Is there anything more comfy than that initial pillowy bloom that comes out when you pour water over freshly ground, freshly roasted coffee?
I bet you've never even had good coffee before.
Is there anything more comfy than that initial pillowy bloom that comes out when you pour water over freshly ground, freshly roasted coffee?
I bet you've never even had good coffee before.
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maybe not for a women
What's the deal with coffee and weaponised autism?
>reddit does it so you can't do it
Then fuck off back to /r/Veeky Forums.
Redditors also breathe air, I suggest you stop doing that too.
For fucks sake, net neutrality is about to go in the shredder and /pol/ is too busy rejoycing because the entire front page on reddit is screaming about it. coffee never looks like that.........what am I doing wrong?
Add a spot of fairy liquid.
use freshly roasted coffee and pour very slowly, in a spiral pattern
Make Turkish coffee if you enjoy the bloom.
Your coffee isn't fresh enough.
That's bad. You need to get it into a slurry and quickly stir it. Every second that nice looking pillow exists is a second the coffee is unevenly extracting.
>nobody is allowed to be invested in anything
Fuck off, you retarded normie.
>my coffee is stale i can't enjoy thing so nobody should enjoy it
what's cheaper in the long run, coffee or tea?
>freshly roasted coffee
>he doesn't store his roast beans for at least ten years
pleb tier.
the high end for coffee stops around $16/lb unless you fall for age old memes like blue mountain or that civet rat poop coffee
with tea, there's no ceiling in sight
Coffee is coffee. It's not a fine liquor. Hell, it's not even tea. You drink it down, and gain its effects. The pretension over it really is ridiculous.
It tastes nice
Yes, so does hot cocoa. But the pretentious aspect is something of a caricature come to life.
I dont know man, it has the same air of pretension as liquor and tea. Both can be simplified with the drink it down and gain its effects part too
You can say the same bout fine liquor you absolute faggit
Coffee and beer culture are the worst. I love a good dunkel, abbey, or stout but can down a coors light beer-water any day of the week. Same as a steeped, self-roasted french press and a drip-pot. But it's the dick waving pretentious bastards I have a problem with.
Not really, I remember the vodka and scotch experts saying that Evan Williams and Popov aren't bad. In the same series, the beer reviewers called it piss and put on fake gag faces before dumping them out. A microchasm of a larger trend.
No, it still blooms. You just have to quickly add 3x the weight of the coffee and stir to prevent the bloom from being a mounded mess. Getting all the offgassing done at once.
Rao's method is fantastic. And one of the easier ones, to boot. Still get better brews with it than the more complicated ones like the 40:60 from the wast WBC.
Socially acceptable addiction.
you mean like alcohol addiction?
looks poisonous
you need to utilize a fart straw