Why arent you eating peas, Veeky Forums?

why arent you eating peas, Veeky Forums?

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Because peas killed my family.

I have self respect

I have conditioned taste aversion against boiled peas and pea soup.

I fucking love peas. So much. I don't understand people who don't like peas.


They were weak
Peas are healthy and tasty, and with strength you will bring honor to your family
You can slowly introduce yourself to peas. Eat a small amount with meat or chicken. Each time, grow the amount of peas.

have you been eating your peas?

What is that? Looks good. I like peas, the way they pop when you chew them is one of my favorite food textures.

Disgusting shit

Found the babby.

Recipea peas?

let me guess, american?

I'm panfrying some right now.

Mmmmm yes
Nothing special. We buy frozen pre baked peas in a bag, cook them with tomato sauce and eat with mashed potatos, or chicken, or anything really. I try to lose weight so I skipped the mashed potatos

I like mine baked until crunchy and covered in wasabi.

o b s e s s e d

>Recipea peas?

Not bad for canned soup...

I've been eating grey peas and bacon for dinner last 2 days. Comfiest food for cold evenings and my country's national dish.

Same reason I don't eat other legumes: flatulence.

If you eat them often enough your gut flora adjusts and you'll stop getting gas from them

I love split pea soup but just just peas? Fuck that.
Now I do like other peas.
Zipper peas are fucking awesome. Throw in some hamhock and okra while they cook and that's the best stuff.

Yeah? I get the campbell's or make my own.

erbsen, bohnen, linsen, fängt der popo an zu grinsen

Peas are fucking delicious and I literally laugh at people who are so fucking immature that they still think peas are yucky.