Not trying to a fedora autist, but can we discuss this?

Not trying to a fedora autist, but can we discuss this?

Was giving women power really a good move?

I see nothing wrong with this.

He asked as mother shouted that dinner was ready.

No, but certain people had a disproportionate hand in promoting their "liberation."

You're supposed to say words like 'SJW', 'white genocide', 'redpill', and 'cuck'.

We must get women back in the kitchen where they belong, white brother. Praise Kek

have you ever considered the idea that if multiple jewish people do the same thing it's maybe not coordinated in advance

>assmad roasty can't retort with coherence


>Was giving women power really a good move?

Obviously not. Nobody who has received power in western society since the 1840s (and I include working class fuckingawhitemale plebs in that equation) has exercised it in a manner demonstrating a capacity for doing so responsibly, wisely, virtuously, etc.

How do we get women to realize that they are unhappy and shouldn't have a right to self-determination (after all, they are simply brainwashed and have no autonomy) and should cede their civil rights and become subservient to men again? We can't let this degeneracy destroy our race any longer

*teps fredero*

This seems to be the wrong board for this type of discussion, I see similar threads to this on /pol/ so why don't you take it there.

Not a woman. Sculpture reminded me that I haven't done a Chaturbate binge in a while.

Hedonism sure is tough when you're poor, isn't that right, /pol/?

Of course it is co-ordinated in advance. Jews are basically better white people, with more accurate predictive models of behaviour that they use to manipulate everyone else, and closer familial/racial ties. This is why they're subhuman.

Most people on /pol/ believe subversion to be one of their genetic traits, rather than "they all have secret meetings to craft their plans".

The white man deserves these rights and he has proven it. See me and people of my ilk. We embrace masculinity, whiteness, hierarchy, and traditional gender roles.
We deserve it, because we've worked hard for it.

>believe subversion to be one of their genetic traits

Complaining about shit and blaming others seems to be a European racial trait.

get out of Veeky Forums retard

Don't you think this sculpture as being critical of degeneracy? It isn't showing an empowered womyn, but a woman hiding her own face to further objectify herself. It isn't even blaming the evil patriarchy, but the one doing actually doing the objectifying. I imagine this will be decried by the SJWs if they don't twist it into their own meaning.

if it was an innate then they would subvert spontaneously about different things not the same thing

>People deserve what they work hard for

How, through some mystical magic thinking? People work hard at stealing things.

Uh oh baby forgot to take the REDPILL today

The white man deserves great fortune. We built the world, we built civilization, we built the aeroplane, we went to the moon, we created philosophy, we created all scientific inventions, we created medicine, we created beauty and masterpieces in art, we are the embodiment of God himself.

The desire to subvert could be innate, but obviously they can think and see what others are doing and bandwagon they deem it profitable. Eventually though they might start subverting other things or even their own subversion, which is the origin of the "they always play both sides" theory.

Fuck you cuck, we BUILT the moon.

Redpilling is bluepilled.

Take the nopill: books.

I never thought I wanted to fuck marble statues but you guys keep posting these lewd statues on this board.

It's also pretty interesting to see what someone looks like when they're trying to take a cellphone pic of their ass when normally you'd only see this through the lens of the camera. It's not 'great art' but it's interesting in how silly it makes us look. How you respond to this silliness is where the political interpretation comes in, compared to simply presenting something as-is

Your ancestors 3,487th removed did those things. You're no different than negroids complaining about literal slavery.

what would be the profit, or intellectual motive that guides them specifically to subvert in that matter? unless they're getting paid by someone that organizes it, they would have to be predisposed towards romanticism which means subversion is a form entertainment

Something straight out of LN.

>Was giving women power really a good move?

No and your pic encapsulates why.
What is she doing? Taking a picture for men to masturbate to. But no actual sex is involved. Instead of existing in-the-world, her body becomes nothing more than a detached alienated sex object that men can never come into real contact with, and I would say, don't even want to come into contact with.

It's ironic that the collapse of victorian barriers resulted in nothing but the further isolation of men and women.

Electronic culture has shown us what we really are. That sculpture is what woman really is after having being freed from all pretension. A shameless, narcissistic animal who uses her nature to sow evil and dissolution.

The blood of my white ancestors, Dante, Socrates, Michelangelo, Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Kant, Kafka, Goethe, Wagner, Shakespeare, Proust, and Adolf fucking Hitler runs through my veins. You are letting the semites brainwash you if you don't realize that these white innovators, artists, and visionaries constitute my being.

Is Varg the real intellectual of our generation

Women simply are evil compared to the white man. They defile all beauty through unfathomable hatred and malice, intent to destroy all with their evil and wickedness

Einstein was Jewish.

Can't even be racist right. lol

He had some white in him, which was what his mind was made of.

I know you think you're satirizing me but re-read what I wrote.
Individuals need constraints or else society cannot remain cohesive. Doubly true for women.

Not sure why you think condemning the sharing of explicit photos of yourself has anything to do with chauvinism.

>There is such thing as cohesive society

There are two things in the world: Degeneracy, and hidden degeneracy

>Complaining about shit and blaming others seems to be a European racial trait

The "degeneracy" argument is particularly retarded in this case since lewd statues are a key part of classical culture.

>People work hard at stealing things.
No they don't or they wouldn't steal them. Stealing $100 from someone's wallet isn't as hard as earning $100. Stealing someone's business isn't as hard as building your own business from the ground up.

You're forgetting your white ancestors Charles Ponzi, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and James Holmes, too.

>t. ultra mega contrarian
sometimes things are what they are. I'm not gonna be genociding anyone, but I won't complain when the masses start killing the people who've fed them this garbage though.

These blacks are half white anyway. Real African slaves didn't complain about shit

nude is not lewd you faggot

Hoping for a genocide myself, white brother. I want to bathe in their inferior blood

You realize that the United States originally had a property requirement for voting rights, yes? Try and approach the problem impartially, free of New Deal-era "democratic" theology.


Those Venuses get pretty lewd

my good man, i know you're just playing a character right now

>It takes no work to steal something

Why work at all then lol

life imitates art

What do you expect from Veeky Forums? This place is pathetically incapable of appreciating art. People here only like 19th century kitsch with naked women and to them a stylized painting from the early 20th century is literally the death of the western civilization, a jewish conspiracy, funded by CIA.

I just want to see women and children slaughtered like a real man, not a cuck who'd think it abhorrent. I will jerk off to their screams and lamentation as they're brutally murdered

>lewd statues are classical

You have a poor understanding of art history.
Lewd statues mostly belong to the Hellenistic era which was actually a time of cultural relativism, actual degeneracy, and dissolution.
This may come as a surprise but the word "classical" carries connotations besides "dude really old shit looool"

At any rate your post isn't even in good faith since the picture you posted is a 20th century work and its "lewdness" relies on a self-consciously Freudian analysis.
If you have to rely on psychoanalysis to reveal that something is "lewd" then maybe you should look up the word.

Compare what you posted to the picture in the OP before you ever use the word "lewd" again.

Damn right they do.

That's a pretty fucking good sculpture.

This sculpture is righteous. Technology was a mistake. Yes Luddite yes hypocrite

Trying a little too hard here

>Veeky Forums is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc

You have no idea what you are talking about because you talk in absolutes and refuse to accept an intermediate position.
>19th century kitsch
Here you imply that academic art is somehow less valuable than pomo despite vast evidence to the contrary
>jewish conspiracy
Here you construct a strawman that rejects the possibility that jews are simply genetically cunning and achieve positions of power while rejecting the zeitgeist of the masses
>funded by CIA
Nope funded by the government which until recently in America at least was dominated by neo-lib thinking

0/10 psued trash post. Probably written by a kike judging by your rhetorical style.

>you tried so you lose haha

Wow really made me think. Great board.

We must redpill. The white women that rightfully belong to us are being taken away as we speak


>genetically cunning
>I know literally nothing abot genetics or ethology but I spout my biased bullshit /pol/ opinions using pseudo-scientific terms anyways.

Ok, m8.

Well yeah I'm a jew so what? How does that change/prove anything?

>Here you imply that academic art is somehow less valuable than pomo despite vast evidence to the contrary

To be fair 19th century academic art is pretty bad since it was produced for sale to the tasteless middle-class instead of commissioned by the rich, educated patrons of the past.

>women and children
I prefer animals. We're talking about non-white here m8. /sarc/notsarc/idon'tevenknow

try the redpill of objective truth, retarded brainwashed moron libcuck

It doesn't, but now I'm just impressed with my own ability to recognize you guys, lol. You're fine as long as you don't use being a jew for victim status, but that's for /pol I guess.

Some folks (generally adults) are able to distinguish between art and pornography.

Doesn't matter, it's too late to take it back anyway.
Once people have a taste of freedom, it's impossible to shackle them again, that's why people will literally die for democracy.

leftists have no sense of aesthetics though. have you seen leftist art? those novels about upper middle class PocWoCs experiencing white microagressions? oscar bait films about slavery and the holocaust? you have no right to talk about kitsch, when you would praise a piece of paper with the words 'fuck white people' written on it as high art out of a perverse sense of self righteous guilt

Are you implying that the right has artists?

Everyone in history, idiot. Proust, Joyce, Shakespeare, Milton, the list goes on. They were all national socialists who hated women

I think the piece is gross, simple, and Egoistic. It says "look I am a monkey and I like to produce and distribute images of my nethers, therefore I AM Goddess"
It lacks even a semblance of awareness of the human condition.
Unless the piece is meant to be ironic in which case it is cheap and obvious.

>Uses the term "kitsch"
>Makes fun of LE JOO CONSPIRACY meme
>"I'm so impressed that I was able to figure out you were a J-O-O based on nothing more than the fact that you talk exactly like one"

Is this a newly discovered kind of retarded?

Bottom Jizzle

it's called redpill, moron

Art has no inherent political connotations or preferences and if either side say that it dose that just proves that they cannot enjoy aesthetics sans petty partisanship.

>Here you imply that academic art is somehow less valuable than pomo
No I don't. There's plenty of good 19th century art. The problem is that Veeky Forums prefers the shitty one.

>despite vast evidence to the contrary
Sorry but the amount of details in a painting has little to do with its objective quality.

>Here you construct a strawman that rejects the possibility that jews are simply genetically cunning and achieve positions of power while rejecting the zeitgeist of the masses

>Nope funded by the government
I was actually trying to imply how nonsensical it is to say that an early 20th century painting was funded by America, because modernism at that time was mostly European, and I'm not sure if CIA existed at all at that point in time. People like to bring up that CIA-Pollock connection argument, so I wanted to make fun of it a bit.

>Probably written by a kike
I'm not a jew, though

Stop samefagging and impersonating me, it's truly pathetic.

You look very triggered. I sadly cannot reply to you with a more in-depth comment because dealing with one hysterical /pol/tard is quite enough for me.


I think the piece has more to do with works from the past like this especially due to the exaggerated proportions of the body, produced for a male audience. She isn't a 'goddess' but she becomes the depiction of that goddess in the same manner as 19th century works. Seeing a woman on the ground in a contorted position is not seeing a goddess, and it is also not seeing the woman from her controlled image of the camera. It's basic shit about the gaze but it also makes women complicit in the production of such images (now).

I agree with you, and I also don't think modern politics can be said to parallel ancient politics. However, there was a period of time in recent history when the majority of artists were, indeed, leftists to some degree. The Right had people like Merle Haggard, Hank Williams, and William Buckley, but those were few and far between when compared to rank-and-file conservatives. I DO believe that one's political leanings have some kind of correlation with creativity/artistic ability, as they are ultimately part of how one views life and the world at large. However, what the nature of this correlation is, I cannot say.

Also the reception and production of images and how they shape our 'times' is an awareness of the human condition.

What a shallow sculpture.

Lets see your sculpture then, maestro.

The sculpture itself is unimpressive and the "message" is fairly shallow and is not made up for by the quality of the work idk what there is to really discuss. Whether the work is criticizing the shallowness and vapidity of modern day women or ironically making a statement about the fact that you cannot criticize oversexualization in a piece of art like this without being complicit in it yourself neither of the two are particularly deep or interesting.

im white and a man, i could make something 5000 times better, but i'd probably get called a nazi for doing so by sjw movement of women and inferiors

it's a bait thread anyway.

You're actually a spineless faggot with nothing going for you but your false sense of intelligence that tries to outrun the impeding logic of truth like a stampede at your heels.

The only reason I say this is because you actually have nothing going for you, and the lies you tell yourself every night that you're smarter than everyone else you know, even those on a Mongolian basket weaving imageboard, is one of the saddest excuses anyone in this entire world has. I'd appreciate the perspective of an impoverished Indian toddler who regularly shits in the street more than I do yours.

>tl;dr: kys faggot

Was it Kino ?

look at those fucking nails
fucking looks like the god damn ring

Is it satire? Is it sincere?

Is it both?

Proving my point. :)

I like this work, it show the love of sluts who know their place.

it's cultural marxism!