Who are some good/influential right wing philosophers? And no memes like Rand please

Who are some good/influential right wing philosophers? And no memes like Rand please.

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de Maistre, Carlyle, Schmitt and Vico are objectively the best the right can offer..

Ernst Junger, Leon Bloy, Nicolas Gomez Davila

Start with Maistre

Evola, Guenon, Benoist.

None of the names mentioned so far can be legitimately qualified as philosophers, despite their thought and works.

Roger Scruton, on the other hand, can be.

Having said that, do dip in and out of these names and see what they to offer you.

the philosophical canon has been culled of right wing thinkers and currents of thought since WW2 so it's not reliable. now there's a revival and many authors will be put in their rightful place after some time of people actually reading them

that does not in any way address my point: most of the authors mentioned above are novelists, occultists, and the like. Guenon and Evola explicitly rejected the label of philosopher. De Benoist, to some extent might be considered one, but he is largely a hack.


Also depends on which languages you can read: many good works are not available in English.

Also, it depends on what exactly you mean by 'philosophy'. If you mean 'intelligent', then you have a much wider scope to work within. Try Ortega y Gasset's "Revolt of the Masses" for one such example.


Schmitt is a philosopher of law.

Right wing at the time or now? Hell, by what fucking decade's standards?

Anybody know of good Fascist non- fiction?

So far I have Pound, Mosley, Codreanu, Cioran, & Gentile.

>None of the names mentioned so far can be legitimately qualified as philosophers, despite their thought and works.

Wow what an interesting .... philosophy!

what? novelists, jurists, publicists (de Benoist hardly merits more), historians and the like?

>thinks only explicit philosophical works count as philosophy

You're a pseud.

You're presumably the plonker who posted Bloy sans accent and Jünger ohne umlaut, and even though you'd be hard pressed to find a coherent (to say the least in Bloy's case) form of thought in their fiction and random scribblings, you accuse others of being pseuds. Nice.



Yes, Yes, have read them both, in the original. And what of Bloy's judaic love-hate relationship and his dubious take on Catholicism? Is that available in English for our presumably anglophone OP?

Or of Jünger's work, which as of now is as yet untranslated into English (to the best of my knowledge). Jünger, again, despite his reputation as a man of the right, is not exactly coherent, and while we can safely explain that away by claiming that thinkers evolve and so on, there are glaring discrepancies in quite a few of his works, the Worker being one, the Forest Flight (or whatever the English title was) being another. See Evola's critique of the Worker here: web.archive.org/web/20141108100109/http://thompkins_cariou.tripod.com/id116.html
and that on the Gordian Knot here:

I note you are recommending works that are as yet unavailable in English to our OP, and yes I'm assuming his language is English, presumably American (Rand reference), and yes, I'm assuming he's monolingual, probably much like yourself, implying you've read those works in the original French and German. The pseudism is rather clear here.

I'm not the one who scolded you. I just called my favorite authors and brought their philosophical (in my opinion) books. I am from Russia and we have wonderful translations of these authors into Russian.

Fair enough. We ought to be a little more clear on language and definitions here.
Bloy in Russian does make sense, and I note that there is a forthcoming translation of The Worker in English later this year.
Still, Bloy is very much the meme-tier of French reactionary literature, subpar novelist, some good short stories, some good pages in his journals, but annoyingly repetitive AF and his religious rants are quite silly. His journals are /r9k/ crossed with fundamentalist Catholic scatology. He only gained traction some years ago due to the so-called new wave of reactionary French authors like MG Dantec and a host of other assorted misfits who kept dropping his name.

Good thread.

so many philosophers rejected the label 'philosopher,' it doesn't really matter

Burke. Hobbes sometimes. Chesterton? Of course the Right is fundamentally wrong about the world/humanity, so their successes are in spite of it rather than because.

Heidegger, Nietzsche, Jung, Eliada, DFW

the list goes on

How are they wrong?
I'm fully aware I'm responding to a bait post

> the baseline of human civilization before the world collapsed to faggotry and radical Islam 50 years ago is fundamentally wrong about the world/humanity
Really? I hope for your sake that was a troll post.

Giovanni Gentile, Oswald Spengler, Julius Evola, Karl Schmitt, Ezra Pound, Oswald Mosley


Plato is pretty influential

Zizek, McLuhan, Barthes, Lacan and everyone from before Rousseau


schelling's late political philosophy is right wing if you have a very loose definition of right wing and political philosophy

oh look it is the lolbertarian of the bunch

My diary.

People like Burke and Evola, from whom most of traditionalist thought comes, are actually appealing to "human civilization before the French Revolution". Apparently they didn't realize it was shit.

'twas the best of times
pic related

not even 1/10 b8.
That said, Lacan's youthful fling with Maurras, now that *is* kekworthy.

John Rawls is a straight-up lithium core redpill. Try not to let it burn too quick as it goes down your throat, kid.

Well OP did say influential. Gotta give the audience what they want

Well you are going to have to work jolly hard to show life is better since the French revolution. Year zero tyrannical regimes tend to be worse than traditional methods of governance

How many fucking times must I tell you idiots that the right and left dichotomy exists only in politics and is nonexistent in philosophy?
Sure, there are plenty of philosophers that influenced right wing politics, but that's very different from philosophers that are right wing.
Is your brain matter so little that you can only store knowledge only if there's a distinct polarization?

Ayn Rand, no memes.

>and is nonexistent in philosophy
I don't believe you and I think you wouldn't like my reason; I follow what recent political science says.
But can you argue why it is indeed nonexistent?

I can agree with you that many ideas are in fact not inherently right or left wing.

Eh, It's something you hear 1st years repeat all the time because they attended a lecture on Filmer or something.
