Why is Salinger so drawn to creating intelligent children and young people?

Why is Salinger so drawn to creating intelligent children and young people?

Not just in Catcher, but many of his short stories and novellas all feature children; usually intelligent, sometimes even brilliant.

Maybe he thought he was hot shit as a child and could never recreate the feeling in his own life once he got older.

Also why did he legitimately believe in fucking retarded bullshit like telekinesis?

Salinger is the Norman Rockwell of American literature,

Lots of intelligent people believe in telekenisis. Who knows, maybe they're onto something. Not for us to know for another few decades at least.

totally wrong

I think he just liked the idea that children weren't restricted by social/political hierarchies in the ways adults are, so he used children to show those limits.

"The perceptive, precocious intelligence of children"

>Why is Salinger so drawn to....children and young people

That's really fuckin' creepy

Aldous huxley believed in pseudo-science also (his occultish shit, the discredited method that helped his eyesight)

This. Semites (arabs and jews) are more likely to molest or have a thing for kids than morally evolved races.

"Three years and a day," as the rabbi says.

More like Hopper

10/10 kek

Well, he was a pedophile, so that's probably a big reason.
Longer version:
Salinger had a series of relationships with young women who were painfully young, and who looked even younger. As soon as they showed any signs of aging, he would dump them, sometimes on vacation, thousands of miles from home, telling them to find their own way back (and to be out of the hotel room by such-and-such a time). He never actually abused a child, but he toed the line so painfully that his fiction becomes pretty damn clear as a result.
Check out Joyce Maynard's At Home in the World for a good, first-person account of such shenanigans.

They're all part of the same family, the Glass family.

Except for Holden, who wasn't that bright.

Stop watching pornography.

Blame the old hags. Salinger's only fault is being a terrible writer.


Can someone finally explain to me why is The Great Gatsby and The Catcher in the Rye so much hated on Veeky Forums every day?

We despise our roots.

because they are extremely shallow books dumb people have built a mythology of intellectualism around to appear less dumb. Probation is over.

Thanks, Varg

Absolutely based

>He never actually abused a child

We really have no idea. He's not going to be all "hey Goys, here's my new doll Suzie-Loo only 10 and 2"

Because of people fresh out of high school. Look:
