Recommend something refreshing to make my body feel clean/pure

I feel so sick right now. I recently woke up after binging all day and late into the night. I went to bed at 5am after consuming 1 large pepperoni pizza, an industrial sized bag of potato chips from costco, 2 bacon cheese burgers, 2 macaroni and cheese frozen meals, fries, onion rings, garlic hummus with pita chips and a loaf of sourdough, and a platter of smoked salmon with most of a container of herb cream cheese. I feel dehydrated and I have been drinking water and I still feel thirsty and horrible. My stomach hurts, and I used the bathroom twice already. What can I do to make myself feel better? I feel icky and horrible. Please help.

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adderall and 4 gallons of water


How the hell do people afford to eat like this?

Swallow a handful of pennies. Then you'd be worth something.

eat a bean and cheese burrito.

I think the solution here is to STOP PUTTING SHIT IN YOUR BODY

also I don't think I could have eaten half of all that before throwing up

Alright well it sounds like you should probably stop eating anything at all whatsoever, go for something soft on the stomach like white tea.

If you do need to eat something later, go for cucumbers with a little salt on them

if all else fails and your stomach still feels like shit, I usually go for two fingers of scotch to settle my stomach

I didn't eat it allll in one sitting. I ate it over a period of maybe, I don't know. 12 hours? Nonetheless I feel the worst I ever have. I just want to drink tea and take sleeping pills and forget this ever happened.

Ok thanks much do you weigh? Be honest here

dude, you ate in one day more than I literally eat in a week, how do you afford this?

402lbs, 5'8. But to be honest a lot of the reason why is because I drink a lot. Mostly beer. Probably 40% of my calorie intake has been from alcohol and to a lesser degree soda. I am not usually someone who can eat a monstrous amount of food but yesterday I don't know what came over me. Normally I just like to drink a ton of beer and maybe order a large pepperoni/mushroom/olive pizza with a side of chicken fingers/fries or cheese garlic bread but I felt so emotionally overwhelmed and stressed out I just started eating

I have some money from when my parents died and I used to work a job for $17/hour and saved 70% of the money I made for 3 years.


Hahaha oh boy

That’s quite hefty my friend. Whats the stress about?

dude, just stop eating for a week
first 3 days suck, but after that you could probably go even longer with some multi vitamins

Just shove your fingers down your throat then drink some water


Thanks I ate some and they were good! I also feel a bit better after drinking tea

What helps me is eating ice. The crunch is satisfying and it helps w/ nausea and cools down your insides while keeping you hydrated

Antigas pills are good because they leave a minty taste in your stomach. Alkasetlzer or Mylanta is good to take

Tea will help w/ digestion plus its nice to sip on. You can also try plain toast or saltines to soak up the grease in your belly

lastly come visit the fat thread on Veeky Forums and get some tips from fellow fat bros!

Brush your teeth homo

Buy some cucumbers and eat them just like that without anything else or bag of carrots, peel them and just eat them.

As a former fatty i've found that refreshing vegetables like the above-mentioned carrots&cucumbers really help keeping the urge to eat at bay because they "clean" and refresh your mouth and after that i dont really want to "dirty" my mouth again.

Bentonite clay

antacids and water.

>But to be honest a lot of the reason why is because I drink a lot.

Fast for a week

Water, ginger tea and fasting

Garlic soup or chicken soup

got em

I would drink coffee, tea, or make a cinnamon banana smoothie. Eat a salad, steamed veggies, or a baked potato/yam.
You basically ate a lot of food and now your tummy needs some time to digest.



Try making a kale quinoa salad
Just cook up about a quarter cup of quinoa and mix it with a few cups of finely sliced kale leaves. Add some cherry tomatoes, diced cucumber, and parsley if you like it. Then mix it with oil, lemon juice, and a bit of salt and let it chill in the fridge for a bit. Then toss it again and enjoy

Pedialyte, its fucking magic.

>I have some money from when my parents died
Invest that shit. Further your education. Don't be spending it to support your glutonous, self-destructive lifestyle.

> Normally I just like to drink a ton of beer and maybe order a large pepperoni/mushroom/olive pizza with a side of chicken fingers/fries or cheese garlic bread

user, that is not a normal eating habit - beer aside.


work out

what does that do?

Would you care for a wafer thin mint?

coffee and moderate exercise always help me if my stomach feels weird from too much food but I've never eaten like that.

Dude, you can survive on one meal a day and a snack, maybe one chicken salad, no not chicken pasta salad... and bit of fruit.. stop eating ffs. Jesus, everyone wants to eat when they are bored, don't have it in the house to snack on and tell yourself no. Your life will be more fun and easier to live in if you lose weight. Also the money that you will save, especially drinking.

He eats literal garbage all day and you are hopeful that he'll start making ultra hipster foodie dishes?

>Recommend something refreshing to make my body feel clean/pure
How about a shower?

I recommend you see a doctor.

Make an appointment with a psychologist.


Barf yourself and rehydrate with a 50/50 mix of Gatorade and water

Some herbal tea and a nice, warm shower.

This, you can use the money you earn to support your gluttinous lifestyle and stil afford to reinvest some for bigger profits.

5'10 120 male here, surviving on one meal a day is what I do unless i start doing exercise, then i'm constantly hungry. If OP goes on a fast then he'll probably be cured of his shit appetite, although i'm proof it can sort of become a problem.


You think the solution to problems caused by eating too much will come in the form of eating something else? Stop shoving food into your fat face, you stupid landwhale.

this, eating cant solve obesity. Not eating can.

Lemon + ginger tea. Are you that user from a while ago asking how to lose weight? Sorry you failed, but you can always try again. Don't eat anything with it, it'll make you full on its own. (Though if you absolutely must, eat a banana, orange, pomegranate, etc.)

>40% of my calorie intake has been from alcohol

With all the shit you just ate, 99% of it is no doubt from that. I hope you know you just consumed well over 11,000 calories in one day. The average calorie needs of a person is 1,700. You ate over a week of calories in a day. You've gained 3 lbs today in pure fat.

>hurr whadya mean u wanna tuh swetch puhh fewd wid gud fewd stoopid ovureatuh
Maybe you shouldn't be picking on fatties if you can't even figure that eating a bowl of spinach is better than eating a bowl of chips.

>platter of smoked salmon
Good taste OP, minus the cream cheese.
Maybe have a platter of salmon with some salad and water instead.

Also, get up and stretch. Doing jumping jacks might be dangerous at your weight so just do a bit of stretching for like a minute and then sit back down.

I used to stress eat too, but you can get help. Start with therapy. Start with self discipline. It's gonna hurt and you'll feel like shit every time you say "no", but in the long run if you keep saying "no" to eating garbage and eating too much (which makes you more stressed, if that wasn't already obvious), it'll become easier and you'll start finding yourself happier over time. You'll start saying "yes" to good, healthy food. Wouldn't hurt to stop associating food with reward and comfort. Not to say you can't enjoy food, but if you're eating the wrong kind of stuff too much (more than once or twice a week), then you have an addiction. It's okay to look forward to dinner, especially if it's something delicious--if all you have on your mind every day is food, especially unhealthy food, you need to fix that.

You lack discipline and belief in your own capabilities. So until you can find it on your own, believe in the you that believes in me!