Really curious as to why jello dishes seemed to be big 50+ years ago. Was it just marketing for Jello...

Really curious as to why jello dishes seemed to be big 50+ years ago. Was it just marketing for Jello? "Hey! You can use Jello for many easy recipes!" Were there people who legitimately enjoyed this kinda stuff?

Also, post more recipes if you've got them.

It was new "space food" novelty shit. Grew up with some of it, it was all horrible.

gelatin dishes were a sort of status symbol because a fridge is needed to make them properly. You also see a lot of ads, paid magazine articles, etc. about it because it was new, so nobody knew how to make it or knew any recipes that called for it

I can only imagine it being terrible. Luckily I was never forced to endure it but my moms family used to make that kinda stuff when she was younger.

I can understand the status symbol thing. It was popular at a time when kitchen appliances we're having their "industrial revolution" so of course food companies would follow suit and try to market their products something that could take advantage of the new technologies.

America thought space age powdered, frozen, and gelatinized foods that required minimal cooking were a huge status symbol, especially with the future mentality people had at the time
Marketing companies butchered the American diet by telling people to make absolute shit gelatin sugar molds with meat, tuna and mayo and shit

Jello was revolutionary in it's time, because up till then, people had to make their own gelatin. Then, once it was normalized, it became popular, especially after the wars and into mid century. I grew up with older relatives who made all sorts of Jello desserts. Some of them are actually pretty tasty, some are awful. Depends on the recipe and who's making it.

Back then they made jello with beef bone gelatin and I've always wondered if it had some different flavors that went better with the weird savory dishes that were in magazines back then. It just being related to people's excitement their new fridges is probably right though

I think it's also possible these magazine staffs were just making up random bullshit to fill their pages, like I saw one scanned page of a recipe where ham slices are wrapped around bananas and then arranged on a dish to have hollandaise sauce poured over them, that to me seems like getting back from a two martini lunch and realizing you have to have it sent to the printer that night

I've had many Jello desserts, but many of the retro-recipes used savory ingredients. One in OP throws seafood salad into the middle of a lime jello mold.

I remember reading about the ham banana hollandaise. I think that it was actually satire poking fun at the ridiculous recipes like the jello molds. Some people didn't realize that it was satire and actually prepared it as a meal.

I could be wrong, I'm just going off of my memory.

No, it's a real thing. I own a collection of food gore mid-century cookbooks, and I can assure you, it's real.

I only remember seeing the recipe itself, maybe it would have fooled me cause I thought it was real

As an aside I can't help comparing this type of shit to some of the .webms everyone likes to freak out about here like the avocado burger bun, misusing trendy ingredients is not instagram based lol

>american cuisine

I believe that for these reasons it’s only in the past couple decades that America is starting to emerge from a culinary Dark Age brought on by war rationing and the Depression.

Yes, but you forgot the factor that was even worse than the depression and rationing:

Advertisements convinced people that cooking was difficult drudgery and that instead people should embrace modern conveniences like highly processed foods. As a result, skills have been lost and generations grew up with poor quality industrial food as normal.

But authenticity is a scam. Normal food is patriotic. If you don't eat everything out of a cardboard box it means you're some kind of radical communist extremist who hates corporations and the free market. Cooking is for hipster leftist trust fund elitists who like to flaunt their free time for internet karma.

t.Veeky Forums



This thread is full of children with the testosterone levels of old men who think that energy drinks and McChicken are the height of cuisine who don't know if they are boys or girls but they think they can get into the psyche of people who were born 100 years ago who literally had to fear starvation

I am shocked, shocked that the soy shitposter is here defending boxed potato flakes and canned meat. Who could have imagined


you are the soy shitposter

I bet you can change every thread into a fight about soy if you keep it up

Please just cut off your dick and bleed to death so we don't have to keep clicking the report button, the rest of us are tired of watching you flood Veeky Forums with your insecurities about your testosterone levels

Go back to /pol/

>constantly, CONSTANTLY bring up your testosterone levels and insane hangups about soy and masculinity in food threads
>reset your modem to bypass the rate limiter to flood even more threads
>people start getting pissed at you
>waah! why do you keep politicizing my soyposting? the problem is not me!
The problem is you. Fuck off.

>especially with the future mentality people had at the time
What the fuck happened?
Nowadays most people don't give a flying fuck about science or futurism outside of cinema.

I for one am sick of this shit.
Happens on every fucking board now.
>Go into Veeky Forums
>Full of /pol/ narratives.
>Go into /v/
>Full of /pol/ narratives.
>Go into Veeky Forums
Just about the only board you can on and have an actual discussion on the subject of the board is Veeky Forums and /k/.

You can't make it with an icebox?

Welp, not any more.
GG. you just gave them a new target.

What is a pol narrative? I just checked it out and it seems like everyone there wants brown people to genocide whitey after raping them

Doctor Pavel, I'm SOY

Now we care about important things like racism, the wage gap and destroying our country

I'd try it.

Buy a garde manger book, most of these recipes are influenced by involved French preparations.

>Was it just marketing for Jello? "Hey! You can use Jello for many easy recipes!"
Yeah mostly. Remember this was right when companies were first figuring out they could market to housewives so they were defenseless against it.
Also the depression + WW2 had just eliminated most of the nation's home cooking tradition so people were open to anything.

Aside from the cottage cheese, this doesn't sound that bad.