What font do you use on your kindle Veeky Forums?

What font do you use on your kindle Veeky Forums?

Also ereader general?

comic sans, point 36

mostly courier but courier italics sometimes when its titles, (but some other titles i just use courier bold)

Anything other than Palatino is a literal crime against humanity punishable only by the death of the criminal's entire extended family.

Your dick should be cut down the middle with a rusty knife if you don't use Baskerville.

I'll cut my dick down the middle but only with the knife I use to slit your grandmother's throat

Good luck digging up her corpse becuase guess what faggot, she used Palatino too. She got what was coming to her and so will you.

>we will never return to the good old days of carpet bombing opendyslexic users blasting Fortunate Son from the air cav



the default font selection on the kindle is quite poor. who the fuck wants to read a book in helvetica or futura?

That's why you have Baskerville and Palatino. What else would you want?

Bembo, Sabon, Janson, Garamond, Galliard
that said, Palatino is easily the best available option and the only one I use


Fuck y'all with your shitty serif fonts.

That's just choice for the sake of choice.

it gets a bit boring reading hundreds of books with the same exact typesetting. i'd rather have any of those fonts in the place of useless ones like helvetica

serif is objectively superior for body text except sometimes on the web

Caecilia Condensed; 2nd smallest font size, with the narrowest margins and narrowest spacing.

Droid Serif or Roboto

Microsoft Yahei for dat dere Chinese text

nice get

>Also ereader general
I have a question. When I convert my cbz files to mobi- there's always a white page between each page and I don't know how to get rid of it. It's really fucking annoying. Help?

Why all the books are printed with the same font?
It's easier to read with that font? cheaper than make different ones?

Georgia, size 13

Anyone ever have problems finding good editions/translations on the kindle store?