Candy Corn

Do you like or dislike candy corn

>Do you like or dislike candy corn
I hate it it's like eating the devils anus

It should be reserved for decorative purposes only.

I love it but I have weird taste in foods.

what did he mean by this?

Only if they come with the pumpkins too

I love it, but I'm allergic to honey so it gives me hives. I went like 5 years without it til i found out jellybelly doesnt use honey in theirs

i used to like it but i ate some once and then got norovirus and now it's not the same

I love it, but I hate the caramel kind, shit's trash yo.

i prefer chocolate

I like them until I've eaten about 3, then it's too much. Has to be in very small quantities. That was like 8 years ago though. So maybe I don't even like them at all now.

In what world is candy corn made with honey and not wax and suger/corn syrup?

I live in the UK and I've never had it, but I'm forever curious. The fact that every time it comes up it seems to be people shit talking it only makes me want it more. I've not found anywhere selling it though.

apparently it's supposed to be like marshmallow. I like it around Halloween to sort of eat it. this year I made rice crispie treats using the candy corn mms.

I hate the prepackaged stuff. I made some at home this year using Alton Brown's recipe and it was fucking amazing.

love alton. would totally make anything he told me to.

The guy who posted that is known as the "jellybelly" poster around here, it's some weird Portuguese dude who will always talk about honey being in foods that don't have honey in them. Just ignore him/it

it's ok, i'm not buying any.

Not a fan of it.

I like the one with actual honey in it, I haven't had it in decades and somewhere down the line they changed the quality of honey that is used to make them.

Not the candy corn per se but I do love mellow cream candies. The larger candies taste good but the wax to candy ratio on the candy corns is too high.

I like Brach's candy corn pumpkins

they're ok in small amounts.

I ate too many at once as a kid and got nauseous from them so I had that negative association for the longest time. Recently tried one again and they're fucking amazing.

I love it and I couldn't fine a single fucking store that carried this Halloween. What the fuck.

Brach's contains honey, according to the packaging

what does it taste like t. ozzie

I like it but I haven't eaten it in like 4 years so I might not anymore.

The heiress of the Brach's candy fortune was murdered after uncovering a sinister insurance scheme involving show horses.
Her killers were brought to justice, but her corpse was never recovered.
Every time I eat candycorn I can't help but wonder what happened to the body.
Makes me feel like a real hardboiled detective.


Like candle wax and sugar