How come Ayn Rand is always shit on for having zero subtlety and making her enemies look like poorly written strawmen...

How come Ayn Rand is always shit on for having zero subtlety and making her enemies look like poorly written strawmen yet Orwell is given a free pass?

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Because Orwell wrote literary fiction and Rand wrote """"philosophical fiction"""" accompanied by volumes of """"philosophy"""" so uninformed and ridiculous that she's been roasted by other philospohers in decades worth of footnotes and parantheticals

Because Ayn Rand is a Jewish woman and we live an antisemitic patriarchal society

It's pretty easy to agree with "fascism is bad." Very few people agree with Rand's ideology, and reading 1000 pages of an ideology you don't agree with is not something most people would enjoy doing.

Orwell had the right ideas.

Orwell wasn't writing about his "enemies", he was a socialist. And his characters aren't strawmen, at worse they are hyperbolic.

Someone fucking said it

Orwell work is less about "muh ideology" and more about "muh authority who rules over me can turn into absoluta shiet".
Even if you say that Orwell wrote Animal Farm and 1984 as critics to stalinism, it developed into something much bigfer than a simples criric, and more like a warning for how the use of technology, mas media, gov. control, and other things can destroy the most individual freedoms and sendo the man into a state of object, completely able to be discarted and replaced at anytime, by a authoritarian authority.
Is less 'bout " muh stalinismo" and more 'bout "muh individuals"
It also helps the fact that his book is way shorter.



he doesn't. the left have a lot of words on orwell the fraud. dolan's being my fav:

Orwell gets a free pass because Orwell is entertaining to read, end of story.

>Orwell is entertaining to read

Ayn Rand lived in America while Orwell lived in England.

American culture traditionally misinterprets and devours its own in fits of vehement criticism, while England, culturally and with government support, lauds its writers as the best fucking thing to be shat out onto the face of the Earth.

That was painful to read.
That person needs to read in a more Death of the author way.

No serious reader likes Orwell

Its rather easier to paint totalitarianism with a heavy hand, than say, government intervention in the economoy or the concept of social rights.

Additionally, it could be said that Orwell had a more nuanced experience leading up to his works, fighting in Spain with the socialists, then coming to see the realization of that ideology at the hands of the Soviets.

Rand, on the other hand, seems to lack such a dynamic background.

dolan might be a lot of things but a bad reader is not one of them.

He's completely missing the point of 1984, but given his critique of Orwell of being almost a church burner because of his experience in the spanish civil war, added to the comparison with I guess is an american public figure, you could argue that maybe he's just blinded by ideology.

She grew up in the Soviet Union.

Because Orwell is a better writer, and OP's criticism of him is wrong.

they defend very different things.

One is an intelligent writer critically exploring ideas, the other is a desperate Jewish woman painfully trying to convince you of her teenage fantasy.

Orwell has better and more relevant opinions even when he is equally hamfisted as Rand

basically this, Orwell was writing about 'his own'

Stop it with the 'muh', you actually have some good points, no need to speak retard

Orwell risked his life for his principles; (((Rand))) compromised her principles to save her life.

>(((Rand))) compromised her principles to save her life
what do you mean?

>orwell was a socialist

wow this is like just not even correct dude

>no need to speak retard
where do you think you are?

Orwell wrote satires and was exaggerating for satirical effect. Rand was wrote straight up philosophical manifestos in novel form.

Right?? If anything Orwell was antifa. 1984 is literally about the big orange monkey in the White House (peace be upon it) whether intended to be or not. It's a living social commentary and Donald Drumpf is the abstraction of everything patriarchal and oppressive about Big Brother

She had to use medicare.

She payed for it with taxes.

Pretty sure the party is competent. Pretty much the opposite of Trump.

>LOL Donald DERBALMPFTERIN is incompetent!

When your administration has leaks out of the fucking wazoo you are incompetent.

Wow it's almost as if he's not the one in power, I wonder who is?

rob schneider and gene simmons, I'm sure.

Look, I thought he was just a conman doing a show too since everything else would too simplistic, and sad. That all the retarded shit he says was just a way to get attention on him and away from things that matter, etc, etc basically that he's a piece of shit but at least intelligent.

Then I read the transcripts. He's obviously just an old man with ego issues and not doing a Brutus type of gig.

Then again, maybe he pretends to be an incompetent retard because he knew these would be leaked!


Uhh excuse me? He's playing 57D CHESS!! It's all part of the strategy!! Muh God-Emperor

Because people agree with Orwell so that makes it ok.

Don't you leftist americans want to kill yourselves every time you say trump is an idiot ? Who do you think voted him ? The tooth fairy ?

Because he didn't have to let me through 1200 pages of shitty writing to get to the gist of his ideas

ah right I forgot Veeky Forums was the place on Veeky Forums where all the retarded leftists congregate
why can't you just accept the logic of conservative thought and have fun with the rest of us lmao

Well this and Orwell was able to see his enemies in a form that they didn't exist in yet. Rand's work comes off as more dates because she wrote her opponents in the short term.