The UK political correctness mob.Britain perfectedthe scholar with “f*** you money”, but today’s typical U.K...

>The UK political correctness mob.Britain perfectedthe scholar with “f*** you money”, but today’s typical U.K. academic is a wuss, with a renewable 5 year contract, and, like the middle class, in a state of insecurity and constant fear of being caught breaking rules. They are very vulnerable to the slightest accusation (recall the Tim Hunt affair where a Nobel winner was summarily fired because of a confusing joke, with no chance of explaining what he meant). So there is a set system to terrorize people who divert via public flogging or even burning at the stake:

> God Bless America.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is the type of shit lit would normally deride but now you'll pretend you're not a load of numale fucked fags.

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not even once

He is not wrong
But he has become an ideologue

>tfw you're middle eastern and can get away with writing articles like this

The fact that this entire debate got centered around the prevalence of certain phenotypes in ancient Rome is retarded. Rome was diverse. The problem is that the series presented every historical European civilization as being racially mixed

I'm more angry by how shitty the art is


This. Rome bolstered its population through naturalization of slaves and indentured servants and was widely known for such. There was a freedman who acted as a go-between for the Emperor and callers during the reign of Marcus Aurelius.

Fucking medieval Europe though? Hell no

You know what, no.

It does not make you an ideologue to angrily insist on truthful depictions of history, simply because you're arguing AGAINST ideologues who rush to defend a video where 20-25% of Roman Britons are black.

Being against revisionism in no way shape or form implies an ideological stance.

No, Roman Briton wasn't THAT diverse, and they depicted more black people than Mediterraneans. They depicted, perportionately, 10x as many black people that exist in modern Britain. It's a skewed depiction of history, and given the rest of the series, it is clear the skewing was done purposefully.

What you describe was also a problem, but lets not pretend the original video was not also bullshit.

If there is something that alarms me about the series it's the depiction of Rome just being the nobility.

No, Roman Briton did not have a fucking 20-25% black population and you're a goddamned retard. The entire empire didn't have that many goddamned black people in it, never mind as a perportion of citizens, and never mind them migrating to fucking Britain.

Why are people acting like this middle ground bullshit "Well, Britain getting BLACKED was totally historically accurate but I have some concerns about the rest of the series" is somehow reasonable.

>No, Roman Briton did not have a fucking 20-25% black population
I didn't say it did. I didn't say anything about blacks either you retard. Rome was WELL KNOWN even during the classical period for having a widely diverse population which experienced most of its growth from naturalization of slaves and non-citizens.
Get your head out your ass.

yeah but roman slaves where usually from europe or west asia, they weren't subsaharan africans

There were some subsharan Africans, and mediterranean Africans as well. Even though Rome didn't venture too far into Africa, it had cross-contact with other groups that did. I imagine ethnic Ethiopians would have accounted for whatever amount of subsaharan Africans DID live within the bounds of the Roman empire.

That said, that artwork is still horrifically misrepresentative.

>Rome was WELL KNOWN even during the classical period for having a widely diverse population which experienced most of its growth from naturalization of slaves and non-citizens.

roman slavery was not race based, most slaves were physically indistinguishable from romans. Yours is a fundamentally ahistorical political stance. ie. Rome was 'widely diverse', hence the modern ideology of diversity is good. nevermind the roman idea of citizenship has nothing to do with the modern one. Wonder what happened when romans just started letting unassimilated barbarians settle within their borders?

>hence the modern ideology of diversity is good
I never said anything of the sort. Stop strawmanning and trying to conflate basic acknowledgment of historical phenomena with modern politics you giant hypocrite.

>widely diverse population
Legitimate question: Is this actually true? because everything I've so far read among the classics indicate that most slaves were Roman and acted nearly identical to non-slave commoners.

Taleb said absolutely, positively, nothing wrong. History falling into the hands of leftists is just as bad as it falling into the hands of whitewashing nationalists.

we all know rome and anglo saxon england weren't 25% subsaharan. Sure one or two ethiopian merchants might have gotten lost in roman britain, but 25%? we all know this has nothing to do with 'the basic acknowledgement of historical phenomena', but with the manipulation of history for political ends.

well yeah there were probably a couple black guys in rome, but it's not like there was a black section or some shit

Slavery in Rome was not along ethnic lines, and there's not much distinction between slavery and employed non-citizens and indentured servants.
The Romans were well known for naturalizing large numbers of people from outlying areas they had conquered through military victory, and its important to remember that large swathes of the Roman population were completely unrepresented by the scholars, biographers and etc. of their time.

So while Rome was very genetically diverse, its debatable to what degree the outlying peoples were considered truly "Roman". It is extremely unlikely that a situation like what's shown in that BBC animation would happen, ethnic groups within Rome probably self-segregated among the extreme poverty of most urban areas, or else stayed separated by the sheer mass of Roman territory.
Specifically, I can't say how common subsaharan Africans would have been in Rome, but peoples from Mediterranean Africa, the middle east, and Europe were generally accepted into the population either as slaves or as migrants, and cross-contact with foreign Empires is also a factor.

It's important not to conflate "diverse" with "sporting modern progressive values" which the Romans certainly did not.

Slaves were typically white, Romans didn't make slaves based off race just conquered people. So Germans, Celts, Gauls, Anatolians typically. Rome was probably like 85% white. I say that because most of the Roman Empire was Europe, and the non-white elements were North Africa (only partially, it was whiter back then) and the Middle East.
Aye, I detest the Marxist view of history that has become so prevalent in academia amongst the people mentioned in OP. Marxist analysis especially, but also any re-writing. It is sad that these, as some call them "Nu-males" are our "intellectuals". I know intellectuals aren't usually buff guys lifting weights (unless you're Socrates) it's more about spirit, not physicality.

(I'm going to be a history major next year in New England. Help)

And I'm sure that's the case, and I reject that agenda. I was never defending this ridiculous 25% figure or any of the other political ideology around it.

There was certainly not a large enough congregation to warrant any recording of the fact, no

the thing is tho at the time of rome's peak the german tribes were just as barbarous as any black group in africa, so it's not like the romans were uptight about letting illiterate dudes into the scene, but there are really no roman settlements in subsaharan africa, are there any at all? who converted the ethopians? romans? or did they get christianity by way of egyptian copts or what?

I assume pre-Antioch missionaries fleeing Roman purview headed into the more established areas of Northern Africa and spread out from there, but I don't have any viable sources on that.

It's also important to remember that Egypt during much of the Classical age was just a Greek offshoot. Ptolemaic Egypt probably didn't have more than a 25% subsaharan population, if even that.

very few people in northern europe even saw niggers at all let alone live with them. this is pretty blatant propaganda and it's sad that this needs to be said.

How the fuck did these people rule the world at one point?

Why did Shakespeare write a whole play about a nigger then?
>inb4 cultural marxism

ITT: Plebs regurgitate what their pleb dyke professors told them almost word for word

Yes, sure thing! Rome was completely DIVERSE, bro! It was like full of Mexicans and African Americans wearing Nike Air Tutankhamen's n' shiiiet. They wuz Romans.

That being said, have this song, free of charge:



Niggers isn't a synonym of black people.

Wanna see my pink nipples?

Does that line ever work?

>I didn't say it did. I didn't say anything about blacks either you retard. Rome was WELL KNOWN even during the classical period for having a widely diverse population

You people are psychos.

Imagine changing Chinese history like this, its fucking perverse.

They probably all looked Italian, though. And some Italians look pretty much white.

It's almost as if a certain ethnic group wasn't really present in China to push this shit.

north of rome is white, south of rome is inbred mafia niggers

Nah, bro! They wuz Africans and shit! Dey wuzza been building pyramids n shit but da white mofuggas done goofed and invented philosophy, science, reason and the basis for all of western civilisation.

Shieeeeeeeet dum crackas

FWIR it's mainly Sicily that has 10% or so semitic admixture which accounts for their increased aggression, while the mainland has little or none, and northern Italy is essentially just Germanic peoples like the Lombards.


Nigger lips nigger nose

>Conversely, the foreign population of Rome was very small. Scientific evidence has shown that non-locals were in the minority, and most came from other parts of Italy or nearby provinces in Southern/Central Europe. Biochemical analysis of 166 skeletons from three non-elite imperial-era cemeteries in the vicinity of Rome revealed that only 1 individual definitely came from outside of Europe (North Africa), and another 2 possibly did, but results are inconclusive.[30][31] Other than that, there was no apparent net inter-regional migration in the imperial period, except perhaps a small continuous resettlement of Easterners in the West

over a thousand years later...

The Chinese call them the baizuo. Pretty interesting to hear how "alt-right" China is lol.

Are you talking about Othello?

The bond market is threatening to collapse the economy, Chinese and Japanese balance sheets are the LNG tankers of the financial world, and asset markets in Canada and Australia are so leveraged up the ass you could go colon spelunking in them. and yet we have idpol slapfest #five gjiillion on Veeky Forums dot org tonight

Don't you people get it THIS ISN'T IMPORTANT



As an American, we'll pull through because we have the Federal Reserve and the world's reserve currency, and all that shit is going to blow up before anyone else is able to sack up and change the dollar's status.

Everyone else is probably fucked, though. Well, maybe not the British, ironically enough for this thread.

gee, why did shakespeare write about a moor (not even a kang, more like an arabian mulatto) in venice, which is 1000 miles away from london?