for first time jobs?

Yeah you need years of experience to work at Mcdonalds. Are you stupid or what?

>which actually makes the teenagers not get any job experience until they're mid twenties for entry level jobs.

Child's are not teenagers dumbshit

>literally pay for fat people surgeries.

You really think only fat people need healthcare?

>which is unrelated to being a progressive.

If it was up to capitalist they would contaminate the water if it makes them money. If it wasn't for the changes that I mentioned before you would be working in a farm at 6 years of age that your family doesn't own for $1.50/hr drinking water from a river where your lord shits.

>Go more?

Those gave very weak answers, you gotta be better than than.

i think then we can come to a sensible agreement that everything is fucked and no one can or will fix it, and that literature is most patrician escape aside from arguing about literature on Veeky Forums.

>employeers give ridiculous amount of requisites for first time jobs.
Usually that's for a flyover state.

Only a competitive market does, which capitalism is against. Capitalist are into monopolies not competitive markets.

I really don't get what's wrong with nationalism, which is basically just in-group preference. Seems more or less essential for long-term survival.

yeah, but how do you stop the slippery slope then?

you seem quite spooked, old chap.

The slippery slope is a spook.

so.. stirner was a pedophile?
pic unrelated

how do I become free of spooks?

Conservative thought pisses me off because it implies that things were once good, a halt to progress, or fixing things. They look to a privatization that benefits themselves over other people. I don't care what you think, but when you and like minded people vote into office "conservative" representatives via a horribly gerrymandered system swung to their party's benefit, their policies have a direct effect on my life and it normally fucking sucks huge donkey dick.

They gouge government budgets and restrict the freedoms of people who are not a part of their collective. That collective being wealthy, white, old, male, straight, landowning assholes. I mention minorities not because I am one, but because those are other real and living people who's interests aren't represented in the conservative ideology. They run the excuse that budget cuts are a benefit to all of society, but in reality its tax cuts and benefits to their suburban lifestyle. Who cares about equality in the workforce, getting mail, scientific research, our deteriorating infrastructure system, education of the youth, medical treatment, fundamental rights, access to necessaries? Why should they give a shit when most of those things can be solved personally for themselves? Other than roads of course, but at that point they would just move to a nicer more suburban neighborhood.

Again, I don't give a shit what you believe in your own time, but when conservative ideology is mentioned to me it's basically you saying fuck you to a large portion of the population. Conservatives in power, and by extension a voter like you, are why the U.S. is running into the ground. We are basically a third would country with iphones. It's insane. None of it makes sense.

The only other country that allows advertisements of medications is New Zealand. If only I could just start taking crazypil- I mean redpills.

Read Stirner and Proudhon.

I'm not a democrat, and I AM from Illinois and we have better standards of living than Mississippi.

This is true. I'm an "Italian fascist" (but in reality I think I'm just a right leaning authoritarian), and I've found baby boomer republicans and pol white nationalists to be some of the most ignorant people I've ever met. Amazing how the left has managed to inject decades of communist ideology into academia.

Just screaming "the free market! The free market!" Is not an argument.

so you're against the free market?

>education of the youth
i have to stop you here. hundreds of millions of liberally gathered funds are dumped into chicago schools, and yet they are utterly worthless. liberal teachers unions restrict the ability to reform these deeply flawed systems, and in the end. the money funneled to these literally worthless schools gets taken from rural societies used for their roads, bridges, social programs, schools, etc.

if you genuinely think the problem is on the shoulders of the republican alone, you are not scenting the shit directly under your nose.

"basic economics" and "the free market" are buzzwords for libertarians because they're incapable of actual free thought.

>Reagan fucked us hard but at least Mexico and Cuba are poorer

Holy fuck . . .

you might need to recheck the state of illinois. for example, the town i live in, cannot repair its roads, cannot repair an interstate bridge that HAS BEEN CONDEMNED, the local prisons and mental institutions are owed dozens of months back payment for power and utilities, this state is in the process of complete failure. it's a joke, and the one guy trying to cut back the outrageous and reckless spending was a republican, for christ sakes.

>AMERICAN unions doing anything right
>shiggy diggy

I don't think the problem is on the shoulders of republicans alone. I was answering the call of the question for the thread.

I can't really get upset anymore because, historically, political views have been getting increasingly more liberal. In 50 years, the current topics will have been settled by the domineering political side and all right-wing enthusiasts will be standing there like, "make american great again again."

I think anti-trust laws should be executed to their fullest for the most competitive, small business oriented, market we could possibly have.

Society does not develop on a linear scale towards progress. Consider the motto "change to preserve", and what is that then but an oxymoron?

>Conservatives in power, and by extension a voter like you, are why the U.S. is running into the ground. We are basically a third would country with iphones. It's insane. None of it makes sense.

sounds like you're resting the guilt on the conservative's shoulders to me.
by all means, divert all resources into sprawling metropolitan cities, ignoring the rest of entirely rural states, in the name of social progressiveness and minority welfare.

I like left wing ideas like better healthcare, better workers rights, and environmental policies. But I can't stand their retarded open door immigration policies that wants to fill my country with third world migrants, and I can't stand their endless desire to criticize everything about our culture being oppressive.

You should look into some old school leftists. The MUH BIGGOTRY stuff was started by regressive liberals and hasn't always been a part of the left.

We aren't hunting fucking mammoths anymore. That's a stupid motto. Get your shit together.

I put more guilt on the conservative shoulders than I do to liberals or progressives. I blame them all, but the proportionality is different.
>ignoring the rest of entirely rural states
Oh don't worry, the conservatives are already doing a great job of that themselves.

I don't even know what you mean by free market because you don't even elaborate. How can I even disagree with buzzwords?

I have my opinions about Friedman's ideology but I honestly doubt you've even read about him so why bother.


>Illinois spends more money per child on schools that are predominantly whiter. Just saying "we spends monys" without context is pointless.

Not all conservatives/nationalists are super free market capitalists. Right now its just the more convenient stance for them to take, because most government money is siphoned off in ways that don't benefit the nationalist cause - so their individualist economic policy is in order to keep what money they do have. Conservatives would start supporting more collective economic policies if it meant it would strengthen the nation and not weaken it.

name one dumb right wing writer

All capitalism is corporatism. It's an eventuality. Businesses are like catholic priests and consumers are the altar boys.
