Is transgenderism ultimately rooted in platonic metaphysics...

Is transgenderism ultimately rooted in platonic metaphysics? The idea of having a 'female' mind and ideal form while in a male body then proceeding to have the body transformed by hormones and surgery until it resembles that of a woman just stinks of him.

Otherkins do too. Why's Plato such a weirdo?

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>Is transgenderism ultimately rooted in platonic metaphysics?


it sounds more like a cartesian problematic to me. The transparency of the mind allows the transgender to see that their self is contained in mind stuff and that their body is separated from that mind stuff.

further we can state the transgender skepticism as: How can I be sure that I am really a male or female? A Kantian transgender question would be something like: What conditions make it possible for me to be able to tell that I am a male or female? Not really a good question or one that transgenders ask. I haven't read much Kripke but he'd probably know how to answer this question best.

What would Nietzsche think of boipucci?

Considering how alien an immaterial soul is to its material body, is it any surprise that a soul of the wrong gender would be fit even more uneasily within the body of the wrong gender?
There would obviously be a clash that would affect both the soul in terms of its ability to feel grounded within the body but also the body in that the soul hates it.

No. Castration held important religious significance in all Gnostic cults. (This is why it was always such a big deal in Christian canon law, etc.)

Modern day Gnostics are no different, even if they place a light veneer of 'scientificity' on their ancient practice.

Ultimately it is a statement of rejection of biology, since Gnostics deny the validity of the material world and hold anti-natalist views.

Oh shit that sounds amazing.
Do you have any sources on that?
Is any gender applied to the soul or the world?

>Do you have any sources on that?
Not really, the serious ones aren't in English. That said, the continuity of beliefs and practices from ancient cults all the way to modern secular zeitgeist is common knowledge even among the anglophones.

>Is any gender applied to the soul or the world?
Not quite sure what you mean, but if I understand you properly, then no, definitely not. Gnostics don't believe in the reality of sex, and 'gender' they view as a pernicious illusion. (Basically matches what the modern man believes, but a very far-out and extreme view historically.)

>What would Nietzsche think of boipucci?

Men that abandoned god, and made gods of themselves, and proceeded to worship themselves?
He'd get on his knees and succ

So being totally honest. Because people are always wondering about this. Traps transition because living as a male is too hard. And because they are sexually attracted to straight men. I mean they vastly prefer them to a gay men. Of course no trap is going to admit this in public because it's too embarrassing. But it's the truth. The idea of your being a female trapped in a male body is just a metaphor. But I think they get the idea from the fact that they are genuinely aroused by heterosexual sex. Which leads many to consider themselves heterosexual despite being exclusively attracted to men. I'm exceptionally smart for a trap and I never once thought I was a female. Just a distinct type of homosexual. And no trap conducts a detailed phenomenology of their embodiment before deciding to transition. They look in the mirror, decide they'll look cute and do it. But if you're interested there are plenty of books and research papers on the topic. One study on brain structure found that the cortical structures underlying body perception are compromised in the feminine direction. Which explains why it was impossible for me to undress in front of other boys. And there is also a good book by Gayle Salamon on the topic. She is a feminist and says that body recognition and ownership (the felt sense of inhabiting the proper body) is socially constructed. Idk. Perhaps she's right. But her ideas are mostly taken from Freud, Lacan, and Merleau Ponty, who is brilliant btw. (Surprised he isn't discussed on Veeky Forums more often.)

But please make a difference between the political types that push this idea of traps being actual women. And most traps. I can't stand the political ones personally. They are like the trap-equivalent of feminists. It's so embarrassing....

>raps transition because living as a male is too hard.

They transition because they have mental illness that causes them to feel uncomfortable in their own bodies.
Similar conditions cause people to try to be very, very skinny, or very, very muscular.
Its pretty well established stuff.

Yes body perception is compromised and there is a significant amount of undifferentiated pain. But the fact is body perception is too abstract to be readily detected, much less acted upon in so drastic a manner. But your sexuality is. Merleau Ponty put it like this. "Sexuality is life itself."

>babbies first day on Veeky Forums
Haven't you ever lurked an evolution or economics thread? Well established conclusions drawn by professionals (ie Jews) are no match for conjectures drawn by shutins who occasionally read philosophy.

Living as a man is difficult when you don't want to. The depression, suicidal ideation and social isolation comes in burrows itself into your head and you can't get out. Imagine being unable to express how you feel, feeling the need to lie to everyone, because you're lying to yourself. It really hurts because you don't want to do anything. And its not mostly "hard to be a man" a lot realise this feelings before/during puberty and hate what their bodies are changing to. On top of that, while transitioning can certainly alleviate some of the feelings, the residual "look at that freak" still lingers whenever dealing with other people.

Gender dysphoria is a horrible thing to struggle with

hell yeah! I hate holding the door to women

Yeah that's true. But that's only when people don't know about you. It's awkward because you think that they might know. It takes time before you realize that they genuinely don't know. But sometimes it's better to tell people depending on the situation. When you are honest people are generally pretty freindly. At least in my experience. They won't see you as a woman but if doesn't matter if they treat you decently and with kindness. But truly in my experience I never felt like a woman inside. Even if I am, user asked a good question: how would I even know that? All I do know was that living as a male was too rough too mean too insensitive. It was just too much. I transitioned when it threaten my ability to survive. I honestly wanted to be able to live as a male. But I couldn't. Men didn't give a shit about me, and women just had contempt for me. Now people sing a different tune I can tell you that. And my life is a lot better. I guess I shouldn't generalize about people. But that's my experience. I'm not afraid to admit that I failed. It's true. And I love the truth.

This is nothing but a manifestation of the Lacanian barred subject, when confronted with the impenetrability of the signifier (in this case the sexual organs). "Gender dysphoria" is not inherently different from any other kind of shock when desire is confronted with the real.

>Gnostics don't believe in the reality of sex, and 'gender' they view as a pernicious illusion.

I agree, but no one believes in the reality of sex or gender. People wouldn't be so desperate to flaunt their roles throughout their whole lives otherwise.

This. It's a mental illness. Trannyposters stop pushing these threads now.

How is a "woman in a man's body" any more absurd than a "man in a man's body"?

Top kek, is this bait

>"all Gnostic cults"
>perpetuating outdated heresiological categories from antiquity in 2017

19th century German theology called, they want their categories back

>living as a male is too hard
>In any country that actually let's you transition instead of just killing, stoning, or locking you up.

Right you are. And meanwhile being an ugly woman who can't get pregnant is just life in the fast lane.

transgenderism is an incoherent leftist ideology. when faced with the contradictions in their thought, lgbtsjws can only screech: you are a white malee reeee! hate speech! hate speech! these people are mentally ill, they should be locked safely in an institution somewhere, rather than placed in a fucking pedestal and allowed to wreck western civilisation in the name of victimhood

>tfw you will never be able to pass

There is no place for the kind of internal/personal gender/sex that trans people insist upon. Biological sex is biological sex. Gender as social roles/norms associated with sex is public and a matter of how you are taken up by those in your milieu -- i.e., not a private introspectible quality. If brains can be "masculine" or "feminine" (read: more structurally similar to that of the average male/female) then this is a secondary sexual characteristic that, like the others, is not essential to biological maleness or femaleness, and trans people -- if their claims to a "male brain" or a "female brain" are accurate (I suspect this is just a way to make "I'm a woman inside" sound epistemologically respectable) -- are in fact just evidence of this, given their biological sex. And they cannot attain to social femininity or masculinity merely by claiming it, but must be taken up in the social milieu as the gender associated with the other sex (i.e., they must "pass").

Claims like "I feel like a woman inside" are predicated on a crypto-Cartesian metaphysics, where the mystical interiority of the subject is assigned a truly puzzling chimera: a kind of sex or gender that is neither biological nor social -- both of which are public in nature -- but is private and internalized. Of course, "cis" people never apprehend their sex/gender via introspection; "feeling like a man" for a cis man is simply the pride in excelling at society's ideals for masculinity, whereas trans men claim to "feel like a man" in another way altogether. But there is nothing that it is like to be a man in that way, so the claim makes no sense.

The most epistemologically respectable position a trans person can hold is that they are whatever sex their "birth" or "assigned" sex is, but that they experience intense discomfort/distress regarding their primary and/or secondary sexual characteristics and/or their being taken up as the gender associated with their sex. The best result for them is a successful transition, where they achieve some level of comfort with their bodies and manage to be taken up as (not merely "treated like") the desired gender. Of course, none of this makes claims to any magical deep-down sex/gender property.

Transgenderism is not rooted in platonic metaphysics, it's rooted in mental illness.


I'm not sure I buy into this distinction of 'introspection' you're making. Whether one is able to unconsciously or consciously determine their own gender, seems irrelevant. Replace the notions of gender with Christianity and Atheism. Within a particular culture, religious dogma can be so strong as to make the atheist into heretics and satanists, when they feel nothing of the sort. They simply lack a belief held by others. In this kind of climate, the Christian does not need introspection to identify as Christian, where as the Atheist does. Regardless, neither were born Christian or Atheist. It was an understanding that came unconsciously through acceptance into a dominant culture, or through introspection and rejection of a dominant culture.

I do agree that all of this lgbt dogma about "being born that way" is utter horse shit. We were all born as babies, unable to see anything, unable to understand anything. Any expression of gender or sex must be secondary, it has to be taught and learned.

Trans people are not human. The guy who invented the distinction between "sex" and "gender" was a suicidal homosexual pedophile.

Shut the fuck up dumbass

>it has to be taught and learned.
In 2011, internet journalist Daniel Villarreal advocated queer acceptance by writing: "I and a lot of other people want to indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose children to queer sexuality AND THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT." [26]

>The next day Elliott asked for magazines to make a collage about things people should know more about, adding glitter and photos of Beyonce and trans actress Laverne Cox next to words like bodies, consent, racism, gender, and decolonization -- which they asked for help writing.

>Any expression of gender or sex must be secondary, it has to be taught and learned.
Do you seriously believe this? Do you seriously think that people TEACH boys to want to stick their peepees in girls, and vice versa? Do you not understand the obvious evolutionary nature of "gender roles"?

You are mentally retarded. I mean this: you have a mental defect, a hole in your brain somewhere, that compels you to believe such obvious bullshit.

Introspection is relevant because trans people claim to discover their "real" gender that way, and that only they could really know because only they have access to it. I obviously disagree with conceiving sex or gender as a spooky private quality only accessible via introspection, so I'm not sure you disagree with me.

I will say that "being born that way" is a scientific question. Setting the limit at birth instead of conception allows for all sorts of hormonal influences in utero that surely impact the infant's anatomy and physiology and -- via the anatomy and physiology -- its eventual psychological makeup. That said, it is important to distinguish "being born that way" from a claim to some sort of radical innateness that doesn't stand up to biological scrutiny.

I would never transition if I would turn out ugly. Believe me that would have wrecked my life. I'm more attractive than most women are. So it is actually pretty enjoyable.

Women do not have a penis to enter the man.

But then so is being an attractive male, so it still moots the point.

reminder that this is what leftists and the lgbt community mean when they talk about 'abolishing the gender binary'

This is brilliant and surprisingly accurate.

Socially, transgenderism in its current form is an agenda pushed by the Jews in order to weaken the masses by introducing unneeded conflict and preventing the discipline and education of young minds; it's freedom of speech weaponized, as are things like X shaming, or feminism.

Yeah man, not talking about instinctual desires to fuck. Dogs and dragonflies do this as well. They surely have no concept of gender. They have no concept of anything it would seem.

I'm a bit of an agnostic when it comes to gender expression. Whatever a person tells me they are, thats what they are. For me to assume to have better information, of what is a psychic phenomenon I can't access, seems pretty silly. Whether or not they are being 'honest' or 'lying' doesn't matter. Whether or not this is an illness or normative behavior also seems pretty damn irrelevant.

The imposition of external categories (male or female) onto another person, is a bit of semiotic violence. It'd be like saying "Your name isn't Jim". or "You're not alive", when the person claims to be alive and named Jim.

What if someone tells you they are cat?

>The imposition of external categories (male or female) onto another person, is a bit of semiotic violence

aren't the marxist attacks on gender and the family basically just semiotic violence on a massive scale?

>Whatever a person tells me they are, thats what they are. For me to assume to have better information, of what is a psychic phenomenon I can't access, seems pretty silly.
My whole screed was a rejection of the conception of gender as a psychic phenomenon. It isn't one.

It seems there is a trend among transgenders (at least the images you see online, I know none personally) to not just dress feminine, but almost what could be called hyperfeminine. Is it borne out of a fear of being noticed, or maybe there's a bias to what gets attention?

I think instances like those pictures are bigger detriments. A lot of trans people dont want the attention, and just want to live their lives, as difficult as they already are, and things like this adds to the overall contempt held by a fair number of people.

I want an open dialogue about the state of transgender people, without making a circus of it by throwing kids into the mix

You mean being an attractive male is enjoyable? I mean. I looked girlish as a boy. While I had regular and symmetric features, they were feminine features. And girls didn't find me attractive at all. Girls like dominant males more so than simply pretty ones. And besides I like males. There was nothing worth living for as a male. I'm a lot happier now. Besides men are so much nicer to me now lol.

woah so diverse and progressive

transgenderism is a deliberate political program aimed at transforming society. It is an ideology grounded on extremist social constructionist views of humanity.

How's that? If gender is a social construct, then people are whatever gender society decides. But surely trans people wouldn't want that, since they would simply be whatever gender they get treated as instead of their desired gender.

Yeah, like other-kin and furries? Those people are what they say they are. To argue otherwise is futile. I admit some skepticism at these claims, but on what grounds do I debate it? Biology is plastic. Even if they aren't biologically a cat (ie possessing cat genes) they surely can be, with the right technology.

Species categories aren't as rigid as you might assume. We're all different on a genetic level, its mostly a matter of what can cross-breed and what can't. Even that barrier is falling apart with all of the "chimera" research being done about human/pig hybridization.

While in a sense, my agnostic position on identity politics is pre-emptive, it's the safest way to deal with the external world. Whatever hard rigid identity categories exist today are slowly dissolving.

You can be whatever you want to be. I really like this Baudrillard quip about reassigning a person's astrological sign.

"Plural identities, double lives, objective chance or variable-geometry destinies - all this seems very much like the invention of artificial, substitute fates. Sex, genes, networks, desires and partners-everything now falls within the ambit of change and exchange. Destiny, pain - everything is becoming optional. Death itself is an option. The very sign of birth, your astrological sign, will one day be optionally available in a future Zodiacal Surgery Institute, where, under certain conditions, you will be able to change your birth sign the way you can change your face today. "

Do you like dominant men or handsome men more?

Transgender people have existed for centuries, it is not a recent phenomenon. Now with access to mental and physical health options, more and more are coming out. Whats wrong with that? It's not your life, they're trying to live their own

>body and mind are separate
holy shit aren't there like a thousands sources that have already skewered this retarded idea

you're insufferable, fuck off

I'm just going to go ahead and say it: metaphysical bullshit reasoning isn't great not because it isn't true, but because it is far from being a useful, or even usable, mindset.

Now calm it down, Autismo.

Omg I just have to say this. Why are so many people on here saying it's political plot or scheme to undo society? Lmao all I wanted to do was look pretty and get a straight boyfriend.

>If gender is a social construct, then people are whatever gender society decides. But surely trans people wouldn't want that, since they would simply be whatever gender they get treated as instead of their desired gender.

Transgenderism is a contradictory ideology driven by resentment and originating in women's studies departments, as far as you can get from actual science. this is not science, this is leftist social engineering and im against it

Sitting on your arse and watching TV all day is also a political plot, and many people want to do just that.

Learn to take demographics in a non-personal way.

If you want an end to all signification, categorization, and limitation, then why the fuck are you even participating in this discussion? Why are you even using language at all? God, I just imagine someone like you showing up in literally any conversation about any subject and slowly revealing yourself to be a fucking court jester saying "heheh, anyone is anything, all signifiers are floating, heh, better not have an opinion or decisive thought, it's all very postmoderne"

because it's an easy answer to have someone to blame about something that doesn't fit into social norms. they crystallise in either, the government, Jews, cultural Marxism etc. and the fact that the world is large, chaotic and random isn't a satisfying answer

I like dominant men more than handsome.

I don't know, maybe tell us one of the thousands

I disagree, a wide spectrum skepticism and agnosticism towards identity categories is the most useful, utilitarian way to approach these topics. Rather than waste time debating a person's gender, I just go with whatever they say. It's incredibly simple, it's incredibly useful (in the social sphere).

The backlash against these 'new' categories (the transgender, transpecies, transrace, whatever) always comes from people who feel the need to defend their own category, to act as a gatekeeper. This gatekeeping is a waste of time and energy. It does nothing, more so the obvious historical trend is towards ever more categories, ever more identities, the erasure of barriers between identities.

You can imagine some point in prehistory when "naming" was invented, and people began having personal names. You can imagine some period before the evolution of sexual reproduction when there was no sexual difference. Changes like this happen all the time, on the genetic and social levels.

You can imagine a far flung future when everyone has not only a unique name, but a unique species, a unique race, a unique gender, etc etc. This is the trend of categorization, to create distinction until all difference is understood and nothing is "the same".

>You mean being an attractive male is enjoyable?

Yes. It was just the statement that being male is hard, but I guess you meant when you are trans? Either way, good for you that you can feel happy and attractive being yourself.

>If gender is a social construct

There is no if, google third gender, etc. But saying it is social construct means it is a framework which you use to navigate in order to establish your personal identity, it doesn't "simply" make you some fixed thing.

How did you manage to read and respond to a whole long post critiquing the idea of gender as a private psychological category () without even considering the idea that gender might not be a private psychological category?

Sounds more like an ignorant, semi-paranoid reductionist interpretation of the slightly more nuanced situation where a lot of people have a lot of different reasons for watching TV at any given moment, and somewhat fewer people have somewhat less divergent reasons for making the first group watch as much as possible?

It's not really a plot, and it's not really political.

if you have a personal identity before gender, doesn't it mean that, that personal identity is the framework and gender is the fluid semiotics

I personally think this whole distinction between gender and sex is a bit shaky, in nature for example,male peacocks have those fancy tails which they use to impress girlcocks. what that means is that the semiotics of gender is pretty fixed for them since big fancy tail = attractive.

Yeah living as a male in junior high // highschool was hard. But it's easier now. Things are easier for women. People are nicer, more considerate, more helpful. You feel like whatever happens you'll be protected. Whereas when I was a male the competition was ruthless. It was more do or die kind of thinking. I hated it. Females compete too. And it can get pretty vicious. But it's mostly to do with looks and intelligence rather than their work. But I don't give them the upper hand. I just keep out of the way. Cause I don't have the "equipment" to compete I'd rather not give a woman the chance to use that against me.


But thank you all the same user!

I don't know how much help we're going to get from looking at animals. Their social and cognitive abilities are pretty different.

But as a counter example, check out research done into gay, necrophiliac ducks. Male ducks will chase down other ducks, kill them, and fuck them. It isn't clear if this comes out of confusion or is intentional.

Frogs and other amphibians can grow the opposite gender's sex organs, so that's pretty fucked up too. Elephants have been known to rape rhinos. Homosexuality is found in bonobos. etc etc. But I doubt whether animals have 'sexual identity' like humans do. I think that requires a reflective, introspective ability and the ability to perceive social stigma and taboo.

>tfw you incarnate the content less post human fluid subject of late capitalism

"I want to be everything, and I want to be also kind of nothing."

"I think I'm—hopefully, this will become the new normal, too. I think I'm weird because that I feel very genderless, I feel ageless, I feel like I'm just a spirit soul, not even divided by human being, or I treat the animals the same or, hopefully, treat the planet with as much respect as possible."

In southern Italy, transgender individuals have their own feast day and patron saint, as they do in Samoa. Transgenderism is a more or less rare neurological variation, not inherently incompatible with a traditional society. Many cultures don't make a big deal out of it. But our society goes a step further, driven by market imperatives, it strives to abolish everything that stands in the way of the sovereign freedom of the consumer unit.
I don't think this is a way to build a sustainable society.

That would be great. Isn't this a literary forum?

Supposedly literature is supposed to enable your imagination, empathy, and ability to identify with people who are different from yourself?

So, one day you woke up as a cat? What then. Do you have the abilities to live and express your feline nature? How do you become more you?

I see where you are coming from, but do you think some of it might be feeling as an outsider as male and accepted and established now?

Growing up as male, I always thought of it as much easier, you have your buddies and look out for each other and chill, women always seemed much more vicious and cliquish. And most female friends are scared of walking or being out alone, much, etc. But I the get the protected and being treated considerately part.

And you're welcome, of course.

How is someone telling you they are a cat any more absurd than a cat not telling you it's a cat?

Because a person is not a cat, and a cat cannot speak. Don't forget to fuck off, though.

it's rooted in not getting laid, you moron


is this the next civil rights movement?

Better hold my pipe tight.

This post is better than anything I expected to see in this thread.

eventually pluralism and relativism become a new form of universalism, the only meaningful way to assert oneself is to negate relativism and postmodernity for a new absolutism. This is why the 21st centuryis witnessing a great religious revival. Fascists, Jihadis and neocatholic reactionaries, are the true children of postmodernity.

this is the curious nature of Veeky Forums

>This is why the 21st centuryis witnessing a great religious revival.

Actually, it is just because a lot of low education men can't find wives because a) Their jobs have been outsourced or made obsolete, or b) Their home countries have been bombed to rubble.

And meanwhile, they see women and "minorities" actually able to live lives completely oblivious of them.

Yes perhaps that's right. Being effeminate was humiliating. Particularly when you had to go to the locker room with other boys. I absolutely refused to take my clothes off in front of other boys. So I'd try and wait until they left or take them of really slowly. But a few of them picked up on it. And tried humiliating me by taking away my shirt so that my I felt like my breasts were exposed. I wasn't on HRT or anything. This was junior high. But it was so humiliating that it made me very hateful. I was a shy quiet sensitive sort of boy so I would never do anything about it. If I a guy hit me I don't honestly think I'd ever hit back. It's just incomprehensible to me. Being in that sort of relationship to a guy. I don't know how to process it. Everything felt wrong and out of place. I thought my dad was a brute because he was constantly pressuring me about my grades. On top of that, and worst of all, were the sexual feelings I was having. I was really attracted to straight boys. I liked boys that were tough and strong and even a bit mean. But I tried keeping my feelings repressed. Because I felt ashamed and weak and disgusting. Instead I just buried myself in books. Poetry, philosophy, science, etc. I read obsessively. I become obsessed with Adoft Hitler. I'd collect pictures of German guns, tanks, and other weaponry. I studied the campaign in Russia. The sheer intensity of his power and his utterly ruthless will in exercising it was what attracted me the most. It seemed to make up for a lot. Like you could make an incomprehensible and hateful world finally pay for it in a spectacularly ruthless display of carnage. Idk. I was a very arrogant and hateful boy. I own it. But eventually I just accepted my feelings told my parents. And I became a lot happier. And I don't have thoughts like that anymore. I don't know why it was so hard. It just was. And so yeah. My idea about living as a female is probably skewed. Most males probably weren't so isolated or lonely.

gynocratic managerial neoliberalism is a paradoxical absolutist religion. The diversity hires and LGBT PoCWoCs are its priests, the hierarchs are still mostly white women and self flagellating liberal white men though. post fordian managerial classes maintain a fragile representation of 'unity' with no real substance. Factual power grows out of the barrel of a gun, as it always has. liberal managerialists and cultural marxists are paper tigers as trump's election shows. A couple thousand minutemen could drive them out for good. I think we are due for a postironic revival of the 90s right wing militia ethos. a christian reconstructionist neo rothbardian posse storms manhattan with pickup trucks and summarily executes NYT staff. beautiful.

you sound like gay elliot rodger. he also felt humiliated by being rejected by women and wanted revenge on the world and admired school shooters. at least you don't have to deal with women's bs, user. go find yourself a nice chap and start a family.

I wonder if transgenderism is rooted in the neural network. There are siamese people and natural errors, so I wouldn't really rule it out. However, the 50 year old men who swap to a 5 year old girls are clearly psychologically damaged.

It sounds like a very dark time to have to go through, it makes sense why you would have a very different impression of being male and female. You come off as pretty happy and confident now, too, through your posts, good for you you had the strength to get through and make yourself happy. It's good getting a level-headed depiction of what it is like.

They're mentally ill, though, they think they can just hit the reset button on their life and select a lower difficulty, then they realize that even if they are in the top 10% of successful "transitioners," they are still uglier than a real woman, they will look like Steve dustin Hoffman in a wig by age 40 and their dick is gone forever, so the vast majority kill themselves. The fact that they are applauded and socially rewarded and egged on to tread this path by institutions, medical professionals, and society as a whole is one of the darkest dystopian acts of mass human sacrifice at the alter of Egotism in recorded history

>And meanwhile, they see women and "minorities" actually able to live lives completely oblivious of them.

your system makes most people miserable and only benefits a tiny incestuous clique of diverse neo yuppies. You think the people in the ghettos and meth holes of America care about your virtue signalling bullshit? no, they fucking hate your guts. when civilisation falls apart, they will side with whoever is better able to guarantee their safety and give them a sense of purpose.

what a stupid post

Ha thanks user. I have a straight friend, and he just has sex with prosititutes. I guess most guys are sex starved while a small percentage get all the pussy. That sounds depressing as fuck.

>Perfect pastiche of the kind of loser male I was describing.

I'm sure that was your intention, right user?

It is not my system. You live in the world as it is, the better you understand it, the better you are able to get along in it.

Now, you could try to improve your own personal circumstances, or you could try to to improve the resilience and coherence of your local community. Or you could sit around screaming at your screen that all those fucking liberals will hang once the world burns. Guess which one is the one least likely to improve your live to any whatsoever extent?

Yeah it's good for people to know the truth. Even if it's uncomfortable. That's why I like Veeky Forums. You can just say things. And don't have to worry about public appearances.

the 'winners' in our society have the right identities and the right diversity training, it's funny how they see themselves as some sort of righteous meritocratic elite while simultaneously decrying meritocracy as an evil white male social construct. You are a walking paradox, you stand for nothing. yeah, I know, Rejecting establishment nihilism makes you a public enemy. revolutionary conservatism is a radical affirmation of Dasein. I refuse to resign myself to an empty existence of lgbtqia+ netflix shows, soylent, unemployment benefits and medicinal weed. I choose to shape my own destiny, nothing could be more threatening to managerialists like yourself, i know,the cattle should march straight to the slaughterhouse and not complain.

>You live in the world as it is, the better you understand it, the better you are able to get along in it.

despite are your talk of 'transgression' you people are the ultimate teacher's pets, absolute conformists. The far right represents the logical conclusion, the completion and fulfillment of the radical critique of postmodernism, post-structuralism, queer theory and what not. the radical critique that refuses to be recuperated. I'm an ex-leftist you know.

McVeigh/Debord 2020
I am Nomad Warmachine

Again, though, projecting your impotence onto me doesn't actually help you any. I doubt it even makes you feel any better?

You are just sore that entitlements that you took for granted now mean nothing, and you know, that without them, you have, and are nothing. I mean, the things you see as feasible alternatives for you is netflix and unemployment? Christ, man, what did you do to fuck your life up so bad?