Hey Veeky Forums, is there like a compendium of all the Greek myths in chronological order? Like, a Greek bible?

Hey Veeky Forums, is there like a compendium of all the Greek myths in chronological order? Like, a Greek bible?

I would like to read Greek myths to my daughter at night before bed, but the ones I tried to read assumed so much knowledge of past myths, that I ended up lost.

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I wouldn't recommend it normally since it's just something that repeats the source material, but Hamilton's Mythology might be just what you're looking for. Also, you plan on explaining to your daughter at bedtime what rape is?

Get the Robert Graves all-in-one collection. That's what I was read as a kid. There are kid's retellings out there, depends on how old she is I suppose. Go for the originals and best.
>inb4 Montaigne joking with his father in Greek and Latin at the age of 4.

>Also, you plan on explaining to your daughter at bedtime what rape is?
and then zeus forced europa to make babies with him - done

what's the examples of rape in greek mythology? there's more incest than rape.

sorry, replied wrongly.
the correct one:

Antiope raped by Zeus
Cassandra raped by Ajax the lesser
Europa raped by Zeus
Hera raped by Zeus (married him to cover shame)
Leda raped by Zeus
Medusa raped by Poseidon
Odysseus raped by calypso
Philomela raped by tereus
Phoebe and hilaeira raped by castor and pollux
Persophone raped by Hades

I cannot more highly recommend the D'Aulieres' Book of Greek Myths. It's the book that introduced me to Greek mythology at a young age. The book contains a great many myths in a roughly chronological order, in which each tale builds on the one before it. The stories are presented in a mode that is understandable by children but invites them to explore further, and are accompanied by beautiful hand drawn illustrations that still inform my mental picture when I read Apollodorus or Hesiod.

Also several unsuccessful attempts at raping Athena

Hades kidnapped Persephone
Zeus seduced Europa

Antiope raped by Zeus, Medusa by Poseidon and Hera by Zeus, are these rapes on Hamilton's Mythology?

Kidnap, seduce and rape are nearly equivalent in Greek mythology.
Who could say no to Zeus or Hades?

I haven't read Hamilton's summary

There's no chronology for myths, there not even any definitive versions of myths. you're talking about an oral culture, and one where the differences between cities and regions in greece was as vast as different nations today. Most of what you associate with "greek myth" is generally cobbled together from fragments of Athenian culture, everything from poetry to pottery shards.

Bought it for my niece's birthday. It is as great as user says.

actually this. i remember reading this, it was absolutely fantastic


Metamorphoses is great, but probably not something you would want to read to your daughter

>Odysseus raped by calypso
Not true. One of the greatest heroes couldn't be raped by a woman

Good, maybe this guy will raise an Athena and not a wimp like Persephone.

>inb4 tfw no grandkids b/c warrior virgin goddess

Ovidio's Metamorphosis has all the Greek Mythology you need to know

D'aulaires Book of Greek Myths was my jam as a kid, must've read it a few dozen times.

You forgot to add Apollo raping every hole he comes across.
