Here it costs like black gold. Is it expensive where you live?

Here it costs like black gold. Is it expensive where you live?

Not really, cheaper than raspberry. Also, during the season step out of town into any nearest shitty small excuse of a forest and you can pick as much as you want for free, they grow as invasive weed, often covering whole forest floors, and bear quite abundant fruit.

blackberries? if you don't poison them consistently they'll take over every square inch of dirt where I live. in august-october I can collect enough berries from wild bushes on the highway embankment next to my house to make a pie in about five minutes
they're ok. raspberries are better

so cheap i get them for free in the fucking countryside when it's season

they are currently a dollar for a 6 oz pack at my grocer

The preferred term is 'berries of color' or 'African American berries'

Got about a kilo in the local woods yesterday. Ate about half with the senpai and will be making the rest into cobbler. I feel sorry for urbanfags who have to pay for their berries.

thanks for the chuckle.


When I worked produce, I assumed those had ridiculous mark-up, were a loss leader, or both. I think a case had 12 plastic boxes, and every case between 2-4 already had mold in them when we got them in the store. We were throwing away 1/6 and 1/3 of all the product we got.

Literal garbagefruit growing off the sides of ditches that the hobos eat when it's in season. Huckleberries from the mountains are much better.

depends on time of year. when they're cheap they're good. when they're expensive, they're bitter and taste like ass. it tends to sort itself out somehow
>and why don't they make the airplane out of the black box!?
1990s standup comedy called, they want their jokes back

>1990s standup comedy called, they want their jokes back
do you think that 90's movies are problematic?

t. born in 2003

you're mixing your memes, "problematic" got popular in your lifetime, observational comedy about "you can't even say oriental anymore" is period 90s humor

Whoa. Looks like somebody's gone and called the PC police. The '10s called. They want their cucks back.

>I'm being underage and nobody can stop me!
the PC boogyman = 90s

"cucks" = your lifetime


I was born in 91, bumfucker

I always find it funny when i see people buying these. They are everywhere when in season. And you can freeze them when they aren't.

Like a year or so ago i picked about 6 buckets of em in a family members back yard.

>still being underaged
social mores have been under constant change. films from the 1920s vs films from the 1960s vs films from the 1990s vs films today

the reason you're surprised at all this, and the reason observational humor from the 1990s still seems fresh and relevant, is that you're in that stage of life when you're still greedily assimilating cultural information you found through google image search

They are actually purple.

in that case I hope you're a recent immigrant from a place with a vastly different culture, because otherwise you should be embarrassed at how little you understand america

lol you're a psychopath. nobody brought up america.

They identity as black

>The preferred term is 'berries of color' or 'African American berries'

these berries are black passing

it's poor logic to say african americans because africans really aren't american in any sense of the word

88 cents/pint in Southeast Texas right now.

There's some serious autism afoot in this thread

isn't me, delete this post

okay, you're right, that one's not as autistic

I prefer the term "aspergers internetarian"

That's ableist!

I can pick a basket full whenever I want
Shit's everywhere
It's annoying

they are literally an intrusive weed that has to be cut every year or it takes over other plants and kills them

you can walk around nearly anywhere and have bowls full of free berries at the right time of year

wilamette valley represent, there's a reason the oregon trail happened

can confirm. my family's attempt at a garden ultimately became "the blackberry patch"

The wild ones aren't very productive. People go out of their way to remove them because they're just a hazard.

they produce loads of berries. but they grow insanely quickly, with sharp thorns, so you don't want them growing everywhere.

>the wild ones aren't very productive

i have to stop at a full basket because I get a lot of scratches, but I leave a fuckton hanging

They have lots of berries. They just take over everything, and you can't pick berries past a foot or two of thorns, you know? Gotta cut them into rows so you don't just have berries in the back fall, planting more, and making the bush so dense it's harder to remove.

Live in western washington. During late summer they grow everywhere, and are fucking great. Off season, they are way less good, and obviously move expensive.

Not really, they're about the same price as blueberries and raspberries. Sometimes, when I've walked in the woods here, I've found wild plants. Finding wild berry plants in the Midwest is kinda common, and we have a fuckload of mulberry trees.

Do you notice a difference between individual mulberry trees in taste? I have 2 about 1/4 or 1/2 mile apart and one tastes like shit while the other tastes pleasant

Mullberries are fucking delicious, but a guarantee of diarrhea if you eat too much unfortunately.