Should I self publish my novel?

Should I self publish my novel?

I mean I didn't write it to make money, I wrote it to show that I can accomplish something

Hey dipshit, your bike tire is going to fall on your bed and stain your sheets shit brown.

give it away for free on here
gain a popular following because it's good and we make threads about it everyday
make us pay for your second novel (a sequel to the first which we loved)

I think the bike is just for show

But user, self publishing a novel is no achievement.

Book doesn't really have a sequel

Did the whole non fiction novel bukowski thing, it's my life but it isn't me. I wouldn't mind giving it out as a PDF for free to you guys tho

You don't think so? Not even as a sign of finishing something and being able to put it out in the world

>it's your life
>doesn't have a sequel
are you planning to pull a dfw?

how is the meme lifestyle treating you? are you on meds to cope?

It's about a very specific time and experiences I went through. I mean I'm sort of in a transitional period that really isn't as interesting as my past


yes. you should self publish it.

traditional publishing is really difficult to get into and it does not make very much money anyway.

Ironically I'm not living a meme lifestyle , but I do recommend lexapro or Wellbutrin

No I'm not a trap. Just currently in college with no real life. Spent high school as a depressed addict living with an abusive girlfriend. It isn't some meme "my life sucks pity me" story just my experience dealing with problems that everyone has and how I pulled myself out of it

yeah, why not? you just want to get the work out there, secure a smidgen of eternity? fuck it. if it doesn't amount to anything, you can just write more and try again.

How can a high schooler afford to be an addict? And live with a gf? Where were your parents, young man?

Read the novel and find out

Oh I don't really care that much about the answers.

pretty sure you can publish anything on amazon for free

Bottom line is got with psycho older chick after family troubles , moved in with her, psycho gets me into cocaine, me and psycho become dealers to support our habit

That was my plan but I'm asking if it's worth it

I bet all the normal HS kids thought you were fucking scary.

Nope most thought I was a waste of space. Hell most of my "friends" had bets to see if I would die on prom night.

I guess I grew up in a very sheltered area, drugs-wise. Nobody at my high school, and I mean nobody, did anything harder than weed. The community wasn't wealthy enough to have coke kids and wasn't downtrodden enough to have heroin/meth/crack. Just weed and alcohol.

The only reason to write a book is for money you idiot.

don't forget audience pucci

>nobody, did anything harder than weed.

You say that like it's a bad thing. Weed and perhaps shrooms done very sparingly should be enough for anyone. I see no reason why you'd want to delve into really hard drugs. You know it's going to end badly.

That's not accomplishing something

stopped reading right there little baby boy
I used to snort a lot of meth. You should try staying up on meth for a week and then smoking weed. I didn't believe when I was first told it, but you will hallucinate. for some reason smoking weed after a meth binge fucks you beyond reason.

Maybe for the sequel

Does this goober not realize how cheap a bedframe is