Why is normally-attractive food revolting when seen in extremely large portions?

Why is normally-attractive food revolting when seen in extremely large portions?

You mean American portions?

EDIT: Thanks for the downvotes fatties

>extremely large
That's a snack for me bro

black people

Because usually a third world street rodent like prepares it and gets the ratio of ingredients wrong.

cause it suggests you're supposed to share it

Mashed potatoes
t. Fast food

Because anything presented in disposable aluminum trays reeks of the stench of a potluck where the crap is made by 60 yo dried up husks of old flyover women who got their secret recipe from a 1970's issue of Good Housekeeping.

It's called autism. You have it


here's your (You)

saged for great justice

Same reason people in large groups packed into a small area is fucking gross.


it devalues the food and any sense of quality it might possibly have

Because it starts to look like a moldy trashcan. Humans evolved as scavenger animals and probably evolved to be wary of large piles of food because it usually meant the larger animals refused to eat it ie it was going foul .


it's not made to look good. that's why

Get it while the apocalypse hasn't started yet!

awfully descriptive there user
i don't know about you, but for me, personally, i enjoy my mac & cheese made by dusty office-cunts who brought it into the pot luck begrudgingly out of obligation rather than actual desire to cook a delicious feast for her coworkers, who she doesn't even see ad individuals, but rather, cogs in an uncaring corporate machine.

idk my mom brought home leftovers of this potato cheese and bacon stuff in a pan like that, was p delicious

fuck that mac. i want to see that lovely brisket to the right, dawg.

For me it looks gross because I associate it with food that's been sitting out for too long