Steak well done with kechup

>steak well done with kechup

Eww! Manchild detected! Get some real taste buds!

>beef patty well done in a burger

Extra ketchup please!!


a lot of people say burgers shouldn't be well done, not sure what you're talking about

the reason you don't cook a steak well done is because it ruins a quality piece of meat. the beef patty is shit to begin with

>not enjoying a good ketchup and mayo combo on a burger

This, also burgers are ground meat which essentially falls apart with a spoon, even when well done. A well done steak is a textural nightmare.

Ketchup and mayo is pleb tier. Relish and mustard is the way forward. The best thing to have is blue cheese, but thats an aquired taste.

>On a burger
You disgust me

>Drowning your meat in corn syrup

I feel like blue cheese on a burger takes away too much from the flavour of the meat.

Brie is also great for burgers.

Ketchup is for fries and meatloaf
A good beef patty with good cheese only needs mayo

>using ketchup

It's a good vegan option for fries. I sometimes just smother them in hot sauce.

of, so you are actually a retarded person?

ketchup is a fucking disgrace

>>steaks and beef patties are the same thing

Medium/medium-well is the best way to eat a burger.

Medium-rare is the best way to eat a steak.

Fight me.

>he doesn't understand the difference between cuts of beef

You poor uncultured swine

100% objectively correct

This thread is bait through and through, ANYONE who can find thier ass with both hands and a map knows that there’s a sanitary difference between ground beef and a hamburger. Extra points for throwing the ketchup argument in there, congrats.

*Ground beef and a steak
Fuck me running, managed to not proofread.
>inb4 “who can’t find their ass”

Every time I read this type of self-confident stupidity I am surprised of how probably a sizable portion of the population survives and even thrives with cognitive limitations. Like whole lives lived in this world, fellow humans, that just get a portion of the experience of the world, stumbling confused from one unintended circumstance to the next without ever realizing the depths of existence, until the day they die. It's so bizarre.


>prime cut that is expensive because of its marbled fat/beef taste and tenderness

cooking it well done renders out the fat and toughens up the meat, ketchup overpowers any leftover flavour, can be eaten raw due to very low risk of e.coli after cooking the surface

>ground up beef mince with no texture but a lot of fat, complements well with a nice bun and cheese, add tomato ketchup if you dont like the taste of beef.

Ketchup was a mistake

The only good sauce is spicy BBQ.
Everything else can go fuck itself.