Why have all the pseudos dropped zizek for self-help peterson?

why have all the pseudos dropped zizek for self-help peterson?

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zizek's analysis was cool in the post-ideological years but he has no insight now that the culture wars have commenced

he is probably too old, out of touch and lives in a bubble

im genuinely interested in this. They're both entertaining charlatans with limited academic standing.

He reminds me of the mall Santa that molested me.

peterson requires less prior reading and is a pseud himself while zizek only occasionally appears as one, also more palatable to their worldviews

i think zizek is too ironic for current year, he plays the game "i believe this, but not really, these are the problems, but i'm just doing a diagnostic, i don't propose anything"

that was cool at some point but it's passé now

What are you on about? The people who like Zizek don't really overlap with Peterson worshippers

It wasn't ever cool. It was almost as insufferable as

zizek was always an alt-right darling, i know it makes no sense with a proper reading of him but they just took the surface of his videos

Zizek has completely exhausted his material. He just repeats the same stuff over and over

Once i tried to watch him. I could actually understand Peterson

I've seen a few vids featuring him walking around rambling about this or that topic. He never really said anything of value, nothing that you could draw any real conclusions or insights from. There was no takeaway and it felt like a waste of time

he has nothing new or interesting to say just like said

leftist dont even want to acknowledge the culture war since they are getting BTFO so thoroughly

>with limited academic standing
Hasn't Peterson taught at Harvard? And a clinical psychologist who teaches entry-level courses on the side and takes on a culture war as a hobby isn't exactly going to be published as a philosopher.

What could be more pseud than Zizek? His colleagues outright call him a fraud, he goes over the works of others without adding anything, and his fan base are exclusively people who watch Big Think 5 minute snippets of political philosophy.

Yeah no you're just completely making that up. Whether you see the roots of the alt-right in the nrx, in the stormfront or on pol, he's never been relevant or liked in any of those places.

My personal opinion (although obviously without any empirical proof) is that there is no big overlap but that Zizek fans have become more quiet since he stopped being edgy and contrarian and has been adopted as a hero of a million of the worst millennials and people are ashamed they liked him, especially on here.

It makes sense if you think of him as just spinning his wheels in intellectual limbo between academic legitimacy and popular appeal. The lay masses who he was popular with never really engaged with his ideas in any meaningful way and often misinterpreted what he said, which is why he had to continually repeat himself and correct misunderstanding that were just also misunderstood and misquoted. And meanwhile the academic elite still turn their noses up at him even as his videos and papers get circulated among lower-tier universities. That exclusive club of "serious" philosophers and intellectuals will never admit him, and he's butthurt over it.

>Yeah no you're just completely making that up. Whether you see the roots of the alt-right in the nrx, in the stormfront or on pol, he's never been relevant or liked in any of those places.

I am not making it up, this is 2015 Richard Spencer:

People who call Zizek a pseud generally haven't read his work. His writing and his interview persona are quite different

it's all part of the same copy/paste fest

I don't even mean that he just repeats the same ideas, he literally repeats stuff verbatim over and over again

If you have seen like 3 of his videos you have seen them all (and the people he's trying to appeal to don't read)

The guy also says that homosexuality is the last bastion of white conservatism. Are you going to say homos are the darlings of the alt-right now?
He's made himself a face of a movement for the media despite the movement not liking him and thinking he's a plant, just like Milo

i'd say he has very brilliant insights and ways to look at ideas and authors in uncommon ways

sadly he is also utterly incapable to follow a line of thought and flesh it out, so his books read like a bunch of unconnected ideas vaguely linked by a theme

>his books read like a bunch of unconnected ideas vaguely linked by a theme

Yeah, anyone going to Zizek for solutions will be sorely disappointed. I don't even think he claims to have solutions.

The alt-right worship the aesthetics of handsome blonde men (Ideally in uniform), I'm pretty sure homosexuality is the main reason the alt-right even exists.

he is still the biggest guy in the movement and the point was that zizek is trendy on those circles, not that every single one of them like zizek

the alt-right also hates everybody so that doesn't mean much