You find everything okay bro?

>you find everything okay bro?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah man, thanks.

I am kind of ashamed to admit it but I would probably fuck with him for saying that.
"Bro? I'm sorry, do I know you?"
"No, bro, I was just being friendly."
"Being friendly is something friends do, we are not friends, I am a customer, and you are a cashier. You be professional to your clientele at a proper business."
"Sorry br--- I mean Sir."
"That is better."
Then as I leave I would shout to the guy "Thanks for the totes awesome service brah, keep it real nigga."
With a shit eating grin.

cool story bro


Yeah, fine, but why is a competent white person working at Walmart? Have you not gotten into trade school or law school yet?


great, now go clean out your piss bottles.


Don't forget to tip fedora

Don’t reveal your power levels so easily.

Ex-military here

I'd laugh at you and say Sir/Ma'am so many times at such a rapid pace you wouldn't even think you were funny anymore

I had some trouble finding the overcompensation but oh look it’s here at the checkout

are u disabled

Don't make fun of me.

You pointing out you're exmilitary here is as cringe as his story

>taking good care of your body is now overcompensation

It must suck to live in such a deranged and hateful world.

Did you guys all miss the end where it obvious the whole thing was a joke?
Jesus, people these days. Its like nobody ever had to live with grandad humor.

It is just as bad if not worse that way.
And yes, we realized.

You clearly don't know the difference it makes then when it comes to a person's ability to say yes sir no sir

that is what made it so bad

Genuine concern not making fun of you

>Did you enjoy your daily cock cleaning duties today, private?

I'm surprised he's allowed to wear a t-shirt and cross, I worked at 2 Walmarts and both were super autistic about following the arbitrary dress code

As always I'd answer with "yeah man" and check out as quickly as possible since it'll be a nice minute of respite from being screamed at by obese black women because they're trying to buy $200 of junk food and have no money left on their EBT cards

Teleports behind you

Nothing personal, kid

*tips fedora*

No civilian can do it to equal quality.

>grandad humor
You mean "act like an asshole and make some $8/hour kid as uncomfortable as possible, then say "it's just a joke kid, lighten up" afterwards"?
Now that I think about it it is only old guys who do this. What, do they expect you to risk your job by bantering with them?

The guy in OP\s image has a certain softness to his face not usually found in dudebros/chads. He might be a recovering NEET or fatty.

What the fuck even

Walmart dress code is the most idiotic bullshit ever. After a while (4 yrs) of working as cashier, I learned to recognize when people are going to be cunts just from how they look.

I loved dealing with faggots like you when I was a cashier because you're the exact type of smarmy fuck where I'd put a case of pop on top of your bread when I'd pack your bags.

I am so glad I went straight to working manual labor when I had to get a job. Get ripped, and curse up a storm the entire time while actually learning something useful as well as making triple the money you guys make.

Who besides a repeat 80 IQ felon that is physically immobile would be a cashier?

>I learned to recognize when people are going to be cunts
What are the biggest tells?

Yeah, they had a couple of good specials on. Can I pay by debit?

No, fuck you John.

I didn't find everything OK. I had to pick through the tomato and onion bins to find ones that weren't rotten. You were out of my brand of corn chips. I couldn't even find serranos. I had to settle for jalapenos. I'm just too much of an omega faggot to say anything about it to your face so I'm being angry about it on Veeky Forums instead so none of this even matters.

"Y-Yeah, I guess."

>When I was a cashier

I'm university educated and have a way better job now. That was just something I was doing while studying.

And before that I worked in a foundry so how about that?

>Oh no an temporarily uncomfortable social situation.
Cry more fags.
Swear to god this country is fucking doomed.

Y-y-youu too.

I consider that to be a very odd employment choice even while studying. I see no proper justification for it.

Congrats on the better job.


> implying it doesn't vary by area

usually it's either: some prissy stuck-up teenage cunt that just has that "daddy's money" look about her or some overweight lady with BO/shitty hygiene/looks

Not that guy but some reliable ones are:

>Old or cheap looking clothes
>The "manager mom" haircut
>Looking like anyone who could be on People of Walmart

Basically imagine how you'd think any normal cunt would look like

guessing you didn't have a lot of friends growing up

> implying everyone lives in an area where that's possible
> implying even getting a shitty low-wage job is easy

I tried getting a manual labor job, didn't turn out, but thanks for shaming me for making the best of what's available. Take the cocks out of your ears nigger.
I can't believe I forgot these, I guess I just assumed everyone knew about that.

Thank you.

But yeah, foundry didn't really have many hours after a while. My family is very close friends with the owner so we still talk every now and then.

As far as cashiering went, it was close enough to my house such that it wasn't a pain in the ass to get to and I just needed easy cash while I was still doing that degree, so it was what it was, a simple transitory job.

Calm down you spergs it was a joke.

It wasn't a perfect association though, you'd get some people who look like they'd cause nothing but a scene but they'd turn out to be quite nice, as well as the reverse.

That being said, you had to get really crafty in dealing with these dickheads.

Thanks for the totes awesome response brah, keep it real nigga.
>grins at you

Where do you live where blue collar/manual labor isnt possible? Do you know how society is held together?

Was it steel? China has really screwed a lot of the metal industry in America, but they're still chomping at the bit to hire people that have the capacity to learn machining

Steel, aluminum, iron. Whatever came our way, really.

As far as I remember talking to the guy, business picked up after that slump when I left the place on good terms, but I'm not entirely sure how things shifted since.

when I said not possible I meant that I likely wouldn't be hired since there were no positions open, I just assumed you knew that you utter mongoloid.

Thank (you).

No need to have a defeatist personality. No wonder you work as a cashier. No self esteem.

That's good his business is probably still doing well. The rest of the industry has been improving over the last few years.

It was never really in the tanker to begin with, it just waxed and waned like any business does.

Then again, at least there I didn't have to deal with customers directly most of the time and the boss treated us well, World Cup games on a TV in the break room, the coffee in there was good, coworkers were great guys. Good old days.

What the fuck

yeah id fuck him too he's pretty hot

The working men of America are simply the best people you'll ever meet

>biggest tells
Generally if they're old, black or a soccer mom it is almost guaranteed that they will act like total shit this what reddit is like?

Je n’en crois pas mes yeux !

have you been raised with out manners? that you can't politely return a compulsory polite greeting.

damn yankees.


*stare into his eyes*
*place a hand in one of his cheeks*

Dounle cringe


I have a crush on a grocery store clerk

>wanting to make someone's day worse for absolutely no reason at all
>getting mad when others have a problem with that

are you a nigger by chance?

fucking worked

You would not do that because you are a beta male and that guy could kick your ass.

Based autism poster

>being this socially retarded and autistic that you have to explain and justify your autistic behavior

>has to make things awkward because his autism is acting up
>autistic screeching ensues


*grabs your ass playfully*
Yeah bro, wanna hit the town with the boys later, brah?

you have the 'tism big time bro

>cashiers at a walmart

dude this guy's a christian with good values and he would still fuck your sister over the kitchen sink. and you can't do shit about that

so random xD

Oh my fucking god. That's some shit a 13 year old would think to say but never do.

>ex military here

It goes it goes it goes it goes GUILLOTINEEEEEEEEEEEEE

you know it is company policy that they force small talk with people who they know dont want to talk to them. and then when they finally dont talk to the people in line, someone complains to managment that the staff was not friendly

jesus fuck

reminds me of my gf's sister's husband and my gf's uncle, they always fuck with waiters and think they're being clever and cute (haha i bet i made their day!) but really they're just being annoying and cringey.

Are you Jewish by chance?

Chads come from all walks of life

kek this

Probably not, Jews are usually funny

yes dadd-
yeah yeah everythings cool

waa perfect, papi, thanks.

*tips generously if i can afford it*

take care brother, have a nice day.
try to make good folk a little bit happier

>doesn't say anything to you

i bet you tip your fedora at him too


I miss muh mexican qt pie at kroger. oh the akward conversations we used to have.
>tfw you move to a new town and the local store is staffed by old black people
even if I did want to talk to them, I couldnt because they constantly bix nood to each other loud as fuck.

Would impregnate with my superior, Western seed and make beautiful, intelligent, alpha babies with.

yes mast-.. mister

sei un coglione

Yessir desu.

I'm a cashier and it's not that bad. I treat people with respect and don't bother them with small talk (unless they initiate it) and instead focus on getting them checked out and on their way as fast as humanly possible.

>pay for my things
>cashier avoiding eye contact
>I tell her, "You have a nice day"
>She says, "Have a good day" halfway through my sentence
Was it autism?