You jealous Statelets? Eating a double double with animal style fries...

You jealous Statelets? Eating a double double with animal style fries. Here in California we call this a "Breezy Bob with crazy spuds". Oh and the weather is sunny today btw. How is the snow in whatever 2 cow insignificant State you're in?

I'm in Boston where we look down on people who eat shit like that.

I'm in MS. We eat food similar to this, but we have the god-given sense to choose moderation when doing so.

>mfw a coastcuck is autistic near me

>california shill mad that cookout thread was popping so he made this
pathetic really
in n out is goat though

Looks disgusting. I hope the small dirty apartment you can barely afford doesn't burn down from all the wildfires.

Snow's great in Massachusetts, thanks for asking

Your fries are disgusting, come to Quebec and get a Poutine

Do Americans really eat this?

Of course. Why else would it be called "animal style?"

No, only californians.

>implying I care about your cuck state
5 Guys is better than that diarrhea on a plate.

How did you get the goose to squat right over your fries when it shit?

Mississippi? as in the fattest state in America?

What it is fellow Massachusetts residents

See user, there are these people called Niggers, and they can't count high enough to calorie-count.

>proud of living in California

What a fucking idiot.

yeah but you live in California

Sorry we can't all live solely off of baked beans

>falling for obvious bait

>he enjoys a new england boiled dinner

>cali still doesn't realize they are hated by the rest of the nation

Missed this pasta

You should have gotten it to go, the wild fires probably will interrupt your meal.

ma fag here, picked some up on the way to the airport. maybe it getting a little cold while driving factored in, but it was not THAT good. Five Guys on a bad day is still surperior. For the cost though In n Out may be GOAT.

Here in Utah my Craftburger, beautiful conservative crimefree city, traditional blond qt women and guns keep me warm in the winter you progressive avacado toast eating fucking faggot

I was gonna argue against this but I did have avocado toast as part of sandwich for lunch. Well played.