"The best thing about the first bar-s hot dog of the day is how hype it gets you for the second one"

"The best thing about the first bar-s hot dog of the day is how hype it gets you for the second one"

- Mark Twain
- 1913
- Said while observing the battlefield of little maymay in New Orleans

Hebrew National, or fuck off.

I'll never eat anthing under a dollar. How can they even sell this slime?

Because people that aren't you buy it?

Because food is absurdly cheap to produce. Whatever you're paying, you're paying too much.

In my area they usually sell them for a dollar. OP is from around 4th of July or Memorial Day when they sell them for super cheap as a loss leader.

i don't know what hot dogs are

Yeah, I was about to ask. They're usually 88 cents at my local wal-mart.

Do people working at stores get pissed off when you show up and ONLY buy loss lead items and nothing else?

Not the person you asked, but the answer is no. Its meant to attract customers and reward cheapskate customers. Gets people in the door. The stores expect to lose money on that stuff. As for people who only buy that sort of thing, you cant put a store out of business doing it. It's like a casino in vegas that gives free alcohol to gamblers. they always come out ahead.

Just asking because I read an article about someone who bought a whole case of some loss lead item like toothpaste, to donate to the homeless, and the manager came out and lectured her that she was screwing him over.

weird. that seems like an outlying situation. definitely not normal at a place like walmart. what a fucking cunt, also.

summoning "how hot dogs are made" webms/gifs

This. A lot of people who come in for the hot dogs will also buy some buns and condiments to go with them. And then they go while we're here, we might as well get milk and bread and also little Timmy needs some new socks and so on until the store more than recovers any loss they took on the hot dogs. Very few people are going to grab a bunch of wieners and nothing else and the rest make up for those.

Also, the easy answer is just to have a limit on loss leaders. It actually makes the item look more appealing to the average customer, like it's short in stock, so they'd better grab more than one and keeps one person from screwing you and buying the whole lot.

stop shilling this you fucking faggot

>he settles for just one kind of meat in his hot dog, and pays more for it

I remember the old hot dog manufacturing plants, they had specific devices that would inject the dogs a filling agent into the dogs. I'll attach an image when im back form-work, pretty interesting. I believe its similar to what they use to inject salt-petre into hams to main-tain the pink colouring.


There's nothing actually wrong with eating cheap sausages (health wise) is there? They taste just as good as butcher ones

I have read that same thing you are quoting, I am almost sure as time has gone by and I know managers of stores and worked at many stores as well that that particular story about the store manager of a Walmart lecturing any customer to be absolute pile of shit on a plate with a bow on top to make it look real because we all want it to be. Manager doesn’t give a shit I’d you come in and ask to buy a pallet of the wieners of 25 cents they will acomoda-te you and will even forklift it to your truck, I’ve seen it with a different item on sale, and the guy bought four pallets of pepsi 12pks they were on sale for two buckaroos, brought a box truck in. Store managers care about sales numbers, If someone buys them all then that’s a sale and a sale is a sale.

Like someone mentioned, food is absurdly cheap to produce specially in the USA, but people are more than willing to overpay for food so when a deal like wieners at or below cost shows up people get suspicious. Also another explanation of wieners at 25 cents is, those may be magical wieners, let me explain. Say you want to bribe the store manager or district manager or someone in the store chain with some sort of power, you just send in a pallet or two or more of the wrong stuff. That happened at my local store with some meat company, they sold bacon at a buck fiddy, customers love it, store keeps money, manufacturer gets more shelf space or better treatment, everyone wins.

>oh shit I’m sorry
>sorry for what, Sam Walton taught us not to be ashamed of our wieners
>yeah I see that, he gave you good advice
>store makes more money if I don’t pay for them wieners
>Sam told us we could get more shelf space if we gave you free wieners
>will you show me
>I’d be right happy to

All beef franks or nothing. And fuck the kike shit

I'm pretty sure the presence of this item in malls and Chinese people never having funerals are closely related


They sell them so cheap because they are getting their money on the fact most people are
>going to go buy 1-2 dollar buns which cost maybe 20c to make tops
>get ketchup or mustard or something for another 3-4 bucks for all that
>maybe some drinks

It's a product they sell at a loss because the rest of the shit people buy to have them more than makes up for any loss on those dogs. They are making money easy, just not directly on that product.

>"Gee, I was all set to eat this filet mignon, but it's just so dull. I know! I'll inject it with this puree of chicken ass and slather it in mechanically separated pig bits, that will really liven it up!"

the pink salt shit used in sausages (both factory and butcher-made) causes intestinal cancer

>i don't eat vegetables because they contain nitrates

Lol, so you eat rocks? Enjoy your bowel blockage.

Why is it that every time without fail, no matter how thoroughly cooked it is, I ALWAYS get a stomach ache/stomach discomfort after eating a hot dog? Doesn't matter what brand or how expensive, they make my stomach cry.

>tfw no bar s outlet in my local mall

that sort of thing is why grocery lists are important, and why one should never shop on an empty stomach. if you're hungry and/or lack a list, the temptation to impulse buy is much greater

These two comments have been posted in the past week, word for word.

Gas yourself.

its called "rich man gut" you cant handle the food of the peasant

i'm coming to the belief that most of Veeky Forums is bots reposting things
no jokes, there's a lot of word for word reposts that aren't just old pastas

people copy paste their responses, its called a "canned reply"

I wish people didn't do it. Ar they really that simple minded? Hungry for (You)s?


they probably just spend alot of time here and see similar questions and thoughts so often they decided to copy paste replys for efficiency

but why? and do they just keep a folder of txt files with appropriate names and do they only reply to the same threads with the same reply ? what the fuck? if that's not a bot it's the closest thing to a bot that there is without actually being just a computer and in reality they might as well be....

The webm threads are always full of the same videos and the exact same replies. They aren't even funny, it's odd. Normies and brainlets leave reeeeeeeee

oh and i'm old aand i feel like i just might have been schooled a little bit

Bar-S is borderline inedible. It is what you give to prisoners of war.

If I wanted to "gas" myself I'd eat one of your pathetic Bar-S(hit) dogs.
Those tubes of gelatinous ass leave one feeling bloated, queasy, and ashamed.
My Nationals, on the other hand, give me a warm, contented tummy and the piece of mind that comes from having eaten something I know to be kosher.

A few months ago on /tv/ there was a thread about stuff on tv that made you want to fap.
It was the same thread several days in a row. Exact same pictures, same comments, same order. Like 80 percent was the exact same shit every day, the other 20% was anons replying with OC or having deja vu