Tfw fat american and every stereotype about me is true

>tfw fat american and every stereotype about me is true

I want to die. I try to change but my brain is broken. I can't stop making poor decisions even when I know I am making them. It's like my brain goes on autopilot. I just want to love and be accepted.

I'm in the same boat. I just want to stop being a steretypical obese American but I like food too much.

Try out intermittent fasting, you fat gay black dumb faggoy

Lift some weights big guy. Do some cardio. For me, when I lost weight it was easier to invest in good habits before I broke the bad ones. Once you've invested a lot of time and energy into good habits it's easier to say
>No fuck you 2nd half of pizza I've put in too much work to let you fuck with itn

Stop eating sugar or eat no more than 24g in a day. You will feel tons better, lose weight “without trying” and your doctor won’t scold you. It’s easier than it seems but it’s easy to fall off course. Check labels.

>doctor won't scold you

I'm American dude, no one goes to check ups in here, it just costs too much.

The helpless despair of the obese is the only thing that makes me feel better about myself.

If you have a real job your healthcare covers checkups.

No more than once a year, sometimes less often than that depending on your plan, and you still have to pay when you go.

In any case it's not check ups that are the issue, it's the subsequent treatment that rapes you financially.


Count your calories. Get an app to help you track it. If you are obese, you'll lose weight even on 2000 calories a day, which should be doable.

I used to be the same but I've been tight with money recently and could only buy the bare nessecities for the past three months. Already dropped 20 pounds just from dieting.

I've been eating mostly vegan with a bit of meat here and there. I'd recommend acting like your broke when you go shopping.


It’s your gut biome. The bad foods you eat create a culture of bacteria in your gut that are responsible for your cravings. It takes a shit ton of discipline to change your diet but in a short order of time your body can acclimate to better foods. The only empass is what’s healthy food and what you decide healthy food is (which will probably be wrong). Oh and intermittent fasting

Sure is /pol/d in here.
You don't need a doctor to tell you to eat less processed shit. It's not rocket science, it's habit based.

Go read some or Zen Habits and focus on making sustainable changes over time. It may take you a long time to get the weight down, but you will develop discipline along the way and set yourself up to not go down the path you are on. Good luck OP, it will be hard, but it's not impossible.

Do you like food, or do you like eating? There's a different. Good, homemade food, is already a step forward since you won't have as much grease, salt, etc.
From a friend who lived in the USA one year, your vegetables are apparently overpriced (and this despite being an agrarian country? Who knows why.).

But you should a/Try cooking for yourself if you're not already doing it and b/Find nice things to do with vegetables, too. Don't eat only meat and cheese. Humans don't actually need meat every meal, and you can also replace by fish, which is very tasty too.

I know that's very vague advice, but you shouldn't see losing weight as a chore. Healthy food can be very good too, try and find things you like, and test new stuff.

*A difference, sorry

not OP but mindhacking seems to be a very interesting read. I am going through very hard times right now and I hope that this book will be of help. Thank you kind user and may your bed be full of hot wives.

I'm american and I weigh 135 lbs even though I eat like shit my entire life. I literally cannot get fat if I tried.

Might catch up to me when I'm older, but for now, suck it fatties

Not being overweight will usually mean you're healthier than someone who is, but not always. If you're only worried about not being fat, but not being healthy too, you're kind of missing the point.