It was there that the complete manuscripts of the writings of Homer and Plato were preserved for Western civilization.
> was destroyed during the Sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204
> had plans to be converted into a mosque in 2017

Don't bother OP. Veeky Forums is too cucked discuss anything like this honestly.

What could we even discuss? Constantinople fell like 600 years ago. If we wanted to discuss the modern conquest of Europe we would have to go to /pol/, probably cripplechan /pol/, unless you know of literature about it.

Consider the value of the corpus destroyed when Demonoid went under.

This thread is about anti-muslims and anti-leftism. The cultural marxists are destroying our white heritage and pissing in the face of our white ancestors

But Constantinople was sacked by Venetian debtors in 1204, mostly Frankish and German

you don't have white ancestors, you're just another mongrel. your whiteness is an imaginary honor bestowed upon you by your capitalist masters who want you to feel like you're better than a nigger even though you are a slave. white and black are just the modern equivalents of house nigger and field nigger and your white pride is simply the pride of a slave that was allowed to scrub the floors of his master's house.

I mostly agree with you. I don't have pride in my whiteness or care about ancestry at all, but I am very thankful I wasn't born with a nigger brain. You'll find slavery everywhere you look if that's what you're looking for. Even the slavemaster capitalist is slave to some mimetic desires.

>well i don't care
>well i might be a slave but so what?
>well isn't being free and being enslaved kind of the same thing from a certain point of view...?

wow it took only one post for you to go from declaring allegiance to wacky /pol/ memes to totally dissolving into some weird relativism where nothing really matters

Almost like we're not at all the same person. You and the poster you originally responded to are both retards.

>only one visible post
My filters are working pretty great

Post filters. I absolutely do not believe you.

sounds hot desu

oh, sorry. but i kinda feel after you've declared the extremely concrete concept of slavery only exists in the eye of the beholder you kind of can't call me a retard anymore and mean it. wouldn't retardation also be a matter of perspective? tell me more about your position here. so far it seems your worldview consists of your single fear of becoming a nigger floating in a soup of relativism where slave=master and up=down.


I think that's one that hid everything

You equated being a normal citizen in a western country with slavery and I'm the one that's the relativist? I'm more curious about your worldview. What utopian wonderland do you have in mind that doesn't involve your "extremely concrete concept of slavery"? Every system in play in the world that I know of sucks and I'm not allegiant to any of them but what country, in your eyes, in the world today has the most "freedom"?

Oh right, I'm assuming your filters also filter any replies.

>Oh right, I'm assuming your filters also filter any replies.
I wish

Well if they don't that doesn't make sense because there is in fact only one post with cu ck in it.

my filter only works with yotsuba catalog

explain yourself

Turkroaches will be purged

a typical citizen in a western country is offered the choice of either laboring for a master who will pay him the least amount he possibly can, or exclusion from society via crime, etc. the term "wage slave" is not just some flippant way to say you hate your job, it denotes a concrete similarity between this situation and being born into bondage in, say, the ancient world. it has nothing to do with your own perverse denial of slavery being real at all.

and the idea that criticism of a society is only legitimate if one can point to an actually-existing better society is bizarre. how would this better society originate if not in dissatisfaction with the current order? you can't possibly believe human civilization could have made it this far with that attitude, can you?

I fully agree with Marx's analysis of capitalism and (less fully) history. I'm not saying that slavery isn't real, but that It's the only available reality and that everyone is enslaved. I'm not even asking for a concrete real world example. Can you conceptualize this utopia with no coercion/violence/slavery?

I'm using xchan that's what it does

>erdogan wants to convert more ancient christian ruins into mosques
how many ancient buildings has this nigga destroyed or converted into mosques? they can hardly fill existing mosques, it is simply erdogan working to erase the non-turkish history of anatolia