Is there a correlation between leftism and mental illness...

Is there a correlation between leftism and mental illness? It seems like almost every postwar leftist writer was either a drug addict, depressed, sexually perverted and/or suicidal.

What do you think?

There is a correlation between monotheism and pedophilia. There is a correlation between right-wing philosophy and fascism. There is a correlation between left-wing philosophy and communism.

I have also wondered why people who identify as trans also seem to have a laundry list of mental illnesses.

Because having such a severe brain/body mismatch and society telling you you're a freak and should die is bad for one's mental health in general. You're putting the cart before the horse here.

Is there a correlation between making off-topic posts and being a stupid loser?

I mean, why would a successful, fulfilled person with a rewarding social and romantic life, and a promising career troll the internet for cheap outrage?

instead society should 'abolish gender' and make prepubescent boys wear dresses as a cure for 'toxic masculinity'. imo the whole lgbt/feminist movement is being used by the establishment to feminise society and thus neutralise any resistance to the status quo


Monotheists, particularly priests, are less likely to be pedos than the average.

Can you please stop shitposting? You're deprecating the quality of our board.

I'm not even leftist, I'm actually a fairly normal, conservative man, but you are acting like an idiot and making your side look bad. Don't you have a life?

Even in societies where trans people are highly accepted (Northern European countries) they still have a higher suicide rate.
I don't condone them, but there must be more than simply how society treats them desu, it's just trying to look for an 'easy' way to fix their issues, but I suppose they need psychological/psychiatric help.

>It seems like almost every postwar leftist writer was either a drug addict, depressed, sexually perverted and/or suicidal.
The biographies have this common pattern where they join communist organizations, approve of the USSR, and eventually find out the hard way what they were fighting for all along.

It's not a troll, I'm legitimately curious. These issues do not seem to exist for conservative writers. It would make sense, because leftists generally tend to be weak.

>Burroughs came to equate liberalism with bureaucratic tyranny, viewing government authority as a collective of meddlesome forces legislating the curtailment of personal freedom. His philosophy for living one's life was to adhere to a laissez-faire path, one without encumbrances—in essence a credo shared with the capitalist business world

Far cry from what you'd expect of a 'leftist.'

makes sense Burroughs would be an ancap, given that he was a major pedo

That doesn't mean there is no correlation. How can we possibly verify that statistic when we know how interested the Vatican and other religious bodies have been in covering up such abuse? it's pretty hard to gather statistics when one side of the equation is being actively, intentionally concealed.

Most radical politics tend to be connected to mental illness.

After WW2, most radical politics were left-wing, at least the radical politics that were socially and intellectually acceptable.

Comorbidity. Having one mental illness makes it very likely to have more mental illnesses. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness.

Being openly and unabashedly straight is about the most subversive thing you can do nowadays

No it isn't. Get real.

Stop confusing cuckholism with the rest of the monotheistic religions.

Go to bed, Cuckard Spencer!


I'm trying to understand whether leftists have ugly souls which they are trying to reflect unto society or whether they're so stupid that they actually believe the shit they spew

I don't like leftists either but have you considered that it's possible to simply avoid leftists pretty easily. I see a lot of people on here starting threads about leftists, derailing threads into politics, and generally acting pissed off about politics and I have to ask myself what is prompting this. Just focus on yourself and your career instead of getting pissed off about leftists whom you'll probably never meet irl and can just ignore. If you run into a leftist irl, just try to pretend you're talking to a buffoonish character in a comedy play. It will improve your quality of life.

Jews drive leftism and are much more likely to suffer from mental illness than non-jews. And since what jews project onto the culture via leftism is an inversion of that society's norms and values, and are instead a reflection of jewishness, a people who define themselves in opposition to their host, the individuals who buy what these jews are selling turn out fucked up -- mentally ill, feminist, tranny, self-loathing, cuck, etc., because they are going against what is natural and normal due to false moral framing by and outside tribe of middle eastern sociopaths. Leftism, or the modern version of it, is the inversion of normality framed as "progress."

>ablublu Jews are why I'm crazy poor and fucked up.
There are people born blind and retarded with more backbone than you

The more I live the more I'm convinced that leftists hate anything that is beautiful, strong, or able. They have this freakish desire to make everything ugly. They get made when people do things for their own ends, and not to benefit others. This idea of "living for others" is grotesque.

What? Were you trying to refute something I said or make yourself look foolish here? So far you've only accomplished the latter. Please try again.

>*tips fedora*

Americans are mentally ill in general. The most insane people along with muslims.

>I've seen the "anarco-capitalists are pedophiles" (a billion quotation marks) argument (another billion) being made on Veeky Forums

confirmed for 89 IQ, Veeky Forums is now the most intelligent board

Mental illnesses usually don't come alone. Also they are not rigidly defined things like physical diseases. Your brain is either fucked up or it's not ( there is a grey zone in the middle) and when it is there is a bunch of issues you can have.
It's the same for homos to a lesser extent. Enjoying getting fisted is only one of the multiple issues they're likely to have.

The suicide rate is exactly the same for people before and after sex change. The problem is in the head.

>armchair psychology
Please just stop. Why even medicalize it? Fucking pseuds

Modern leftism is harmful and meant to weaken us, of course the people who believe in it won't be the healthiest.

correlation doesn't imply causation


postwar is traumatizing

fake thread and propaganda OP doesn't even reply

most of the posts are non-sequitur

Because modern socialism is mainly composed of single gullible women (easily manipulated) and minorities and Jews, the latter two not even truly believing in the cause but encouraging it to further their agenda.

These are basic facts. You'll need a lot of sources to dispel these commonly accepted facts.

Right? I mean holy shit, when will those terrible gay people stop threatening those poor innocent straight people who just want to live their lives without being denied basic human rights or having entire avenues of living legally barred from them because some people don't like it?

Oh wait, you are just a reactionary moron.

A lot of people suffered becuase of war.That doesn't mean they wasted their time putting to paper their power fantasies and pipe dreams like these NEETs,

>marriage is a basic human right
This is your brain on neoliberalism.

Gays are not the Will and Grace stereotypes you've been culturally indoctrinated to believe they are. They are mentally sick people who spread disease at alarming rates and are many times more likely to molest children. There's a reason gays are viewed negatively in every society on earth and it isn't a result of every societies muh prejudices. It's a natural response to the disease and social harm caused by faggotry.

countries were devastated and needed to be rebuilt. Even surviving as an ordinary citizen was traumatic. In the face of horror, the only answer is freedom and liberty, carrying on life to the highest degree in anyway possible even in the shadow of the cold war that followed.

After the pinnacle of destruction, the only way for survival was this defence mechanism to carry on with normal lives, qualifying it through stereotypes out of context is non-sequitur like talking about the japanese after hiroshima and nagasaki became all cucked workaholic degens, adaptation

Stupid reply to a stupid post

Being gay actually reduces your life expectancy. If only they harmed only themselves that would be great, but the majority of pedophiles are also homosexuals (just a coincidence)

None of that changes the fact that most communist/socialist authors are envious NEETs with too much time in their hands.Nowadays they did contain themselves to rambling on social media.I'm infinitely more respectable towards Stalin than these "intellectuals".

In the prevalent absurdity of the afterwar, even in a far-fetched notion of life imitating art, respect to an over-arching figure was ordained and less conferred within the boundaries of perception of a society, qualitatively possible as a preference today while obligatory in the past.

Place yourself in the position of an ordinary citizen in the context of that time, of a figure deciding on life or death, or as a writer. You would find within yourself some omnipotent ambitious nature that orients you towards powerful figures that act as a magnet. Lessons in history are meant to be learned and not repeated. Until that cult and magnet that you harbor as a figure of greater respectability overriding works as a simple writer in the conditions of life at the time and as mediocre they be, then the same predisposition for respectability under the same auspices can be repeated in horror again for the same reason you possess, to be remembered as more worthy.

OP talks about leftists in his post, but then the pic has William Burroughs, whose political stance might best be considered right libertarian.

Pseud /pol hack detected who never reads the people criticized.
