Greek mythology was interesting and all, but what was Agamemnon's tax policy? Bad worldbuilding, desu

Greek mythology was interesting and all, but what was Agamemnon's tax policy? Bad worldbuilding, desu

He had a pussy tax. He just comes and takes one of your hottest babes and all you can legally do is have a hissy fit.


Yeah, I think it was the medieval law of cosa nostra. Pretty nasty stuff. Glad we've progressed to live in more enlightened times. Now it's only a sexual fetish, just the way it should be. ;)


Did you mean Prima Nocta? Cosa nostra is the Sicilian mafia.

Agamemnon's was tax policy was for someone else to pay for his lands, namely Troy! That's right Agamenon was a fucking communist. Not only that, he got triple cucked, first by Helen who left him for filthy foreigners, then he got cucked by strong Achilles on the battlefield and lastly by his other wife Klytaimnestra for seven years then murdered by the same.

Heroic warrior king? Agamemnon was the first documented Social Justice Warrior in history.

Dude Helen was never Agamemnon's squeeze. You're think of Menelaus.

Hah! That only strengthens my case. Fighting on the behalf on another mans woman? Who does that? That's right. Male Postmodernist-marxists and LGBT-queers, that's who!

Did you miss the part where Achilles refuses to fight because he believes tax is theft?

They were bros though.

You're an idiot, no need to wear masks here.

>Yes exactly. He was libertarian forced to join a uniformed collective working for a single cause.

>falling for an obvious troll
or was it I who got trolled?

>I think it was the medieval law of cosa nostra.

Mycenaean society, like most other Bronze Age kingdoms, was based on a massive palatial-based command economy, so you could say he was the original Stalinist.

The plot thickens.

Communism isn't human nature so it couldn't be. dog bless capitalism amen

>it's a greek god gets trashed on red wine and smashes some shit episode

aw yiss

Humanity is basically a Telemundo episode you say?

Its a story about trade tariffs after all. The tart is but causus belli. Its a clue that they can just sail up to the front door more or less, Troy is like an ancient Singapore squatting on a trade route. Helen is abducted from a trade negotiation in fact.

Also note that Odysseus and the lads aren't really rocking the gucci equipment compared to the others (Ithica = rocky, only good for goat farming). He's like a Mark Twain character, hayseed who knows more than he is letting on.

Plenty of economics going on. The world building issue lies with people who dont have horses but are frequently seen zooming around in chariots.

Well, Paris is considered a perverse weakling on the basis of excessive heterosexuality. The consequence is the destruction of Troy, the massacre of its men and enslavement of its women.

Do you think Odysseus and his men laid with goats?

It's that Chariot loan bubble you know. Dudes trying get swagger with upgraded rims etc...

Just your average metrosexual.