What book do you think about the most?

what book do you think about the most?

A Confederacy of Dunces

why? what about it keeps you thinking?

I have a masters degree in English, I'm unemployed, I live with my mom in the South, and I just applied to be a hotdog vendor. It's hard to not think about it.

Being an Time. As somebody with attention issues I 9ften think about authentic being and temporality.

Also, I think of The Denial of Death quite a bit. Particularly the stuff about fearing reaching your pinnacle.

crime and punishment

Shit you got solid first hand material to use. Where's the stand located?

This just missed my cut.

A military base so not as picturesque as New Orleans.

I think this one.

Did Raskolnikov marry Sonya after prison? Did he become a great man after all?

He didn't become a Great Man, but after everything he found a way to become a good man :)

A couple but they only come about every decade or so. The first one was the virgin suicides. I read it as a young teen and it fucked me up. The next was never let me go when It came out. Recently it was J R because it was so consistently funny.

bruh almost done this
is there supposed to be something that happens later in the book or is it going to be about lotte and taht love affair only?

Correction, The Loser, Gravity's Rainbow, Oblivion, Molloy, The Melancholy of Resistance, The Sonnets (Ted Berrigan), Lunch Poems, The Maximus Poems, Burnt Norton

Did anyone else ever think she was prostituting herself to the guards?

Blood Meridian, I can't tell if McCarthy had some deep philisophical meaning hidden in parts of the book or if he was just a depraved maniac with a unique writing style.

Thus Spake Zarathustra, Brothers Karamazov, JR, Buddenbrooks

Infinite Jest.

The Republic, Beyond Good and Evil, Closing of the American Mind (shut up), and Demons, particularly Stravrogin's conversation with Kirillov: "Suppose you lived on the moon and you did something so incredibly shameful that they'd hold your name in infamy for a thousand years, but you're down here now, and the moon looks so small..." Basically Stavrogin and Kirillov kinda sorta talking each other into suicide.

The Cossacks, Crime & Punishment

The Bible.

The Recognitions and Portrait of the Artist

Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence

I've been thinking about translating it into Finnish.

Probably The Book of Disquiet, The Castle and Nausea.


Ecce Homo, mostly because it reads like Veeky Forums, i love it though. "Lived through the summer like a shadow in St. Moritz..."

serious question.....is this book any good?

The Bible

but also