What happens if we never send children to school?

what happens if we never send children to school?

apprentice and business based guild systems immediately fall into place.

They learn what they need to know and not what some bureaucrats decide what they want them to know.

>tfw you weren't born into a life of violence, meaning and sexual degeneracy in the Amazon
>tfw you learned how to count
>tfw you learned how to read
>tfw you live in a society of more than 500 people with oppressive property rights

You get fined and /r9k/ sees a big traffic boost 13 years later

If you dont live in a nanny state this is already the case

>never educate your kids
>they learn how to eat
>they learn your backward ass philosophy
>they absorb your limited knowledge of the humanities, science and maths
>their world view is warped beyond repair by an arrogant autistic man who doesnt trust structure
>this is true enlightenment.

Get ready for it.

I saw a commercial on the tee-vee today! It was for a service. The service is you sign up your kid for online classes (grades K-12) taught by qualified teachers and the tuition is free. They'll even send you a laptop and internet for free if you're poor enough. Must be some state sponsored thing. Anyway. Get ready for it. This is going to socially ruin our next generations more than smartphones did. Get ready for it.

iam finding the ug pill extremely hard to swallow...it just creates a dark hole

amazon are probably happier in their ignorance tho


you said 'get ready for it' three times, you fucking schizo piece of shit




but what if all education including cultural is taken away. even africans have some backwards cultural education they follow

>limited knowdlege

thats already conditioned dumbass

Natural selection. I will refer you to my original response

Let's end the UG meme once and for all. Some dude who stumbled around in the desert for years, growing more and more pissed off at how little spiritual progress he was able to make, until suddenly a powerful wave of megadose mystical autism hit him and turned him into a goofy, aphorism-spewing couch potato worshiped by anyone who wants to hear that there is no point to doing anything. His alleged enlightenment still allows him to get cucked by anger and he rants about how helping other people is bad and how Jesus irritates him so much that he wants to shit on him. (No really, look that one up.) About as deep as Yoda and elevated to the rank of truth-teller by cranks like Thomas "Failed Hedonist" Ligotti. He pads his meanderings with fancy-sounding ideas he picked up from his desert days and says nothing that is applicable in anyway except for those looking to justify a sense of victimhood. But worst of all, he can't even poo in the loo.

not only could UG poo in the loo, he could have put a bullet through your eye from a hundred yards with a uzi...

Like homeschooling? Pretty sure it works out well for people who do that.

>implying valueless mass of disgruntled middle-age pencil pushers known as public education does a better job

Any state is a nanny state.

My brother has been doing this for some six years. He can't hold a conversation about any of his school topics and would be required to take remedial courses for every subject if he went back to attending a standard school.

If you're not smart enough to home school you shouldn't have kids in the first place.

It's only a hole because you still want to create problems by thinking. There is no hole there, the problem disappears as soon as you stop creating it.

They will become barking dogs

>implying your values mean anything
>implying you don't half ass the job
>implying you can invest all this time educating your children while working/reading/staying on Veeky Forums/everything else without problems
>implying you won't fail miserably and won't create a worse human being that the half assed one made by the school
You people don't know the basic of didactics.

When did this failed guru with a special liking for swearing become a meme on Veeky Forums?

He's got this backwards. The formal arrangement of signifiers into knowledge is a product of the I, which has its ontogenesis in the individual. The content of that knowledge might well turn out to be historical, but no one has it until they are someone, n'est-ce pas? No one knows until they can say "I know that..."

Gosh, what a hideously convoluted way to express that idea.

>what they need to know
Pretty much nothing then

This. Humans require very little education to stay alive and subsist. All other "necessary" education is in response to a social construct humans have thrown up to improve the world around them, including the modern idea of education itself. So strip all of that out and you end up with subsisting troglodytes.

Get ready for it.

He's the pleb Krishnamurti anyway. Not sure why people on Veeky Forums read him over Jiddu, but it doesn't reflect well.

In reality if formal schooling ended at 6th or 7th grade I don't think it would make that big a difference to the general numeracy and literacy of the average person.


Expres it more clearly then and do people a favour m8

>what happens if we never send children to school?
They'd learn.

>millions of years of hominids do just fine
>last century, the one in which we ruin everything, is obsessed with 'didactics'

makes you ponder

(((Yid)))du is a new age faggot.