Got a box of 1 day expired soft tortilla shells from taco bell, any advice on what I should use them for...

Got a box of 1 day expired soft tortilla shells from taco bell, any advice on what I should use them for? (idk how many are in it, but it's alot)

expired food isn't safe to eat man.

Throw them off a bridge at traffic.

They are probably good for a day or two more tops, but if you see any mold on anywhere in the package bin that shit

>tortilla shells
They're tortillas, retard.

multiple packages, and I havn't seen any mold. I'm freezing most, but leaving a bag in the fridge till I can find out what to do with them.

They just gave you a box?
Tortillas are just edible utensils, use them as such


coastfag detected

i agree though
fuck anyone who says taco shells or burrito shells or tortilla shells, MOM

Make mexican lasagna

You're an idiot.

How did you get them?

Born and raised in Peoria, IL.

>any advice on what I should use them for?

steal some dogfood and pack it in the shells
roll around the neighborhood selling 'gourmet tacos' chop up some green weeds for the cilantro look.

A tortilla is just a very thin (and malleable) flat bread.

Mexicans use them to scoop up loose food or make tacos (obviously).

Make some breakfast hash/chorizo? Scoop it up with a tortilla. Make some faijtas? Scoop it up.

get some velveeta and hand out quesadillas to the homeless

Peoria is a shithole m8

It's also not coastal, which is the point I was refuting.

No they're soft shell, retard.


Don't eat at Taco Bell, then. We very routinely kept food past the "use by" date. Nobody knew how to fucking rotate stock and use the oldest stuff first and I'd have gotten my shit pushed in if I threw out half a dozen boxes of lettuce.
Standing orders were "don't throw it out unless it actually looks like it's gone bad"

Probably kept them because he was supposed to throw them out otherwise.

Try freezing some.

Fry them up into chips. Freeze any leftovers until you need them.

You could give them away to people who need food if you are not going to eat them all. Even after the expire date those are pretty edible for at least a week.. and even more (unless you see mold growing on them)

soft tacos are just small burritos

>soft tacos
You mean tacos?

They basically are, especially the way Taco Bell makes them. Their soft shells have no structure and flop over all on their own.

Freeze them between players of parchment paper, or wax paper, in small quantities so they can be thawed in little batches without sticking together.

Or make tortilla chips and then nachos. Bonus points if you have friends or a shitty movie to have fun with after.

I'd do this. Just put them into smaller bundles ziplocked or vacuum bagged up and keep them in the freezer. As long as they aren't moldy they should still be good but when you pull out a pack be sure to check them. Enjoy the quesadillas.


>t. Mexican

>go to taco bell
>ask for soft shell taco
>receive soft shell taco

what now?
