Thoughts on soy milk?

Thoughts on soy milk?

disgusting and inferior in every way to almond milk

disgusting and inferior in every way to actual milk.

this is very true

disgusting and inferior in every way to onion milk


fllow your leader

>using homosexuality as an insult
fuck off bag to /r/the_donald

how are your tits growing

I like to drink a cup every once in a while. Can't drink cow milk.


It's fine. I like coconut milk better. I'm also loving the soy boy memes from people who know jack shit about nutrition

>I take great pride into putting shit flavored cocks in my mouth and you must respect my inner desire to rape children
yeah, no

like trumps popularity


Bigger since the election? You doing a lot of stress eating?

drain the swamp and replace it with pedos

yeah, they grow like the wall

>a picture of two flags

drumpfkins eternally btfo

>sending 40000000000 $ to Israel is MAGA, bros

concern trolling is so boring

>l-look how much I dont care!

>its good


We make it as the base for our homemade tofu but I don't like the flavor of it as milk.

Hebrew indoctrination """milk"""
avoid if you value your sanity

soymilk is for fags, real lactose intolerant niggas use almond, coconut, or rice milk.

real whole milk is my bae but i feel u, some of us are born cucks.

>tin foil hat nutjob expects people to take his opinions seriously on a mongolian flyfishing forum

really thinky thinky