You like hot chips, right?

You like hot chips, right?

No I'm not a greasy neckbeard with no self control

this made me reconsider all my opinions

Takis Fuego for me hombre.

blatant frito lay/barcel shilling
sage and report


Fuck man there are jalapeno ranch ruffles? I've literally never seen em, I'm living in the wrong region

>not having the GOAT in the pic

C'mon son

Sabritones aren't hot

you're not subtle. you don't deserve the 5 cents a post or whatever the fuck you get paid

Imagine being such a /pol/tard that you think every other post is by a paid shill

The hot munchies and tapatio dorritos are good af

>no monster munch
Just tier

I want something as spicy as XXtra Hot Cheetos and something as or more sour than Takis Fuego.

Who will help me create this monstrosity?

For me, it's Tapatio flavored Doritos

I like jalapeƱo flavored chips, but not just generic "hot flavor".

wow a reference to another board. quite an advanced move, shill.

Believe what you want you ignoramous, I simply was shocked to see that jalapeno ranch flavored ruffles were a thing. Don't get triggered by my use of the brand name now!

There's some at the gas station on my walk in to work, they're good. Almost like the truffle fries from a couple years ago with more kick.


Dorito salsa verde

You'd have to be a fool to not say Takis Fuego.

Takis Fuego if eaten with a sandwich or something but let me get the flamin hot Cheetos if I'm eating them solo.

I want to take her out for a nice seafood dinner and then never call her again.

I want to eat takis from in between her toes while she watches tv



yeah They're pretty good. east coast chip represent.

fuck your blatant shilling, jay's hot stuff is the GOAT

Going to a college that's half asian is great bc you get their convenience stores and weird tastes as a bonus

Hot fries

>cauldron cooked
Cringe and a half.

blair's is cringey for sure but their shit is also outlandishly hot

fuck, i was 8 last time i had cheetos colmillos

any takis nitro man in

Forgot one.