Writing Skills

Hey, i wanna write something but i dont know how to do it good, have you some recommendations about how to write good, writing cheats or anything else that can help me??

Don't use fancy words, keep sentences short, no semicolons. That's about it, when you get good you can ignore all that.

ohh, amazing, it will take a lot of practice, usually I use fancy words to make the text "beautiful", (Nobody told me that :'))

use cheat codes and console commands

This never work, believe me ( -_-)

1. write, edit
2. read the best writers, or the writers you want to imitate, and read them closely, comparing their writing with your own, and discovering their techniques behind their work
3. realize how shitty your original writing was
4. begin at step 1

that's all you need

Jisus, i had never seen a good recomendation like this, thank you boy, you solve my entire life.

are you on multiple levels of irony right now, or are you just a bit retarded?

why you tell it?

ok, got it

Seeing that you can barely form a coherent sentence, and it's filled with grammatical errors, I'd stay away from writing.

>you're bad at something so you shouldn't practice it

I write in spanish, Im learning english. I just wanted to ask here for instant answers

Clear and concise. That's it. It's not hard. If you're writing fiction however things become considerable trickier. Then clear and concise won't serve you well. You'll have to think in terms of character and aesthetic.

Why not writte fanfics first? They are a good start to improve your writting skills.

>you should waste your life practising something you show no talent for

Strunk and White "The Elements of Style". Short and all you need.

A good idea and a really personnal style is all that matters

fuck off romanticist

Not that user, but do you think people have to give up or simply not do it because of lack of skills before even practicing? How does that even make sense to you?

>I have no reason to think I'll ever be good at writing
>maybe if I just practise enough
>practice for 40 years
>sure glad I wrote all those awful books tho to find out

>I have no reason to think I'll ever be good at writing
Also not a reason to think he won't ever be good.
No, it's not something you can tell by simply reading a sentence he once wrote.
And, even if he ends up not being good at it, what's the problem of trying in the first place?

>what is basic probability
>what's the negative side of wasting your life instead of doing something useful

>what's the negative side of wasting your life instead of doing something useful
Negative? According to who? You?
Something cosidered useful by who? You?
Come on, user. Be happy, and let others be happy.

According to oneself.
>Be happy
You have neither right nor power to devide over my senses, idealogue.

Don't try to be overly descriptive about everything, sometimes you will want to play with the order of your descriptions. i.e. a bright red wall vs. a wall of crimson.

Be mindful of the tone of each sentence in what you want to convey. If the topic is morbid, don't be overly poetic about it. "The gristled, dull knife met the tender throat of the unwitting victim to the symphony of "allahu akbar." It comes off as glorifying something you don't really want to glorify, only because you internally felt the need to be descriptive. Rid yourself of that description is always good. If it's something you'd want to be over-with as quickly as possible, let your tone reflect that.

But somehow you have the right to decide who shouldn't write. Interesting.
Don't be so literal, I'm not forcing you to be happy, it's not even an advice, it's a formality.

>But somehow you have the right to decide who shouldn't write. Interesting.
It is somewhat interesting that you feel a need to put statements in my mouth.


What? You claim he should stay away from writing because he's going to waste his life if he tries to do it instead of doing something suppossedly useful.
Tell me how are you not creating rules here, defining things as negative yourself simply because of what you think, and marking other things as useful according to your opinion.
You try to dismantle subjective matters with your own opinions, putting them on a pedestal.
Suddenly, someone can't become good at something because you say so, and suddenly, trying something is a waste of time because you say so. Just tell me, how is all this bitterness and pedantry something that I just made up when you've been making those claims.

>lies about me
>demands that I answer questions based on those lies
Kiss your mother for me.

They're not lies, all you've said is there. I also don't "demand" anything from you, talking with me is up to you anyway.
>Kiss your mother for me.
I see you have nothing else to say. Fine by me. You sure showed me...
I honestly don't feel like this is going anywhere, but I do want to say that your attitude is really unpleasant. No, I'm not forcing you to change it, I'm just telling you because I believe that it might help you (might, I said might) if you try to stop being so blatanly pedant when talking. Just some kind of advice for you, since I can assume (assume, I said assume) you're too full of yourself, and it's not something that people in general apprecciate when you show it too much. You probably don't care, I get it, but I still wanted to tell you that for whatever reason. I kind of forgot I was on Veeky Forums.

God youre such a newpal, no one cares about your feelings

I know. I do admit I'm acting like a complete retard. Like I said, I kind of forgot I was on Veeky Forums.

>you've said
Except I haven't. Advice: learn how to read before you write.