Hardcover or paperback? Which does Veeky Forums prefer?

Hardcover or paperback? Which does Veeky Forums prefer?

Paperback, but only trade paperbacks. Only exception is pulpy stuff. Hardcovers are heavy, bulky, and they depreciate very quickly.


I hate when paperbacks start to fold and tear as soon as you buy them.
Like this (pic related)


Digital is for plebs.

The only people who prefer hardcover are those who want a book they've never read to look pretty on their bookcase


Yer mum('s audiobooks).

Your mom('s audiobooks).

Aesthetics wise, hardcover, actually reading and taking places wise, softcover.

I generally damage the books over time when its paperback. Hardcover does not suffer from this.

Hardcover. I'm not a weak bitch like the pseuds in this thread apparently are. Your arm gets tired? Hahahaha.

Also i appreciate my books being fully closed when set down laying on a table. Looking at my soft-covers pop open at a 35° angle is patently unacceptable.



>actually reading and taking places wise, softcover
how the fuck is paperback easier to carry around? Whenever I have a paperback in my backpack I worry about the edges getting bent.

Now, since paperbacks are usually smaller carrying them around is easier but I don't really see why a hardcover would pose a real problem to anyone.

As for reading, I don't really see what the problem is.

I like a book to seem like it's been read by me. Every crease and fold makes it personal to me. Idk is that weird?

Yeah, hardcovers looking better and lasting longer is not up for debate.

But paperbacks are lighter and better suited for reading at work or in public.

Or the train.

Paperback because they are lighter and take up less space

I have paperbacks with all manners of damage but none have creases like that?

Paperback because they're easier to hold and carry around

Everyone point at this faggot and laugh


>how the fuck is paperback easier to carry around?
They're usually lighter and smaller. A hefty amount of paperbacks can still fit into a single pocket (obviously this isn't the case for all softcover books or all pockets, but it's still true for many of them) whereas almost all hardcovers either have to be held by hand or fit into a bag.

And for reasons that I can't come up with now that I think actually think about it, I care more about the condition of hardcover books than softcover books.

Whatever is cheaper at the moment. It's all about the content, not the format.



Where do you shop where softcovers aren't always cheaper than hardbacks?

I find with hardcovers that I can often open them to a page and have the book stay open on the desk by itself without having to hold it open. I prefer hardcovers for that reason.

it just depends. I grabbed a copy of Bleeding Edge from Pynchon for 4 bucks at Value Village


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