Id like an expresso please

>id like an expresso please


>Imma do a...


> misses whole point of the thread

was it autism?

>and one of the artesian sandwiches

>water with lemon

I'd like some prusooto


>"Hi!, can I get one Double Ristretto Venti Half-Soy Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One Sweet'N Low and One Nutrasweet, and Ice

>"And can I order one expresso for my husband"

>I'll have the americano

Get out of the thread retard

You can have filter coffee or tea from a bag, luv.

Sure, that'll be 20 dollars.

How do you mispronounce water with lemon?

How do you not?

>implying the thread has a point

The point is mispronounced food items, we have these constantly

No one gives me (You)s before I get my first sip. Now you may respond

yes, that's a theme not a justification for the thread's existence

A point does not need to be poignant



>Yeah, uh, can I have a jaeeroh

Came to post this, the trouble is if you say broo-sketta people think you are pronouncing it wrong and even the wait staff might correct you

>I'd like the FILLIT cooked medium

It's the Greek's fault for spelling it wrong when they exported it to the English-speaking world

>tfw used to get prosciutto and brochette confused all the time and end up combining words like




This one gets me every tiem.


My dad calls it that on purpose because he doesn't give a fuck about your soyboy coffee fuckery

>itt subhumans from non english-speaking countries try to pretend like their quaint little language matters
You're living in an anglo world friends, we'll pronounce your stupid words however we feel.

sounds like your dad might be retarded, sorry man

The world is laughing at you.

I used to say "habaƱero" as if the "n" had a tilde on it. Sometimes the word still slips out of my mouth that way. I am so ashamed.

I see you're speaking english there friend :^)


You forgot Pumpkin Spice.

its "hab a neero", like "have a nero" if you are the roman empire. idiot

>dolce de leche

To be fair the Spanish word dulce looks similar but it irks me to see Italian and Spanish used together like that

>chandelier mushrooms
>shit-take mushrooms
(For macarons)

I could go on but these are some I've heard.

how do you pronounce it jala pen yo?


"I'll have an assaaaaa-gio bagel with plain cream cheese"


Holy shit I need that mug. It describes me perfectly!

It's wrong, but it's not that wrong. If someone who spoke neither fluent English nor Italian (Hungover sarariman?) asked for an "Expresso" or even an "Express coffee" you'd probably know exactly what was up

i am stunned that you understand how to take a screenshot and crop it

one of the dumbest posts i've ever seen on Veeky Forums

Anglos are the most insecure people when it comes to pronounciation, most people in non-Anglo countries don't care how you're supposed to say foreign words.

Different letters are pronounced differently in different languages. You can say the same shit and spell it differently, and often cause confusion if you use foreign spelling

>being this dumb

Hate on Starbucks all you want, but those bacon, egg, and gouda sandwiches are fucking great.

Have you tried the double smoked bacon with egg and cheddar? Mmm dat croissant bun tho... if these things weren't $5 a piece, I'd be a fat fuck

Starbucks sandwiches are literally shit. Even 7-11 breakfast sandwiches are 1000 times better