It's an acquired taste

>It's an acquired taste

Has anyone ever actually acquired a taste for something? I feel like I've always hated the shit I've hated since I was a kid.

Receptive anal intercourse is an acquired taste :^)

of course i have. you have to. as a kid you probably hated a ton of food, then as you grew up you learned to appreciate it. not that special a phenomenon.

Kinda. I always hated angel hair pasta, but it turns out I like it if it's not drowning in sauce. Maybe you'll like something if you eat it a different way?

I hated beer when I was a kid and I love it now.

I like alcohol, onions, spinach, broccoli, spicy food, olives, coconut, raspberries... lots of things i hated as a kid.

I used to hate beer, eggs, coffee, cured meat, and fish when I was a kid but enjoy them all now. Still don't enjoy hard liquor though

I used to hate IPAs, and then I grew up

This I can not agree considering I like recieving anal intercourse since I was a kid, so therefore it can't be always considered an acquired taste.

yeah, literally everyone does this

How old are you?

That's because you're not intelligent, OR you have sensory issues. Sorry.

Anybody over the age of 22 that drinks IPAs is a fucking manchild

Yeah, I've always hated goat cheese. I'm not a massive cheese fan to begin with, but with goat cheese, the smell and texture alone used to make me gag, and even just a tiny pebble tasted like dust and paper and mold.

My girlfriend is a big cheese snob, and she slowly ramped me up into being able to tolerate it, and sometimes even appreciate it. I'm not going to ask for it on a burger or eat it alone, but I don't mind it on pizza for example.

beets and turnips I didn't like when I was kid especiallu turnips

Horehound candy and [spoiler]having my prostate stimulated[/spoiler]

I was never much of a picky eater as kid to begin with, but I hated tomatoes and mustard. I've come around on tomato, in reasonable quantities, and it turns out I'm just a mustard snob.
The one thing that hasn't changed is that I'm a bit averse to added salt in dishes. I like salty snacks but I hardly salt anything I cook. It just seems to blanket other flavors.

Only like it post Fifty years old

>tfw still haven't acquired a taste for alcohol yet
What do? I'm tired of faking it to fit in, I find alcohol disgusting. Why don't I like it yet? I'm almost 30.

The first bite of tofuyo made me shudder.

But the taste grew on me, and now I love it.

pepper, and spicy food in general

*tips fedora*

Went from liking eggs to loving them. And from hating mushrooms to being okay with them.

When I was a child I didn't like mushrooms, mussels, salmon, raw tomatoes, coffee and tea. I like all those things now.

I hated coffee and like 90% of the veggies I enjoy now when I was a kid.
Kids are just shit heads that dont like to be told to eat something because "It's good for you"

Own it. You'll occasionally get shit over it, but generally your 30s is when most people stop really giving a shit about that kinda stuff, and having some weird quirk like that can be an interesting part of your character if played right.

To answer OP, I'd say the subset of stuff I eat now that I liked as a kid is entirely overshadowed by my current tastes.


Yeah, Vegemite was an acquired taste for me

you're a moron


I don't know why I miss the taste of it.

black licorice

Most of the stuff I hated as a kid I love now (Peppers, beer, pastrami, mayo and tomatoes*)
But there is some stuff I absolutely hated as a kid and still would prefer not to eat
(Carrots, Salami and most melons)

*I still wouldn't eat them alone but I love them on a sandwich

Coffee and alchohol

I acquired a taste for 99% cocoa chocolate

>Dad got obsessed with sun dried tomatoes
>I fucking hated sun dried tomatoes
>Fucker added them to everything
>Would throw a tantrum if I took them out because somehow it was offensive even tho I kept telling him I hate them and at least to not add them to my portions
>Eventually I stopped hating the flavor and the texture and now I can stomach them
>Still hate that drunk fuck
>Still hate his shitty tomatoes on principles and now that I'm an adult I will never have shitty sun dried tomatoes again

Not me, funnily enough. I hate salt and vinegar chips just as much as I did as a kid, same with cream soda.

>raw onion
>fizzed drinks

That kind of stuff. I will always hate red cabbage though, I eat it with resentment and it causes me to gag every now and then.

>hate some dishes as a kid
>when I grew up turned out my mother and granny was doing them wrong

I'm Slav, and all Eastern Slavs eat vareniki, traditionally served with bits of fried onion and sour cream.

I fucking hated fried onions as a kid, but turned out my babushka just burned them every time she cooked them, and did not caramelized at all. So now I love fried onion on my vareniki.

Yep. I used to hate drinking any kind of liquor straight. Now whiskey is my favorite drink.

I didn't used to like coffee and now I do.

I didn't like blue cheese or a lot of bitter stuff as a kid and now I do.

Although I think it's less about "acquiring" a taste for it and your tastes simply changing as you get older.

I was a picky little shit when I was a kid, but something clicked in my teens and I started appreciating different foods more. Now I can eat pretty much any of the foods I used to hate.
Except Brussels sprouts. I still can't stand those no matter how they're cooked.

I have only recently started liking pickles, olives until recently, and I didn't like grapefruit either, but now do

Grow up

It's not like I really hated coffee as a child, it was just not a normal idea for me to drink coffee as a child. I have actually lost the taste for candy, which I liked as a child, and hate now.

cranberry / raspberry juice

>>It's an acquired taste
what people mean by this is that after you eat it once or twice, you can begin to identify the nice flavors.
there's a difference between that and forcing yourself to eat something that unironically tastes like dog shit, but a small percentage of the population enjoys anyway

nah I've liked it since I was 15

>I feel like I've always hated the shit I've hated since I was a kid.

Perhaps you're still a child?

fruit compot
some cheeses
conversely, I started hating cheddar lately (or at least the plastic melty kind which I used to love in hamburguers)

I know that feel, except for me it was an iceberg lettuce salad with too many onions every goddamn night until I turned 18.

Getting spanked.


how does your palette stagnate for that long? to this day i still find myself enjoying flavors i never thought I would.

Alcohol, olives, rutabaga, blue cheese and many other things. Hated them as a kid but grew up liking them all.

>blue cheese


Miso soup. I didn't like it the first time I took a sip. I still didn't like it the second time I tried it. The third time I tried it I had half a bowl before it was too much for me in flavor. Fourth time I enjoyed it enough to finish it. And from the 6th time on or so I've loved it.

beer, shrimp, congee, hummus, pickles, okra, cream cheese, olives

op has an acquired immune deficiency syndrome

Olives. I used to fucking hate olives with a passion, and nowadays I fucking love them. Last night I ate a few blue cheese stuffed olives I got from the grocery store, holy shit they're so good.

Same, I always thought they smelled like literal baby diarrhea. Now I love them.

as a vegan i agree

Do you know what literal means?

I 'acquire' tastes pretty quickly. Basically it just means I force myself to eat or drink something, and after a while, it becomes so familiar that I end up liking it. Kind of like sucking dick, you fag.

Probably some more, but the one that really changed for me is cheese. I'm still learning, but I've come a long way.
And beer. Hadn't had any for years because I always hated the taste & they all tasted the same to me. Then in my late 20s I tried some again, and I liked it, and I can clearly taste the differences now. So now once or twice a month I get myself a single strong beer and really enjoy it. Gulden Draak is one of my favorites.

Also olives.

The only fish I ate as a kid was shrimp, I was completely averse to everything else. I'm 22 now and been exploring different variaties for the past couple years, it's nice having an entire new type of food to check out. Salmon is my top choice atm

Salmon, brandy, spicy mustard, limbergh cheese, fermented black bean, pickled mustard green, ipa. limbergh was still the hardest for ke go get used to.

First thing that came to mind is how I hated gin until a couple months ago. I blame my gf -- she really likes gin so I bought a bottle, and I've slowly been drinking it over time.

Licorice, beets, coffee

I hated incest as a kid but now I can't fap to anything but. I'd say its an acquired taste

I used to hate mushrooms, olives, and salad dressing - I like them now


tomatoes and ass

>tiny pebble
>dust, paper, and mold
Have you actually eaten goat cheese?

Acquired taste is a meme. Your tastes just change as you get older. There's a hypothesis that most kids don't like veggies because they're less tolerant of bitter substances, which may have been a result of children needing to be more sensitive to wild toxins, (which are usually bitter), since it would take a smaller dose to affect them.

Considering that I started out being a finnicky toddler who basically just liked white foods like mashed potatoes and chicken to being a 25 year old who will eat just about anything from offal to brussel sprouts id say I've acquired a lot of tastes over my life.

Spinach , eggplant

I used to hate sriracha but I've come around to it.

i slowly acclimated myself to unsweet green tea. cant drink it anymore after being off of it for so long.

grow up.

Used to hate spicy foods, can't get enough of that hot n spicy now.

Always hated pickles, olives, and ketchup when I was a kid. Probably the vinegar.

On the other hand, I fucking loved onions and radishes.

Blue cheeses, olives, certain kinds of canned fish.

No, he's right.

This. Weirdly enough, I actually liked IPAs when I first started drinking actual beer. Now I can't stomach most IPAs.

Beer, in general. Your tastebuds change as you mature and you gravitate towards things which are more savoury. Things taste bad/bitter as a kid to prevent you from being poisoned by wild berries.

>harsh, bitter flavors
>as you age, your sensitivity to bitters lessen
Are you inflicted with the dumbs?

Fucking bittermelons. Turns out, they're not so bad if you salt them.

yep, beer, spirits, and green olives here

Anchovies, coffee

you must be pretty high test

Bell pepper
soy yoghurt
sugar snaps
Atleast 50% of all vegetables probably.
The only things I can't force my self to get used to are mayonaise and non melted butter, the texture combined with the greasiness is too much

I've been burnt out on IPAs for the last couple of months, but even I agree you're full of shit.

A good IPA is undeniable.

>t. Manchild

I absolutely love acquired tastes. It's weird because you have to decide to like something and then keep eating/drinking it, but I just happened to do it with green olives when I was younger and it opened my eyes. Sardines was another big one, now a simple can of them with green olives and a bottle of water is quite possibly my favorite meal. Most recently it was campari. Nobody likes that shit first taste, but now I love it, especially if my stomach is in rough shape.