Political philosophy

Got mildly interested in political philosophy. Read Schmitt and going to read Hart. What else would you recommend (I have a decent background in philosophy in general)

inb4 The Republic

Other urls found in this thread:


Hitler's Mein Kampf
McDonald's Culture of Critique Series
Gulag Archipelago
Anything by Jordan Peterson
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
The Prince
The Bell Curve

Of all of these, only actually read The Prince

My suggestions would be to pick up Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. Good enough starting point for highschoolers, good enough starting point for you.

Also consider Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals if you want to be swiftly brought into the camp of hating the progressive left, for reasons beyond alt-right memery. Because goddamn.

>No more; and by a sleep to say we end
My suggestion is that you take the redpill, cuck

I'm not trying to redpill myself mate. I just want to read serious academic works. Fucking hell, trust me Schmitt is more of a red pill than disgusting nazi propaganda of mein kampf

leo strauss

go back to /pol/ with your shitlist


this is a good list

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.


t. burger


Obvious bait

You could read psychology and books like the dictators handbook instead


yeah this is a pretty good list desu

Plato's Republic and Crito
Aristotle's Politics
Cicero's On the Commonwealth and On the Laws
Machiavelli's The Prince
Hobbes's Leviathan
Locke's Second Treatise of Government


With the exception of Classics

Schnur and Koselleck. They were continuers of Schmitt.
Maybe Meinecke or Croce.

Yes you are pretty cringe. Thanks for sharing that with us.

Not an argument.

Interesting choices. Care to elaborate?