My dad bought a bunch of halal chickens because they were on sale and he brought me one

My dad bought a bunch of halal chickens because they were on sale and he brought me one.

Why does it look so strange?

Different breed, but a bird's a bird, so cook that bad boy up

Looks like it has different feathers.

that's what chickens looks like when they aren't raised in packed wharehouses on a diet of hormones and other chickens literal shit

also it's a different breed

>Why does it look so strange?
because it's a normal chicken without growth hormones. this is what normal chicken used to look like.

neat, I thought it was diseased or something but I'm excited to eat it now.

>Amerifats so used to hormone laden GMO fed obese chickens that normal, healthy chickens look strange to them

chicken dont live long enough to give them hormones. they are fattened up with gmo corn.

>Why does it look so strange?
Look perfectly normal except the legs are deployed.
A smol chicken but should be perfectly good.

cook it and tell us how it tastes compared to mass produces machine chicken

Everyone in this thread is wrong. The main reason it looks smol is cuz your birds weren't injected with brine like factory birds. Make sure you brine these the old fashioned way b4 you cook them op.

Literal retards. It's a different breed and that's all.

I'm actually British.

> Make sure you brine these the old fashioned way

Did people in ye olden days always brine their chickens?

What would be the point in bothering to raise a breed of chicken that doesn't give you much meat?

you are thinking of brineing before you cook it. after the chicken is killed and defeathered, they are injected with saline water to increase their size and weight, to make them appear more plump.
a chicken that didnt have that happen to it would look similar to ops picture
t. i raise and eat my own birds and wabbits

Growth hormones are banned in poultry in the USA and chickens are slaughtered before they even hit like 2 months old you morons.

>Did ye olden people bring their birds
Yeah before refrigeration brining was a really good way to kill pathogens as well as add flavor and tenderness to meat.
>Why raise chickens without a lot of meat?
Because some breeds are "layers" meaning they excel at laying eggs and some are for meat. Some are dual purpose and kinda good at both.
You realize that a saline solution is the same thing as brine right? They're both just salt water and it's injected because it's faster than soaking.

>OP is british

lmao holy shit limey britcucks BTFO

That is a pigeon OP

Probably a soup chicken. Boil that bad boi.

>halal chickens
good goy, pay extra for the exact same product

>good goy
we hate jews
t. muslim

Then stop acting so Jewish.

It has A cup titties

First sensible answer.

I've never boiled a whole chicken for soup before.

What tips could you give me?

I also raise and eat my own chicken and they look nothing like that.

can't help it, currently i am poor and i am being a maximum jew to survive.

I thought halal meat just meant they drained the blood out of it. I had halal beef at an Indian restaurant once, it had an odd texture.

Growth hormones and antibiotics are illegal for use in poultry
The shit part is probably true though

>soup chicken

Out of all the answers this one makes the most sense. I roasted the chicken and it's barely palatable - the skin tastes like chewing on a rubber band and the meat is tough and sinewy.

t. OP

Obsessed much?

It's not too late to put it in soup

Its just not injected with brine. That's what makes the thighs and breast look plump and the skin tight.

>That's what makes the thighs and breast look plump and the skin tight

I'm on no fap, Satan, you cunt.

hello fellow /r/nofap i am on day 3 and i am already struggling. Being jobless doesn't help either. I got several interviews but shit they won't respond to me with the result and it is killing me. Hold me bros

are you fags so pathetic you can't not masturbate

I didn't fap for 2 months once just to try it and in the middle of it I watched an entire streaming porn video without touching my dick, it seriously isn't hard and if you actually have trouble with it you should probably just kill yourself now

go away jew

You probably have a low labido

Even if they were to do that, that chicken would look little like the types of chickens most see in grocery stores. It's obviously a different breed. Most stores here have chickens without any brine injection. Even Foster's Farms doesn't do it.

Also looks like a rooster to me, but yeah.


halal doesn't cost extra anywhere I've ever shopped

>terd worlders and yuropoors so used to anorexic and malnourished chickens that healthy American farm raised chickens look strange to them.

>we hate jews
You bought halla chicken. You got jewed.
Protip : hallal isn't a thing, it's a political lie from the late 70's.

lol thats a young rooster.


Well of course you're British, that's why you got halal chickens. Are you in Londonstan or Yorkshirabad?

as if there arent 70 billion loopholes for all your shit foods
all they had to do was probably refer to growth hormones as meat biggerizers

i hate muslims
t normal white guy

i love you too, daisuke

chicken in the uk is the same in the us

i never thought Veeky Forums would give me a boner

Halal is a slaughter method (an inhumane one) it has nothing to do with the conditions in which the chook was raised

It is emaciated. The breast bone should not be that prominent on birds. You cant tell by just looking at thek if they are underweight due to feathers so you have to feel their chest.

Pic related, an emaciated pigeon.

>gives a shit about how animals are killed

I understand that animals need to die before I eat then, but that doesn't mean I want them to die painfully. Empathy is what makes white people superior.

That's not true. Raised lots of chicks and they were all fat cunts.

It's just a different breed.

>slitting the throat of an animal very quickly with a very sharp knife is inhumane
inb4 you posting videos of some pajeets who claim that they are killing an animal the "halal" way.

Dying from bloodloss is slower than dying from a bolt to the brain.

Who gives a shit.